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My Hacker Frame Concept - LEET


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I'm sure people have come up with hacker frames in the past, but this is entirely my own concept for a hacker frame, one that I have been refining for a long time, and I would love to hear your thoughts. 

So without further ado, here we go:


High Shield

High Energy

Average to low Health

Low Armor

High Sprint Speed

Suggested name: (Leet)

Passive (Finesse): 

Failing a hack does not set off the alarms, instead presents another puzzle, of one difficulty lower. Can only lower difficulty once per attempted hack or per attempted panel, you can still lower it further using the ability below. (Imagine like a buffed version of Failsafe). 

1st Ability (Hack): 

When used on a console from a distance, lowers the level/difficulty of the hacking puzzle, can increase the amount of levels lowered with power strength. (I'm sure hacker frame concepts having the ability to just straight hack a panel from a distance is a common suggestion, but I don't think it makes sense with how our parazon hacks, and more importantly I think game mechanic wise it's a bit much). 

When used on a Bursa that has been "downed" it will instantly start them fighting for your side (but you must properly target the panel from the right angle).  

When used on enemies, it has a small aoe for those jammed close to the targeted enemy, and does magnetic damage with a chance to proc magnetic. 

When used on a robotic enemy, it will temporarily jam their weapon, and then they will become irradiated for a duration. 

When used on a flesh enemy, their weapon will temporarily jam, and their accuracy will be decreased for a duration. 

2nd Ability (DDos):

Casting this ability causes all turrets/traps or anything of the sort in range to temporarily stop working and temporarily stuns robotic enemies for a shorter duration. Upon the end of the stun, they will be slowed for a duration. It also stops the enemies from using panels to alert allies or lock doors etc., but it does not remove any existing lockdowns or alerted states on its own. 

Holding the ability button costs extra energy, but adds the "security override" precept to this ability. However, the hold to cast version that adds this functionality would have a hard five minute cooldown, while you could still use the reduced energy tap to cast freely. 

3rd Ability (EMP):

This ability has a moderately high energy cost and would release a wave of magnetic energy around him with a high chance to proc. Electronics are only momentarily stunned, and then start working again, but with decreased accuracy. This accuracy decrease includes turrets, robotic enemies and enemy weapons. Electronics affected by EMP will emit sparks of electricity during the duration of the ability with a high chance to proc. 

Ability synergy: When EMP is used on robotic enemies or traps/turrets etc. affected by DDoS, they will, after a brief delay, start fighting for your side (for the remaining duration of DDoS that exists on them, not the duration of EMP). They will continue to have the electric procs sparking around them, which will damage their health as well. 

4th Ability (Surge): 

Leet uses all of his remaining energy and surges power through his body, restoring shields (into overshields) and amplifying Leet's ability damage with bonus electricity damage and movement speed. Leet also continually recharges shields while Surge is active. Leet also has an aura of electricity that surrounds him in a very small radius that procs on enemies that get in extreme melee range (to give him a little extra protection against infested and such). Damage to enemy health while in Surge is converted to shields for Leet and allies, which can spill into overshields. Cannot be recast while active. While Range/Duration/Strength mods would have an effect, the biggest multiplier for how strong you could get this ability would be how much energy you had built up and were willing to sacrifice to activate it at the time. 


Overall this frame is meant to be a lot of fun, and provide a unique, hacker style way of playing. While it is a bit Corpus heavy, some augments could easily help this work better against Grineer or infested, and some frames have been a bit more specialized as the game has gone on anyways (such as Hildyrn). 

What do you think? 






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