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Master Chief Vs. Warframe


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Halo 4 used real weapon soundFX(Slap me for referring to such a screwup, but still. Real guns)

And yes a .50 sniper has been fired by me. Makes me happy for not standing infront of it. The .50 cal is like a bombshell going off infront fo you.


Someone did mention that Halo 4 Arsenal are somewhat related to classic World War Weapons.  In your opinion, which game has better deals?

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Someone did mention that Halo 4 Arsenal are somewhat related to classic World War Weapons.  In your opinion, which game has better deals?

Warfame being a game in development is a plus. But halo 4 being a lot better. Keep in mind that the crew behind the games are a lot bigger on one side than the other.(Which is 343 Industries)


I still lean towards the Halo series unless the upcoming Warframe content is "mind-blowing"

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If the Codex fails. 

Warframe is no better than Counter-Strike. 


You're playing this game for the wrong reasons

Let me elaborate:

This game's strength lies in the gameplay and concept,not in the story

If you want plot,go play a Single player game,not an MMO,examples:Papers please or Stanley parable, Half life,Fire emblem(if you own a nintendo console),Proffessor Layton,The ace attorney series,The walking dead,Wolf among us,Spec ops the line etc.


While things are getting pretty interesting now with the events resembling an actual story,I'm not much in the "I want a stry moed nao" group,I'm enjoying what I have and what it provides


Long story short:

Came for the Space Ninjas,stayed for the gameplay...and space ninjas.


Also ,no disrespect to CS players,they're completely different games.

One's an Action MMO PvE and the other's a Server based MMOFPS PvP(Same with Halo,just replace the "MMO" and "server" with "FPS with a good online multiplayer and Plot",though YMMV with the quality of the plot :P)

Edited by Kefaljohn
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Thought I'd throw my two cents in here, since I enjoyed reading all of the posts. I feel like a lot of the Halo/Chief supporters aren't even reading what's being posted against their arguments. If you know the Xbox community though, (I have one too) it's not a surprise.


Some of the measurements in speed are being used to support the Chief. He basically runs twice as fast as a Tenno in a DEAD SPRINT. This means both arms swinging with no weapon being fired at the same time. The Tenno run at half his speed, but they can still shoot. This pretty much means speed-wise they're practically equal when both are running&gunning. The Tenno do have more maneuverbility, and we all seem to accept that.


Strength has been discussed, but is still being ignored on the Halo side. Any one of the Tenno is as strong as Chief, if not stronger.


Now here's my contribution. When a hull is breached, and things are getting sucked out into space, Chief is barely hanging on for dear life.

Then, there's the Tenno. When I shank a window in the game (idk how windows in space work, but I guess they should be strong themselves), I stagger a little, and then shields start dropping. (might be a minute or so later before health starts to take a hit) After that initial stagger,.....nothing, not even a budge.

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Agreed, Halo supporters here ignore many points presented.


okay so fine, MC or other Spartan can overcome/destroy covenant forces based on games and books using most the stuff they have.


Now Compare the Grineer  with The Covenant, they're a highly militarized/augmented race of buffed human clones that has armors that makes them the faction with the most resistance to Bullet damage. This coupled with several elemental resistances and heavy weapons with their Medium and Heavy units becoming absolute bullet sponges at higher levels much more for the Grineer bosses that makes them t the most durable faction in Warframe . 


Making them Spartans a bit stronger and faster than the Grineers.


now on to the point, while we compare MC and the Spartans on thier game, Most Tenno can solo every boss in the game in the lategame fully modded even if its a Giant quadrapedal robot or the Laphantis.


okay so a Spartan was trained from childhood to be soldiers to be eligeble for the project, Now the Tenno they the are descendants of an ancient and mystical civilization of lost warriors from the Orokin era on Earth. Preserved in cryopods for centuries, While the memories of the Tenno have faded over time, their mastery of guns, blades, and Warframe exo-armor has not implying that every Tenno are very skilled in every styles of combat from the beginning even without their memories.


Note that most Tenno reported dead are from recovered cropods by the Grineer and Corpus.


Not to mention that most weapons they use can pierce armors, stagger, slice, send flying, pinning, freeze, electrocute, burn enemies outright.


a short boss fight with 4 poster Tennos.

  Edited by KuzkinaMat
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Ok guys how about this, Master Chief will never be in a situation in which he has to fight the Tenno and here's why:


Number 1: MC and Tenno are from two different games with little to no chance of there ever being a crossover.


Number 2: Warframe takes place around 10,000 years from now while Halo is like 100.


Number third: They're both video game characters! It doesn't depend on Chief or the Tenno's skills, it depends on the player!

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Ack, forum ate my post, now I'm having to type up the whole thing again! >_<

-Low Level Cyborgs yes. But Mag's SS is unable to fully crush Captain Vor neither all other Bosses. (Let's put it in a way that MC belongs to another category since he's from another Universe) And on the fact that the Target returns to its previous State upon recovering.

In cutscenes, Mag's crush works just fine on Lech Kril, who is immune to it in the game. Cutscenes>gameplay. (unless word of god states otherwise) Also, Crush works as a one-hit kill on just about any reasonably-leveled enemy. (lvl 30 or so) It's just in the higher levels that it fails to do the job in one try, and I think we can all agree that the infinitely and exponentially scaling health and armor of enemies is simply game mechanics and not something that applies to the Warframe universe outside of gameplay.

Mag's SS Crush Facts:

(a) Mag also takes 2.7 seconds on this skill.

(b) Wiki States that Mag targets the bones of her enemies, and damaged is reduced depending on the Target's Armor.

Magnetizes the bones of enemies within 8 / 10 / 13 / 18 meters, collapsing their skeletons into their bodies to cause 1000 damage. Affected by armor.

Masterchief wears a Titanium Alloy Outer Shell and a Titanium Nanocomposite Bodysuit. His Armor weighs half a Ton, rougly 1k lbs when in use.

The Carbide Ceramic Ossification granted a Spartan's Skeletal System virtually unbreakable though risks states that Growth Spurts causes irreparable bone pulverization.

This states, that Mag's 2.7 second SS only puts MC into Stasis.

Grineer in armor weigh twice as much as Master Chief in armor, and are covered in literal slabs of Carbon Steel alloy plate. Many of them have had their limbs replaced entirely with mechanical ones, instead of just having metal bones like Chief does. While it's not mentioned, it's logical to assume that their skeleton has been augmented in some manner to allow them to support the nearly 1 ton of armor they wear without buckling under the weight. Mag's skills are more than enough to snap them like twigs.

-Let's say Saryn's Molt does mirror her post-cast image and position whether its suspended in Air or on the Ground.

Saryn's Molt is pretty similar to a Spartan's Decoy:


Both would not end up being fooled by their own skills.

As I said before, it's a common cliche in games to have that sort of thing be blatantly obvious to the player's side to prevent confusion, and yet be perfectly effective against enemies. The holo decoy the UNSC uses is effective in the field against intelligent combatants, and Saryn's decoy can fool brilliant scientists and top-of-the-line combat robots that are actively analyzing their opponents and scanning for weaknesses. Again as I stated earlier, it could be using a psionic compulsion to make things attack it, (it literally forces all enemies to target it above anything else in the area, and would fit in well with the psychic nature of some of the other frame skills) or it could be much more realistic from the enemy point of view. (supported by the fact that it has both shields and health, just like the real Saryn)

-Didact Ur's did affect synthetic material-cloth or godknowswhat those scientists are wearing and the Entire City of New Phoenix on Earth but did ignored MC. S#&$ you're right. It did Ignore Master Chief because he transcended from being a Human to Promethean but with altered DNA in his Gene Song preventing its crossing to the Digital World.

-Saryn's Miasma penetrates through Health, ignores Armor . However,

A Spartan's Armor has a Automatic Biofoam Injectors:

Biofoam injectors is an integral part of the systems ability to keep a SPARTAN-II functioning in battle. Biofoam is a medical gel that is used to fill and seal any open wound automatically, it is also used to treat any infection that could occur as a result of the wound. The process of injecting, or applying the gel to a wound,however it is extremely painful and is only a temporary solution; medical attention must be sought soon after to ensure survivability.

Masterchief will survive Saryn's Miasma on her first Cast and will probably die if she overlaps it with another. But since they are conforming in a Duel where Masterchief does not drop an Energy Orb, Saryn will rely on Energy Siphon (If she's slotted) for a second chance giving MasterChief enough time to calculate the impending radius, power and casting animation of Saryn's Miasma.

Just because water puts out fire doesn't mean that a bucket is all it takes to put out a forest fire. Biofoam does not turn you into freaking Wolverine, all it does is seal wounds to prevent blood loss, keep damaged organs in place, keep out infection, and promote cell regeneration. It isn't the sort of thing that can protect you and your armor from being reduced to a rapidly-evaporating puddle of goo in a matter of moments by some sort of nanotech/magic poison. Grineer, who are twice as heavy and massive as Chief, are melted in moments, as are large full metal robots with energy shields. (this can't be stated enough)

-The Grineer and Corpus are akin to our Airsoft Team back in High School. Obvious yet seemingly coordinated to the opposing faction but ineffective due to...Hell, we dont know. It maybe because we're not in a game. Real Life Actions are tough as hell.

-The Grineer and Corpus Home stations are still yet to be found. The Tenno's are raiding Salvage and Military Ships. This Fact is provided by the Ship's loads. No Civilians. Everyone in the Ship are Military Personnel.

The Grineer conquered virtually the entire solar system. They are genetically and cybernetically augmented humans literally bred for war. It's their entire goal and purpose in life, and by all accounts, they're quite good at it.

By home turf, I didn't mean that the ships were literally their home, but that virtually every fight takes place in their own territory, on their own ships. They aren't being sent out to die by the thousands in suicide missions as you implied. The Tenno are taking the fight to them and choosing the terms of engagement.

-In Comparison to Grineer's Military Strategy to Covenants, the Grineers are dumb as Covenant Unggoys or Grunts.
In Warframe Trailers, if you are to evaluate every Actions of the opposing Faction, you can conclude that they dont FREAKING SHOOT!
They just stood their ground and watch the Tennos pose for a picture while their comrades die, they would rush to melee instead of Shooting them from afar and Ltl. Kril and Captain Vor does not Die in mere seconds on Missions.

It does take few minutes on killing level 46 Captain Vor before he was toned down.

Pot, meet kettle. Let me demonstrate for you the 'superior' tactics demonstrated by Spartans and Elites:

The Arbiter uncloaks himself for no reason and just sits there for a few seconds with his back turned to the three spartans and Forge, staring at the guy in front of him like an idiot. Why didn't he just stab the guy while invisible?

The three Spartans then slowly and dramatically pose for a few seconds while a bunch of Elites uncloak and charge at them from a distance down a long narrow chokepoint with zero cover. Perfect place to fire from and pick them off, right? Two of the Spartans draw their guns, (slowly) and then rush right into melee without firing a shot.


Once they get within a couple inches of the Elites they fire briefly, then forgo their guns in favor of stealing the dead Elite's melee weapons and using those instead. (!) Meanwhile, the Spartan that hung back fires his shotgun once, then sits there doing nothing for a while. (although the camera cuts away, we hear no sound from his shotgun, which makes a very loud and distinctive booming noise compared to the sound effects used for the other two Spartan's guns) Doesn't seek cover, doesn't shoot the Elites, doesn't try to increase the distance between them, just sits there.


Finally an Elite gets right up in his face, and only then does he fire a second shot. When Forge fights the Arbiter just a few feet away, all sounds of gunfire stop for a good long while. Are they just standing around doing more nothing? Using melee weapons alone?

Yay tactics.

Are things any better on the Covenant side? Not really. All they do is CHARGE! at the Spartans with pointy sticks extended. Not a single one bothers to shoot the targets that are still a good distance away, not taking any cover, just standing there like idiots or rushing into melee. (at speeds far below the supposed speeds the novels give them I might add)


Their only purpose in the scene is to rush forward blindly and get impaled by their own stolen weapons, or get shot from five inches away.

And while this isn't really tactics-related, Forge, an ordinary human, was able to take down the Arbiter on his own. One of the highest-ranking Covenant military figures, and generally considered to be the equivalent of a Spartan-II in combat. A completely ordinary human with nothing but standard UNSC weaponry.


As for Vor and Kril dying in seconds, cutscenes>gameplay. Slash dash is enough to cut a 15 foot tall cyborg made almost entirely of armor and with heavy shields in half with a single use.

-The Unscripted Acrobatic Skills may aid the Tenno which shifts your attention-you lose your field of depth, half of your concentration are drawn on keeping your gyro animations. In Sports, once you are distracted, you lose a point. In a conflict, once you're distracted-you're either dead or down.

The Tenno are not the player. They have enough concentration to block bullets from multiple vectors, perform complex acrobatics, and slaughter hordes of massive cyborgs and still have enough concentration left over to keep track of their teammates at all times. (the moment Loki got into a tiny bit of trouble, he glances at Rhino several dozen meters away and Rhino stops what he's doing for a moment and turns to acknowledge Loki and prepares for attacking the moment he gets switch teleported into the mob. Now that's teamwork and coordination)


-We need a Nerd. Wikipedia only provides what the Media Needs. We need someone to hack Pentagon.


All you need is a simple equation, E=mc^2. (energy equals mass times the speed of light squared, where energy is in joules, mass in kilograms, and the speed of light in meters per second)

The speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s, so squaring it equals 89,875,517,873,681,764. Now multiply that number by the mass of the object in question. Let's use 1 kilogram for simplicity's sake, leaving the number unchanged. This gives us roughly 89.8 petajoules.

The standardized definition for how much energy a ton of TNT releases is 4.184 gigajoules. Divide 89,875,517,873,681,764 by 4,184,000,000, and that gives you roughly 21,480,764.3 tons of TNT equivalent, or about 21.48 megatons. We need to double this figure since an equal amount of ordinary matter is also converted into energy alongside its antimatter counterpart, so that brings us to 42.96 megatons worth of explosive power for 1 kilogram of antimatter. (now, roughly half of the energy released by a M/AM reaction is going to be in the form of neutrinos, which pass harmlessly through matter, so in actuality the explosive yield would be lower despite the total amount of energy generated. Most sci-fi ignores this aspect entirely however)

You can also do this in reverse to see how much antimatter would be needed for a particular explosion. Let's take a 125mm smoothbore tank shell, which delivers 5.8 megajoules of energy to its target. Running it through the equation, 5,800,000 joules = 6.45337e-11 kilograms, or 645.337 nanograms. Halve that number since antimatter comprises only half of the reaction mass, which gives us 322.6685 nanograms of antimatter to equal the energy delivered by a tank round.



[edit:] Or if you don't feel like doing the numbers manually, there are calculators out there to easily convert from mass to energy, or vice versa.


Just remember that when finding the energy released by a certain amount of antimatter to double the mass you input, since an equal amount of matter will be converted to energy as well. Conversely, when trying to find out how much antimatter would be needed to produce an explosion of a certain size, halve the amount of mass indicated by the calculator.This table is a handy reference guide to the energy yield of various explosions and weapons.

-I meant about Humanity's Achievements, not Halo's Origin or its conflict between Aliens. If AIs, 3D Printing, wireless techs, focused energy researches, bio-synthetic prosthetics are once fiction. Tearing Space are on our reach.

Okay, but just remember that they coexist in the same universe as several civilizations who have outright magic at their fingertips, sometimes disguised as technology, other times making no pretense.

-Silence dumbs perception and receptive field in Sentients and AIs. MasterChief who excels amongst all Spartan II Units are bred for combat, augmented with increase visual perception (Occipital Cappillary Reversal) and the 300% increase of in subject reflexes: Intelligence, memory and creativity (Superconducting Fibrication of Neural Dendrites)
Thus, MasterChief is no Ordinary Hostile, unknown to Tenno's experiences in Combat.

And in Response to your Excalibur's Superior Reflexes. A Spartan II's reaction time is estimated to be twenty miliseconds.
Before Excalibur poses for Slash Dash, its already being anticipated by Master Chief. He does not need to brace on the impending obvious influx.

Grineer have extensive neural links with their gear and have sensory enhancements. (Neurodes, which are used to control Grineer augments, and Neural Sensors, which are harvested from infested but bear Grineer writing and are therefore derived from some piece of tech within the Grineer that the infested corrupted) They get dulled by silence just fine, as do brilliant scientists, combat robots, inhuman nanotech monsters that have lived for thousands of years, and more. Nothing you listed indicates that it would have any bearing on the effectiveness of Silence.

As for super reflexes, there comes a point where superior reaction time only means you get a fraction of a second more to realize how screwed you are if you don't have the raw physical speed to match it. Even with max book speed for Chief, (which again, has never been demonstrated in any cutscene I've ever seen) it isn't fast enough to get out of the way of a Slash Dash's path, particularly since the Tenno can alter the direction he's traveling in to course-correct himself mid-slash. And furthermore, since Chief has never fought an Excaliber before, he has no way of knowing what that pose means until it's too late. (even more so than if he started running the instant Excalibur begins the animation)

-Titanium's Metling point is at 1,668 degrees Celsius. Ember needs to cast another World on Fire to devour Master Chief.
-Titanium has a low thermal Conductivity

With MasterChief's Superior Reaction Time with Cortana calculating every Information: Radii, duration and temperature of Ember's Abilities.
Ember is battling someone who knows all of her.

Carbon Steel melts at roughly the same point, and the Grineer wear twice as much of it than MC does titanium. and most have shields on top of that. We don't know what kind of heat-resistant features they may have, so bringing up Chief's as other posters have done is irrelevant, particularly since heat protection is kinda a standard thing for most sci-fi supersoldiers.

Calculating Radii, duration, and temperature is also mostly irrelevant, since a single casting is all it will take to fry him.


(for all the talk about surviving reentry, most of the heat was absorbed by the piece of forerunner hull, and in Halo 3 ordinary flamethrowers can be incredibly effective weapons when used against Spartans, able to kill them with ease. Incendiary grenades are also effective against Spartans)


-Titanium has low electrical conductivity. Therefore, the sensation of searing pain is much more like of a Tickle for a 46 Year Old Spartan whose been in combat since he was 6 years old.
Try strong enough to instantly stop his heart and char him to death in his suit, judging by what it does to the average Grineer and Corpus. Even if you were right and his armor can magically no-sell Volt's electricity, it'll still bring down his shields, one of his primary forms of protection and leave him even more hideously vulnerable to the Volt's weapons than he already is. (strong electrical fields are used all the time in Halo to disable shields)

-Ah, I suck at calculations. You won this field.

But according to the cutscene. When Didact Ur discovered living Sentients outside his HomeWorld. Requiem's Gravitational Pull exerted in such force that it pulled everything outside its Shielded Atmosphere in mere seconds, ripping every Ships in half and disrupting every signals.
Thus, if Requiem has less than of Earth's Gravitational Pull. Multiplying it by tens will cancel out your stable orbital theory.

The Infinity wasn't dragged down due to gravity increasing, it was explicitly caused due to the slipspace rupture the Didact created. Hmm, wiki seems to have a few conflicting statements on what happened. One place it says the Didact took control of the ship and crashed it, another two places say that it, the covenant ships, and the Forward Unto Dawn's wreckage were dragged in due to a slipspace rupture, and another says a gravity well generator was to blame. (with the trivia section of the gravity well generator page stating that it acts like the death star's tractor beam from Star Wars) Haven't played Halo 4 so I can't say which, if any, of these explanations are the right one and what the circumstances surrounding it were.

-Kogake emits Forcefield Damage. It is the Kogake that makes enemies Fly, not the Tenno.
-Tennos needs Melee to channel their strength while there were no evidence on how capable they truly are. Spartans have shown their feats both equipped and bare.
-Physical Strength is determined by muscle fibers which is determined by muscle biopsy. Strength is also predicted based on muscle Mass/posture and formation.

The damage types are a hidden part of code that define certain behaviors, not an in-universe explanation for how things work. Forcefield damage was originally created for ragdolling players coming into contact with Corpus laser doors, and was later re-used to provide a desired special effect on enemies. Programmers re-use stuff a lot when they can, no use defining an entirely new class of interactions when one already exists that does the exact thing you want. They do physics impact damage for regular attacks, (knocks things away forcefully) forcefield damage on charged attacks, (ragdolls enemies) and IIRC physics impact for their ground finisher, which is the one that causes enemies to explode.

If you want a different example, the Furax are purely physics impact weapons and can toss Grineer a little ways, or punch one cleanly in half. No sharp ends to help with that, just a couple stubby projections and raw brute strength. The Bo, which is a thin metal rod, does physics impact damage and can fling a Grineer over a dozen meters away. Same with the Fragor.

We've only seen Tenno use weapons for melee since there is no option to equip nothing at all in a weapon slot. The closest you can get is just a pair of knuckle guards.

Physical strength can also be defined by suit amplification, or by augmenting muscle tissue with artificial musculature. To quote Peter Watts (author of Crysis Legion and technical advisor for Crysis 2) about the Crysis Nanosuit:

At first glance, the N2 might strike you as the love child of Iron Man crossed with a T-800. In terms of real-world technology, though, the nanosuit is actually far more prescient than Tony Stark’s high-tech armor (even if it isn’t powered by an arc reactor); stronger than the pistons and hydraulics that power your average Terminator. It turns out that artificial muscle is the way to go: dielectric elastomers, ferroelectric polymers, materials that contract when you run a current through them and relax when you cut the juice. Soft power. In terms of strength per kilogram, they beat the crap out of combustion engines, hydraulics, and electric servomotors.

The most promising of these muscle analogs are built from carbon nanotubes; those babies can store elastic energies ten times as great as elastomers, 250 times as great as human muscle. Both your biceps could be replaced by a wire of the stuff only 8mm thick.

Think about that. An 8mm cord of artifical muscle with the lifting power of two human arms. Now look at all those corded bundles wrapped around the Nanosuit; the ability to kick a car across the boulevard doesn’t seem quite so implausible, does it?

Carbon nanotubes: they’re a weight-lifter’s wet dream.

We know the Tenno's bodies are modified with nanotech, though we don't know the extent. Even with real-world limits on strength, if even a tiny portion of their muscle mass was replaced with carbon nanotube equivalents, it would easily allow all of the crazy strength feats seen in-game and then some.

Edited by Senteth
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Ok guys how about this, Master Chief will never be in a situation in which he has to fight the Tenno and here's why:


Number 1: MC and Tenno are from two different games with little to no chance of there ever being a crossover.


Number 2: Warframe takes place around 10,000 years from now while Halo is like 100.


Number third: They're both video game characters! It doesn't depend on Chief or the Tenno's skills, it depends on the player!

#selfquotes #Ihatemyself #Ihatehashtags

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Agreed, Halo supporters here ignore many points presented.


okay so fine, MC or other Spartan can overcome/destroy covenant forces based on games and books using most the stuff they have.


Now Compare the Grineer  with The Covenant, they're a highly militarized/augmented race of buffed human clones that has armors that makes them the faction with the most resistance to Bullet damage. This coupled with several elemental resistances and heavy weapons with their Medium and Heavy units becoming absolute bullet sponges at higher levels much more for the Grineer bosses that makes them t the most durable faction in Warframe . 


Making them Spartans a bit stronger and faster than the Grineers.


now on to the point, while we compare MC and the Spartans on thier game, Most Tenno can solo every boss in the game in the lategame fully

modded even if its a Giant quadrapedal robot or the Laphantis.


okay so a Spartan was trained from childhood to be soldiers to be eligeble for the project, Now the Tenno they the are descendants of an ancient and mystical civilization of lost warriors from the Orokin era on Earth. Preserved in cryopods for centuries, While the memories of the Tenno have faded over time, their mastery of guns, blades, and Warframe exo-armor has not implying that every Tenno are very skilled in every styles of combat from the beginning even without their memories.


Note that most Tenno reported dead are from recovered cropods by the Grineer and Corpus.


Not to mention that most weapons they use can pierce armors, stagger, slice, send flying, pinning, freeze, electrocute, burn enemies outright.


a short boss fight with 4 poster Tennos.

Well most of the bosses have &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp; AI. Imagine a Rabid spartan all over you. Spartans can be equipped with impenetrable shields. A fist fight would be fatal for a tenno.

Spartan > Tenno for now.

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#selfquotes #Ihatemyself #Ihatehashtags


You seem to have missed the part where this is a 'what if' scenario. If someone asks, "what would happen if a Roman Legionnaire got in a fight with a Spanish Conquistador?" The two warriors never existed alongside each other and there's no possible way that they could have gotten into a fight, but you can still discuss the relative merits of their weapons, gear, and tactics, speculating who would be more likely to win.


In a more abstract vein, someone could ask, "what if the moon were to suddenly turn into a gigantic ball of water?" The scenario is self-evidently impossible, but rational discussion can still be held on what might happen in such a hypothetical situation.


In this thread, the opening poster asks what would happen if Master Chief fought against the Tenno. The fact that they are from two different and completely unconnected franchises is irrelevant to the discussion.




Well most of the bosses have &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp; AI. Imagine a Rabid spartan all over you. Spartans can be equipped with impenetrable shields. A fist fight would be fatal for a tenno.

Spartan > Tenno for now.

As opposed to the brilliant tactics and AI displayed by Halo bosses?


Any instance of impenetrable shielding (and even then, impenetrable only to the weapons normally used by the Covies and UNSC. They're not literally impenetrable, just much stronger than their ordinary shields) displayed by Spartans carries a significant combat downside, and only lasts for a very limited amount of time. Armor lock prevents you from moving. At all. Bubble shields are worthless against melee combat and allow enemies to enter or exit freely. (like a crappier version of Frost's Snowglobe) A single punch from a Tenno can cut an enemy as large as Master Chief and with twice the amount of armor in half. Spartans cannot do something like that with their fists.


Tenno > Spartan for now.


[edit 2:]


40+ foot long scythe wielded by equally massive nanotech monster > Spartan fists.


Tenno survive getting hit by Lephantis, often without even dropping their shields. Therefore, Tenno durability > Spartan melee capabilities.

Edited by Senteth
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You seem to have missed the part where this is a 'what if' scenario. If someone asks, "what would happen if a Roman Legionnaire got in a fight with a Spanish Conquistador?" The two warriors never existed alongside each other and there's no possible way that they could have gotten into a fight, but you can still discuss the relative merits of their weapons, gear, and tactics, speculating who would be more likely to win.


In a more abstract vein, someone could ask, "what if the moon were to suddenly turn into a gigantic ball of water?" The scenario is self-evidently impossible, but rational discussion can still be held on what might happen in such a hypothetical situation.


In this thread, the opening poster asks what would happen if Master Chief fought against the Tenno. The fact that they are from two different and completely unconnected franchises is irrelevant to the discussion.





Any instance of impenetrable shielding (and even then, impenetrable only to the weapons normally used by the Covies and UNSC. They're not literally impenetrable, just much stronger than their ordinary shields) displayed by Spartans carries a significant combat downside, and only lasts for a very limited amount of time. Armor lock prevents you from moving. At all. Bubble shields are worthless against melee combat and allow enemies to enter or exit freely. (like a crappier version of Frost's Snowglobe) A single punch from a Tenno can cut an enemy as large as Master Chief and with twice the amount of armor in half. Spartans cannot do something like that with their fists.


Tenno > Spartan for now.


[edit 2:]


40+ foot long scythe wielded by equally massive nanotech monster > Spartan fists.


Tenno survive getting hit by Lephantis, often without even dropping their shields. Therefore, Tenno durability > Spartan melee capabilities.


I think it's more accurate to assume that DE>Tenno & Masterchief. Since you want to base who vs who off game statistics.

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As said earlier, I try to debate using the highest canon available for each series, using lower canon to fill in the gaps when necessary. You don't see me arguing that Master Chief runs like an arthritic old man like he does with game mechanics, I go off of cutscenes, plot and books. (though I still maintain that the insane speeds quoted in the books for his running speed are a load of garbage. Not one cutscene I can remember ever had him running remotely near that fast, even when it would be warranted. Still, the cutscenes do show him moving a good deal faster than he does in gameplay) There are no strength feats for Tenno so far outside of gameplay, so that's the only source we have to gauge it by. And we see some pretty impressive things.

[edit:] Actually I take that back, there are one or two strength feats outside of gameplay. In the Open Beta trailer, Rhino swings a Scindo with enough force to crater the metal floor to a distance of 3-4 meters, and sends four tons of armored marine flying. (just like the jump attack any Tenno can do in-game, but with more visual carnage on the environment that isn't possible with the game engine)

In the same trailer, Loki kicks a 15-foot tall cyborg made almost entirely of metal, and does so hard enough to send it to its knees.

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Guys i got the solution.You can't know who would win.Master Chief had has and will have 3 aces:

1)plasma grenades:instant kill technology!

2)bubble shield :this S#&amp;&#036; can't break!

3)LUCK :Come oooooon everyone who has played halo 1-4 knows master chief is one hell of lucky bastard(even the game developers admitted it)meaning even if he would fight all 14 warframes simultaneously, i dont know something like a meteor would fall killing them all!!!

Do not underestimate spartans.But most of all...Do not underestimate him!!

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In the same trailer, Loki kicks a 15-foot tall cyborg made almost entirely of metal, and does so hard enough to send it to its knees.


Not all metals are heavy, especially in fiction where there could be some unknown element that is super strong (tough, hard, malleable) that is very light weight.

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Guys i got the solution.You can't know who would win.Master Chief had has and will have 3 aces:

1)plasma grenades:instant kill technology!

2)bubble shield :this S#&$ can't break!

3)LUCK :Come oooooon everyone who has played halo 1-4 knows master chief is one hell of lucky bastard(even the game developers admitted it)meaning even if he would fight all 14 warframes simultaneously, i dont know something like a meteor would fall killing them all!!!

Do not underestimate spartans.But most of all...Do not underestimate him!!


*Facepalm* Not even going to dignify this with a response.

Not all metals are heavy, especially in fiction where there could be some unknown element that is super strong (tough, hard, malleable) that is very light weight.

Except the Grineer like using Carbon Steel for their armor, which is heavy. They also like using Ferrite in manufacturing, which is a fancy way of saying pure iron.

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These are Warframe Forums. Dont falter out by an opposing game. Defend your Game.


I have no interest in 'defending' a game from a Halo fan who claims the other sides powers won't work, not because of any rational argument, but "because I don't understand it, so it cannot work".


Especially one who's scientific literacy is so abysmal that he claims antimatter is from a parallel universe.


In which case, I simply counter by pointing out that with MC's stupidly high weight (which you tout as something to be proud about) ratio compared to the size of his feet, he sinks past his head into any ground softer than reinforced concrete, and is promptly defeated by his stupid stats which were designed by people who had no sense of scale much less a grounding in actual physics.


Get yourself an education beyond kindergarten, then we'll talk.

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I have no interest in 'defending' a game from a Halo fan who claims the other sides powers won't work, not because of any rational argument, but "because I don't understand it, so it cannot work".


Especially one who's scientific literacy is so abysmal that he claims antimatter is from a parallel universe.


In which case, I simply counter by pointing out that with MC's stupidly high weight (which you tout as something to be proud about) ratio compared to the size of his feet, he sinks past his head into any ground softer than reinforced concrete, and is promptly defeated by his stupid stats which were designed by people who had no sense of scale much less a grounding in actual physics.


Get yourself an education beyond kindergarten, then we'll talk.


Havent you noticed that your irrational claims ricochets? For the Love of God, learn to read Posts. I already altered my statements. I had a rough day that time!


Senath and I have been arguing since the creation of this Thread. If you have nothing to concise about this argument, sit around the corner and cry. This Argument is supposed to be civil, a valid, friendly debate over two games.



We did not invite high school kids out here! 

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1)No, the armor is multi-layered, a needle won't be able to penetrate it.

^THIS GUY hasn't seen the Needler. Ever.


Unless he's talking about Tenno armor.


In which case, I feel like an &amp;#&#33;.


... Aaaand then remember he didn't SPECIFY which he was talking about, Tenno or Chief.

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Agreed, Halo supporters here ignore many points presented.


okay so fine, MC or other Spartan can overcome/destroy covenant forces based on games and books using most the stuff they have.


Now Compare the Grineer  with The Covenant, they're a highly militarized/augmented race of buffed human clones that has armors that makes them the faction with the most resistance to Bullet damage. This coupled with several elemental resistances and heavy weapons with their Medium and Heavy units becoming absolute bullet sponges at higher levels much more for the Grineer bosses that makes them t the most durable faction in Warframe . 


Making them Spartans a bit stronger and faster than the Grineers.


now on to the point, while we compare MC and the Spartans on thier game, Most Tenno can solo every boss in the game in the lategame fully modded even if its a Giant quadrapedal robot or the Laphantis.


okay so a Spartan was trained from childhood to be soldiers to be eligeble for the project, Now the Tenno they the are descendants of an ancient and mystical civilization of lost warriors from the Orokin era on Earth. Preserved in cryopods for centuries, While the memories of the Tenno have faded over time, their mastery of guns, blades, and Warframe exo-armor has not implying that every Tenno are very skilled in every styles of combat from the beginning even without their memories.


Note that most Tenno reported dead are from recovered cropods by the Grineer and Corpus.


Not to mention that most weapons they use can pierce armors, stagger, slice, send flying, pinning, freeze, electrocute, burn enemies outright.


a short boss fight with 4 poster Tennos.


We're not bringing back topics that has already been discussed over and over. Please read all previous Posts.


Severe Warning: Dont ever bring up a Fully Modded Tenno against Masterchief whose only using a common Spartan II MJOLNIR Armor. no upgrades since his first Mission when he was 14 years old.

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We're not bringing back topics that has already been discussed over and over. Please read all previous Posts.


Severe Warning: Dont ever bring up a Fully Modded Tenno against Masterchief whose only using a common Spartan II MJOLNIR Armor. no upgrades since his first Mission when he was 14 years old.


You're not the only one presenting points here, please read other peoples posts


Edit: You forgot/ignored to read the "and the other Spartans"part?,MC is only there as he's the center of most of the series and the subject of the thread versus the warframes.

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