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Orokin Cells Too Rare


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Even if we assume he's an extreme outlier and got double normal drops due to his luck, that still leaves a rate of 8 cells per hour on average.


The most expensive item requires, what, 10 cells?  For a prime weapon that would require at least 3 keys, and that's if you're super duper lucky?  Are we really going act like 2 hours of farming is too much?  That's actually not very much as this game goes.

I've done many 30 minute survivals and only gotten 1-2 from each one (most times only 1). So no it's not 2 hours. Please screen shot you getting 4 cells a game. I dare you.
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Even without all of the talk of RNG, "testing" drop rates, and so forth, OCs are the MOST DIFFICULT rare to get. As far as I can see, there's no justification for the difference. Also - Yetilli seems to assume that others don't know how to get OCs. I do, and I will repeat myself: Over 600 hours in and I just barely have found enough OCs, after farming for them for ages on maps like Mimas and Ceres defense (before survival). Even if you assume the RNG gods HATE me, that's extreme.

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I've done many 30 minute survivals and only gotten 1-2 from each one (most times only 1). So no it's not 2 hours. Please screen shot you getting 4 cells a game. I dare you.


Challenge accepted.  Couldn't find the embed code, but here you go:



25 minute run on Keeler.  The run before that yielded 3.



Next run, 25 minutes on Cassini. 



Is that sufficient?




Unrelated note:  Keeler on saturn seems to be bugged.  Wasn't giving out survival rewards.

Edited by Phatose
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Challenge accepted.  Couldn't find the embed code, but here you go:



25 minute run on Keeler.  The run before that yielded 3.



Next run, 25 minutes on Cassini. 



Is that sufficient?




Unrelated note:  Keeler on saturn seems to be bugged.  Wasn't giving out survival rewards.

What map is this? Planet?

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With the current state of the game, optimally played Mimas will yield less then optimally played Cassini.


Right now, effective resource farming means having a Nekros along.  Mimas runs into trouble because it's infested.  Light infested corpses dissolve very quickly, limiting your chance to desecrate them, and they can't be split into 2, again driving down your net drops.  The Grineer are considerably tougher, but if you're using a flux rifle with no elements on a Nekros, they'll ultimate yield more drops since their corpses last longer and occasionally they produce 2 corpses instead of 1.

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With the current state of the game, optimally played Mimas will yield less then optimally played Cassini.


Right now, effective resource farming means having a Nekros along.  Mimas runs into trouble because it's infested.  Light infested corpses dissolve very quickly, limiting your chance to desecrate them, and they can't be split into 2, again driving down your net drops.  The Grineer are considerably tougher, but if you're using a flux rifle with no elements on a Nekros, they'll ultimate yield more drops since their corpses last longer and occasionally they produce 2 corpses instead of 1.

If farming effectively means bringing a specific frame then there is something very wrong here.
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If farming effectively means bringing a specific frame then there is something very wrong here.


I tend to agree in principle - which is to say that hopefully, in the future new frames will have abilities similar to Desecrate.  That said, for the time being I'd rather have one Frame that helps then no Frames.   And Warframe is currently loaded with situations where a singular frame is a large advantage - Frost and Vauban are the obvious standouts in that regard, though Rhino and Trinity both have their moments as well.


If I may make a suggestion though?  If you're doing 30 minute runs, that's part of the problem.  Enemy level doesn't much affect drop changes, if at all.  It does make them slower to kill.  Survival runs a pattern where enemy level starts to go up at 20 minutes.  If you're farming drops, and not 20/25/30 minute rewards, you're best off leaving at 20 minutes and starting a new run.  Staying longer simply puts you up against stronger enemies with the same drop chances, effectively slowing you down.

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I agree, Orokin cells should be available in higher numbers.  Possibly on another planet, but definitely in the Void.  I have around 200 control modules from the Void, and nowhere near enough Orokin Cells from Saturn.


If the amount of Control Modules that dropped was reduced and a % chance to drop Orokin Cells was added to the Void, I think things would be about perfect.

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I was having a lot of problems with Orokin Cells, but like people here say, I started playing Cassini and... well, now my OC situation is A-Okay.


I sympathize with those who are having difficulty getting enough Orokin cells, so... yeah, I agree, there should be one or two more planets/places where they drop. However, I'm learning (finally) that in this game, you really just need to know WHERE things drop the best. Once you know that, you start to farm there, and your resource problem disappears. I think the Codex that DE talked about in a recent primetime will help that a lot.


In the meantime, here's a short list:


If you need Orokin Cells:


1. Go to Cassini. Do 20-25 minute Survival. Get 1-3 Orokin Cells.

2. Go to Mimas/Keeler. Do 20-25 minute Survival. Get 0-2 OC.

3. Go to Tethys, kill Sargas Ruk. Get 0-1 OC.


If you need Neurodes:


1. Go to Xini/Cyath. Do 10-15 minute Defense or MD. Get 1-2 Neurodes.

2. Go to Orokin Derelict. Get 0-1 Neurodes.

3. Go to Everest, kill Vay Hek. Get 0-1 Neurodes.


Good luck and happy farming, Tenno.

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So after hours and days of farming in the Void I am forced to spend another 2-3 hours (if I'm lucky) to make the Prime items, then wait for another 24 hours to use them. Are you jerks kidding me? The most Orokin cell is drop in 1 quantity, while everything else is dropped in at least 2 in quantity. 

I agree with OP, make it so Orokin cells drop in 1-3 in quantity, I'm fine with how rare it is, but increase in quantity so I don't have to spend extra 1-2 hours please...

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IMO the droprate should be increased...

There would be 2 logical explanaitions for this....

The DEVs should estimate the amount time a player needs to clear the whole solar system... this should be divided by the amount of recources of all weapons combined (except the clan weapons and the mastery rank 4+ weapons)... Thats the amount of recources that should drop per mission.

Ofc we would have to farm for recources to gather the clan tech weapons etc but an avarage player just plays ~5h per week. Therefore for a normal casual gamer the amount of time to get a new frame and weapon would take literally weeks to obtain... thats definetly too much affort...


On the otherhand there would be the option to increase the quantity of drops to 2-3 dropped and decrease the dropchance a bit...


I remember the time where cm had the same dropchance like oc now... horrible... same boss runs over and over again...

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Saturn is the best planet for Orokin Cells.

Apart from the missions where you can randomly get Cells from containers or enemies, there is also Sargas Ruk and the survival missions.

A 30 min run on Mimas yesterday, got me 6 Cells. Yes, you won't always get 6, but even half is ok I think.

In case survival sounds difficult or time consuming, Ruk is your friend.

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Just that there never were weapons or other craftable items demanding 10 CM at once. So with OC it's even worse.

yep... I'm playing wareframe around 10h+/week and sometimes i have to use my 10h of gameplay just to get the recources for 1 weaopon/frame...

BTW: I have to mention that i dont like to rush and play solo... And I'm leveling my last 2 frames and all the weapons that i've crafted in the past.

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