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Necramech operator bug. Very game breaking.


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Few times now including teammates have been doing vaults and using mechs where when trying to transfer back we are unable to and remain stuck in operator. You cannot even transfer to warframe and even go down and revive yourself in your operator. When in this mode you cannot even extract or be extracted. It basically causes loss of mission progress and any items earned even when closing out of the game and reconnecting with squad. Chat nor options can even be accessed during this time and once I was even able to roam thru walls and floor.This has only happened after hotfix 5. Hopefully some bug testers may be hired in order to try these builds before new problems can be coded. Thank you

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I just had this bug while doing the hardest bounty(not steel path). I could still access chat windows, emotes, and extraction however. I got all the rewards for the bounty, but whatever resources I picked up were lost. My character was invisible for a few moments as I was loading back into the Necralisk. This happened on my second use of the Necramech in the mission. Another person that was using their mech was nothing more than a hovering pod and archgun.

Another side note is that the second time I summoned my mech it only had 1500 health compared to the 4000 it had in it's previous use when I left it to move to the next area.

Are Necramechs gonna be the new K-Drives in that they will constantly cause issues when used?

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That’s the bug I’m talking about. Not fun. I find many bugs in game but I don’t feel it’s my job to report them all but something like this really hurts the experience and needed to be posted ASAP. Hopefully they hire bug testers to play the game before releases of hot fixes someday. 

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oh you guys are from PS4, I believe it is already fixed on PC but man I felt you guys' pain. I was doing this ISO vault once and the requiem pillar in one of the vaults was kinda...."bugged out" in a good way, it doesn't stop working everytime it resets and enemies would just keep spawning next to it. The only way we could get loot from those is from using Necramech and frankly I was the only one who had one at the time in my squad. we probably did it for nearly half an hour or probably less but it was a long...got SO MUCH LOOT (like probably hundreds of necrathene and sportulate spores, thousands of namalon and other resources, etc...)

Then I couldn't get out of my mech, I had to get it destroyed, but I'm stuck in my operator form. Then  I got transported back to the gate by timer  but then, mission failed, I lost every little loot I got from that mission xD. 

Hope it'll be fixed for you guys soon, at the mean time don't stick around in necramech too long haha.

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Yes I had that bug but this is new after we had hotfix. You cannot do anything with your operator including go back in the mech. It is a weird sight to see your operator on the ground needing a revive and then reviving yourself in your Tenno. To make things worse u cannot extract and you have no choice but to fail the mission losing all loot and xp. I have spoken to 2 friends who have all had this happen as well and have tried everything to avoid the impending doom of mission failure including jumping off map, typing /unstuck, the only way is to leave squad and fail all on your own which will cause the mission to bug out and unable to progress for your teammates even after migration. It’s that bad of a problem. Imagine getting a necramech intensify or thrusters and have this happen to you. Ouch the would cause great pain for u or anyone in squad. This also happened to my friend when we were using thermal fractures to level up our mechs and he had same thing happen in which he could not extract and had to leave losing all progress. Caused him to be so frustrated he turned off the game and haven’t seen him since.

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