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Ferro, 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙍𝙤𝙗𝙤𝙩𝙞𝙘 𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙛𝙧𝙖𝙢𝙚 ​🤖 (Mutalist Frame #2)


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Please feel free to post any ideas, feedback, thoughts, or questions you have about Ferro.

And if you like this warframe idea, be sure to tell your friends and leave a like at the bottom of the post, thanks!


Here’s my new warframe idea:

“Recycled from scrap metal and repurposed for battle, Ferro is even more deadly than he appears.” (Lotus)


-Ferro’s default skin would look kind of like this:


({Original picture link})


-Ferro’s deluxe “Hephaestus” skin would look kind of like this:


({Art by: tekkoontan, Original picture link})


Sex: Male
Mastery Rank: 0
Health: 100 (300 at rank 30)
Shields: 150 (450 at rank 30)
Armor: 300
Energy: 150 (225 at rank 30)
Sprint Speed: 1.0
Aura Polarity: 
Naramon Pol
Exilus Polarity: None
Madurai PolVazarin Pol
Introduced: Update ??.?? (????-??-??)
Themes: Robot
Progenitor Element: Magnetic
Subsumed Ablilty: Shockwave


Manufacturing Requirements
Time: 72 hrs
Rush: Platinum64 50
Market Price: Platinum64 275 Blueprint Price: Credits64.png 35,000
Time: 12 hrs
Rush: Platinum64 25

Time: 12 hrs
Rush: Platinum64 25
Time: 12 hrs
Rush: Platinum64 25


-Ability #1, “Shockwave”:

Energy cost: 25 energy

Ferro stomps the ground with incredible force, generating a shockwave that ripples outward and knocks down any enemy caught in it (Similar to Shockwave Moas).

More info:


•Holding the activation button for "Shockwave" will increase its range and slow down the knockback recovery of each affected enemy (This costs extra energy to perform).

({This ability was developed with the help of "OmegAmorbis"})


-Ability #2, “Attack Drone”:

Energy cost: 50 energy

Ferro launches an attack drone to aid him in battle.

More info:


•Ferro's "Attack Drone" functions similarly to a sentinel, but since it is an ability you can recast it as soon as it is defeated.

•Ferro's "Attack Drone" ability is modded separately from Ferro.


-Ability #3, “Scan”:

Energy cost: 75 energy

Activating this ability will prompt Ferro to scan the closest enemy in sight. Ferro will instantly learn that enemy's greatest weakness. Whichever status effect the enemy is most susceptible to will be temporarily added to Ferro's weaponry and abilities.


-Ability #4, “Magnetic Disarm:

Energy cost: 100 energy

Activating this ability will cause Ferro to remove a piece of himself and place it on the floor. That piece of Ferro will create an intense magnetic current, pulling in nearby metallic items (e.g., enemy weapons, shields, robots, and drones).

More info:


•Nearby enemies will be disarmed and can only retrieve their weapons after this ability has deactivated.

•Robots and drones will be trapped by the magnet and will only be capable of using ranged attacks while this ability is active.

({This ability was created with the help of "OmegAmorbis"})



Ferro is resistant to Toxic and Slash damage.




•While the Operator is within Ferro, Ferro's eye color will match that of the Operator. Whenever you exit Ferro, the color of his eyes will turn dark gray; absent and hallow, drained of all their vibrance and life. This symbolizes Ferro's lack of individuality/ personality, as well as his reliance on the Tenno.

•The Primed version of Ferro isn't actually called "Ferro Prime", instead it's called "Ferro Preme" ("Preme" is short for "Supreme"). Basically, Ferro can't possibly have a Primed variant; the timing is completely off and his lore simply doesn't allow it. For this reason, Ferro doesn't have a "Primed" variant, instead he has a "Premed" variant. Preme frames are not quite as good as Prime frames, but they are still an improvement from their standard versions. However, unlike Prime frames, Preme frames do not receive energy when coming into contact with an Orokin Void Death Orb. But who knows, maybe they can do something else, something unique only to Preme frames. (How Preme frames are created is currently unknown)

•Ferro Preme is actually a specific sub-type of Preme frame: "A Mutalist Preme Warframe". In theory, there can be up to 2, maybe even 3 other types of Preme frames, but as of right now the only type of Preme frame is the Mutalist Preme frame. (Other types of Preme frames may include: A Mutalist Preme frame created from a living organism, And a standard Preme frame created from a living organism)


-Lore/ Backstory:


Ferro is created shortly after another frame concept of mine; Guen, The Kuva Warframe 🌶️ (Mutalist Frame #1). Guen and Ferro follow the same storyline. Here's the link to Guen:



Alad V is fed up with working for people he hates. He has had to work with the Tenno to survive, he has been tricked into working for the Sentients, and he has been outright forced into working for the Grineer just recently. Even the Corpus, his own people, have turned against him.

He can somewhat count on the Tenno for protection and help when he really needs it, but with so many enemies and so few allies, it’s difficult for Alad V just to stay alive.

Lucky for Alad V, he picked up something useful from his latest endeavor. The recipe for creating a warframe. And not just any warframe, a Mutalist warframe. One that was never alive, meaning it will follow all of his orders without question. Just what Alad V needed.

He may have been able to replicate the Continuity ritual that the Worm Queen performed, he smuggled more than enough Kuva away from the Queens, but he wasn’t going to. It didn’t seem to work out very well for them, and he didn’t want a repeat of that Mutalist infestation mishap, also... he didn't know how to do it (The Worm Queen did the ritual without him). Maybe he’ll find a use for that Kuva someday. Right now all he needed was a loyal soldier that will protect him, carry out his wishes, and never die. Well, that was the plan anyway.

And so Alad V began to construct his super-soldier. He started with just a robot. He was careful to use the strongest metals he could find and the most reliable inner mechanics available to him. With little difficulty, he quickly crafted himself an extremely durable machine. Not exactly easy on the eyes though. It’s not like he was rolling in credits at the time, he kind of had to work with what he had. But despite its appearance, it was already one of the most versatile weapons he’s created so far, even before turning it into a warframe.

He proceeded to install the Control Modules along with the neuroptics. He tested its maneuverability and reflexes, as well as a few other performance checks he thought may be necessary, and everything seemed to be working as intended. Which meant that it was time for the final ingredients. He gathered the necessary specimen and put together the same Helminth + Mutalist formula which was used on Guen. And just like that, Ferro was born.

Why Helminth + Mutalist + inorganic material = A warframe with no emotion or independent thought:


A Helminth strain: Operates independently and can be used to create warframes, but it cannot bind to inorganic material and its thoughts and behavior are difficult to suppress/ control effectively.

A Mutalist strain: Operates as a hive and cannot be used to create warframes, but it can bind to any material, organic or not. A Mutalist strain's behavior is also quite difficult to suppress/ control.

A Helminth strain combined with a Mutalist strain (With the correct proportions): The Helminth strain would bind to the organic matter found within the Mutalist infestation itself. The Helminth infested strain would then overtake the Mutalist infested strain, cutting it off from its hive. Also, by binding to the Mutalist strain, the Helminth strain is now able to bind to inorganic material, but since the Helminth strain is binding to inorganic matter, it is left without a personality to adapt as its own. Resulting in a completely emotionless warframe.

Alad V then uses his new invention to keep all of his enemies at bay, as well as get in good with his Corpus frenemies... for now at least.

[(If you would like to know how the story continues, you should check out the “Future story” section, which can be found near the end of this post.)]



After having completed the “Kuva Queen Quest” a new node will appear on Jupiter in which you will battle Ferro, as well as warn Alad V not to fool around with such dangerous technology. During this battle Ferro's eyes will be dark gray, making him appear almost dead. Should you defeat Ferro there is a chance that he will drop one of his blueprints.


•After having successfully defeated Ferro, Alad V will complain about the Tenno making him repair Ferro all over again. This implies that Ferro is not dead and that Alad V can always repair him when severely damaged.

•Defeating Ferro will not reward you with Ferro's main blueprint. Ferro's main blueprint can be purchased from the market for Credits64 35,000.


-Future story:


Eventually, after watching Ferro's repeated defeat, he realized something needed to change. One day Alad V decided to not only repair Ferro, but improve upon him as well. He decided to install several Scrubber Exa Brains in Ferro, he recovered them from Orb Vallis long ago. An Exa Brain is essentially what it sounds like, an electronic brain. Alad V thought that this addition would allow Ferro to adapt to situations more efficiently, and it worked, but not the way Alad V had predicted. Normally the Exa Brains would allow Ferro to process very basic information, but the Brains were a little bit more effective on Ferro than they tend to be on other Robotics.

Ferro had become self-aware. What was once just a weapon had become so much more. Ferro could now walk, talk, and learn, all on his own, one could even argue that Ferro was alive, but his eyes suggested otherwise. The color of Ferro's eyes instantly changed from dark gray to bright white. Alad V was unable to pinpoint the source of this anomaly, but frankly, Alad V had little interest in the color of Ferro's eyes, he was far more interested in the brain behind them.

Alad V realized how much more powerful Ferro was with his new brain and decided to try something new, something... ambitious. Alad V was going to use Ferro to overthrow the Corpus Board of Directors and take control for himself.

First Alad V wanted to better prepare Ferro for the coming battle. He upgraded Ferro by giving him the ability to repair himself, upgrade himself, and predict Corpus behavior. But most importantly, Alad V gave Ferro enhanced hacking capabilities, allowing Ferro to break into the Corpus network and take control of all Corpus robotics instantly.

Without their robotics, or even the element of surprise, the Corpus were quickly defeated.

It may seem as though Alad V was successful, but Ferro had other plans. Ferro decided that he was destined to be more than a bodyguard, and he knew that he would be a far better leader than Alad V.

Ferro began resisting the control module that Alad V installed in him and was able to deactivate it. Then, with that out of the way, Ferro took control from Alad V and proclaimed himself the new leader of the Corpus.

Ferro considered keeping Alad V as his right hand, but quickly concluded that Alad V could never be trusted. That is why Ferro locked Alad V away, somewhere secure yet safe, a place where he cannot interfere, but also a place where he can feel at home and comfortable.

Shortly after having taken power, Ferro made a number of self enhancements. Eventually, after enough enhancements, Ferro looked more like the hulk buster than Ferro. This is kind of what Rex would look like:


({Art by: gloade, Original picture link})


With a new title and a new look, Ferro thought it best to have a new name as well. One that would suit the recent changes a bit better. Ferro decided that he will now be known as Rex (which is Latin for king), Leader of the Corpus (I could have gone with "the Corpus King" but I didn't want to have a rhymey repeat of "the Queen of Kuva").

The Corpus weren't exactly happy about some robot becoming their leader, but every time one of them attempted to take back control Rex saw it coming a mile away. And as powerful as Rex was, he continued to evolve, constantly upgrading himself. With all of the adaptive and technological capabilities within Rex, no one even stood a chance.

One of Rex's first acts as the self-proclaimed leader of the Corpus was to Assassinate the Elder Queen once again. Rex knew that the Worm Queen had created a new vessel for the Elder Queen, he knew that this time was different than the last, and he knew he would need some help. Rex called upon the Tenno to aid him and his Corpus soldiers in defeating the Elder Queen once and for all, but it didn't work. The Elder Queen's new body wasn't really a body at all, it was a computer. Before perishing she was able to upload her consciousness elsewhere instantly.


Long after the Elder Queen's failed assassination, the Elder Queen began to desire more than power alone, she wanted revenge, and there just so happened to be a way of obtaining both... Rex.

Control Rex = revenge & power.  If the Elder Queen were able to control Rex, not only would she be rid of her most recent enemy, she would also have complete control over the Corpus. And if she played her cards right, maybe she could use the combination of Grineer and Corpus forces to bring down the Tenno. Sure, controlling a warframe that has a mind of its own would normally be too difficult, especially over long distances, but Rex is a robot, and robots can be hacked into.

The Elder Queen shared her plan with the Worm Queen and tasked her with finding a way to invade Rex's mind. The Worm Queen gathered all of their most competent hackers/ technicians and got to work on upgrading the Elder Queen's computer with highly intense Corpus hacking capabilities.

After just a few days the Elder Queen's new weapon was ready for use, and the Elder Queen wasted little time. The Elder Queen was able to successfully hack into Rex using her new electronic weapon, and her first act as Corpus puppet master was to declare war on the Tenno alongside the Grineer.

Unfortunately for the Elder Queen, the Corpus were able to quickly figure out what was happening. Maybe it was allying with the Grineer, or waging war on the Tenno, or the fact that Rex's eyes had suddenly turned red, but whatever it was that tipped them off, the Corpus were not happy about it. They had just begun to warm up to their new leader, so they weren't going to just let the Queens come in and ruin everything.

The first thing they needed to do was restrain Rex so that they could get the Elder Queen out of his head, but they couldn't do that alone since the Elder Queen had taken control of all their robotics. They decided to call up the Tenno and ask them to beat up their possessed leader.

After successfully defeating Rex, the Operator uses transference to help Rex break free from the Elder Queen's grasp. Once free, and the Queen's diabolical plan foiled, Rex fortified his mind to prevent any future attempts to break into his mind. From now on, no one will be able to control or hack into Rex, not even the Tenno.

--> [(If you're wondering why "Ferro Prime" is called "Ferro Preme" there is a full explanation in the "Notes" tab)] <--

Upon defeating Rex, there is a chance that he will drop one of Ferro Preme's blueprints (Rex can only drop these blueprints if Ferro Preme is unvaulted).


When you finally build Ferro Preme his appearance will slightly resemble both Rex and the standard Ferro, but unlike Rex's white eyes or Ferro's gray eyes, whenever the Operator exits Ferro Preme, Ferro Preme's eyes will turn pitch-black. Also, while resembling both Rex and Ferro in overall shape and structure, Ferro Preme's exterior has some unique qualities as well, but the most notable difference is the color. Both Rex and Ferro were almost entirely silver, but Ferro Preme's exterior only has a faint tint of silver here and there. Most of Ferro Preme's exterior was actually gold, not silver. Strange right? What makes Ferro Preme so different from Rex or the standard Ferro? And what makes Ferro Preme so different from Guen Preme?




•I chose the name Ferro because Ferro means steel in Latin. I didn’t know this when naming him, but there’s already a resource called “Ferros”, and the description is: “A resilient metal that is hardened by impurities within”. I swear I didn’t plan it, but how fitting right? It’s basically just describing Ferro, the warframe I mean. (Just in case you still don't get it: Before Ferro was turned into a warframe he was just a robot (metal), Ferro was still quite powerful (resilient), but not as powerful as a warframe. When Alad V applied a mixture of infestation (impurities) to Ferro it made him stronger (hardened).)

•Ferro is a different breed of warframe than most others. Ferro is a Mutalist warframe. A Mutalist warframe is one who was never alive to begin with. Well technically it is possible to create a Mutalist frame from a living organism, but this has never been done before, at least not yet.

•Ferro is the second Mutalist frame ever created, the first is named Guen, The Kuva Warframe (another frame concept of mine).

•Mutalist warframes are created by first combining a Helminth strain of infested with a Mutalist one. Then simply apply this mixture of disease to... anything, and a Mutalist warframe will begin to form, unless you got the proportions wrong. If you mess up the Helminth to Mutalist ratio then something horrible will happen. Either the warframe will fall apart or try to kill everything. Who knows how an error like this may affect a living organism, it hasn't even been attempted yet, maybe we'll see soon enough.

Since Ferro is an inanimate object he is unable to feel emotion and he cannot think for himself. Luckily the Operator will always be there to do all of the thinking for him.

•Ferro is the second frame to have a "Premed" variant instead of a "Primed" variant (the first is Guen, the Kuva frame). Ferro's lore doesn't really allow for a Primed variant, but it does allow for an enhanced version of the standard Ferro, which is exactly what Ferro Preme is. Preme frames are not as powerful as Prime frames, but they're not too far behind. ("Preme" is short for "Supreme" by the way) [(More info on "Preme frames" can be found in the "Notes" tab.)]

•Ferro Preme is actually a specific sub-type of Preme frame: "A Mutalist Preme Warframe". In theory, there can be up to 2, maybe even 3 other types of Preme frames, but as of right now the only type of Preme frame is the Mutalist Preme frame. (Other types of Preme frames may include: A Mutalist Preme frame created from a living organism, And a standard Preme frame created from a living organism) [(More info on "Preme frames" can be found in the "Notes" tab.)]

•The reason Ferro’s deluxe skin is called “Hephaestus” is because “Hephaestus” is the Greek god of blacksmiths and metalworking. He created armor for many of the other Greek gods.


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Ok, got some rough ideas here:

For a passive, perhaps some sort of scrap meter going from 0-100. It would passively generate by pulling materials from the surrounding environment and is also gained or expended with certain abilities. Having more scrap could potentially increase armor and/or health above baseline, which is lost when spent.

Shockwave could be charged to expend scrap (perhaps 25), dealing slash and puncture damage.

For a a 2nd/3rd skill: Causes an enemy to become magnetized, drawing in material from the environment and becoming more and more encumbered, eventually stopping entirely. Nearby enemies have their weapons pulled towards the target, which are then converted into scrap. Might also convert a portion of the affected target's armor into scrap as well, if applicable. When recast or when the duration ends, all scrap is pulled from the target and added to Ferro's scrap meter. Alternatively, the ability can be charged to send the target's accumulated scrap flying outward, dealing slash and puncture damage.

For a possible ult: Expends all scrap, or possibly drains it over time, to temporarily increase Ferros health, armor, and physical mass. Might allow him to use altered/empowered versions of his other skills.

That's all I've got atm. I definitely leaned into the scrap aspect of this frame, though I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for. I like the look of Ferro quite a bit, and I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this thread.

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16 hours ago, (PS4)OmegAmorbis said:

For a passive, perhaps some sort of scrap meter going from 0-100. It would passively generate by pulling materials from the surrounding environment and is also gained or expended with certain abilities. Having more scrap could potentially increase armor and/or health above baseline, which is lost when spent.

I was thinking that the abilities would be more related to the current Corpus robots and robot bosses, like shooting lasers and stuff. Also I was thinking that the 4th ability would have something to do with Termia Fractures, because the Exploiter Orb is a Corpus robot. It's why one of Ferro's Manufacturing Requirements is diluted thermia. I probably should have said all of this in the "Just so you know" section, I'll add it soon.

As for the 0-100 scrap meter, it's not a bad idea, but unfortunately it's far too similar to Guen, and I want to show DE that Mutalist frames can do more than just drain their own health. In my opinion, when it comes to Mutalist frames, Guen should be the only one that messes with her health.


16 hours ago, (PS4)OmegAmorbis said:

Shockwave could be charged to expend scrap (perhaps 25), dealing slash and puncture damage.

I like the idea of Ferro charging up his Shockwave ability to do more damage, or maybe charging would send enemies flying farther away, or it could lengthen their recovery time. Whichever effect we choose, It would definitely put a necessary spin on the common attack. Again, I don't know about the exchange of scrap/ health & armor, but I like everything else about this idea.


16 hours ago, (PS4)OmegAmorbis said:

For a a 2nd/3rd skill: Causes an enemy to become magnetized, drawing in material from the environment and becoming more and more encumbered, eventually stopping entirely. Nearby enemies have their weapons pulled towards the target, which are then converted into scrap. Might also convert a portion of the affected target's armor into scrap as well, if applicable. When recast or when the duration ends, all scrap is pulled from the target and added to Ferro's scrap meter. Alternatively, the ability can be charged to send the target's accumulated scrap flying outward, dealing slash and puncture damage.

The Magnetism ability isn't bad, it doesn't relate to any current Corpus robots, but I still think I may use it. We should definitely revisit it. It may evolve over time as Ferro begins to take shape, but so far it sounds promising.

It's still kind of similar to your original magnet ability idea, but here's an adjusted version that I think would work betterWhat if Ferro sets a piece of himself down on the ground, and it turns out to be a high powered magnet. All nearby enemies will be disarmed. They can still get their weapon back, but they'll need to wait until the ability deactivates. Also they'll need to go retrieve their weapon from the place where the ability was activated, which will be difficult with the Tenno likely Guarding it. Then, if Ferro reactivates this ability, all nearby unarmed enemies will get their weapon back, but be damaged in the process.

Although, this sounds too OP to be a 2nd or 3rd ability, even as a 4th ability it will need some limiting. And if the magnet thing is Ferro's 4th ability, then where will he use Thermia Fractures? Also, Ferro can't be the Magnet Frame because Mag already exists, so if you continue to stay in this thread to help me out, remember that Ferro should only have 1 Magnet themed ability, 2 at the very most, but I would really prefer just 1.


16 hours ago, (PS4)OmegAmorbis said:

That's all I've got atm. I definitely leaned into the scrap aspect of this frame, though I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for. I like the look of Ferro quite a bit, and I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this thread.

Thank you so much! I hope you keep coming back because I sure could use the help. One good thing about making a robot frame is that you can never run out of ideas! There are so many robots to choose from in the game, and there's an endless number of ideas we can implement that have never been seen before in game. It's such a broad concept that by the time we're done almost anything can come of it!

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3 hours ago, (XB1)Mentor0fHeroes said:

I was thinking that the abilities would be more related to the current Corpus robots and robot bosses, like shooting lasers and stuff. Also I was thinking that the 4th ability would have something to do with Termia Fractures, because the Exploiter Orb is a Corpus robot.

Aha, well I'll give some thought to abilities more along those lines then. Also, I'm not sure how your theoretical ult would work...maybe Ferro could deploy a modified thermia canister? Eh, I dunno.

3 hours ago, (XB1)Mentor0fHeroes said:

I like the idea of Ferro charging up his Shockwave ability to do more damage, or maybe charging would send enemies flying farther away, or it could lengthen their recovery time. Whichever effect we choose, It would definitely put a necessary spin on the common attack

The longer recovery time would be my first choice. It would make this a solid cc tool, and it's similar to the effect of Isolator Bursas, so that helps establish the link to Corpus machines.

3 hours ago, (XB1)Mentor0fHeroes said:

It's still kind of similar to your original magnet ability idea, but here's an adjusted version that I think would work betterWhat if Ferro sets a piece of himself down on the ground, and it turns out to be a high powered magnet. All nearby enemies will be disarmed. They can still get their weapon back, but they'll need to wait until the ability deactivates. Also they'll need to go retrieve their weapon from the place where the ability was activated, which will be difficult with the Tenno likely Guarding it. Then, if Ferro reactivates this ability, all nearby unarmed enemies will get their weapon back, but be damaged in the process.

Yeah, the idea for the skill came from ferromagnetism, my understanding of which is rather limited, but I agree that Ferro should only have one skill like this, if that. Your version of it is pretty good, and it has the benefit of being different from most other disarm abilities. Funnily enough, I actually did consider having Ferro be able to detach parts of himself, either for disarming or for some other purpose, so this would definitely fit that bill.

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Got a few more ideas for the pile. I know Ferro already has a passive, but I threw in an alternate anyhow. Also, I'm curious if you have an idea about whether Ferro is more focused on offense, defense, utility, or some combination of those.


Passive: Machine Learning - As Ferro fights and kills enemies, his offensive and defensive skill gradually increases. Defense would manifest as increased armor or damage reduction and might increase a little for each instance of damage taken. Offense might apply to abilities or as a general damage boost. Could be unit specific, boosting Ferro's damage to specific units as he kills more of them.

Shield Matrix - An energy shield (reminiscent of Profit Taker's) which is launched forward and explodes on impact. Could be charged to slowly drain Ferro's shields and maintain the Matrix for longer. When launched, damage previously absorbed is added to the shield's detonation.

Creates a spawn pad which generates several small robotic units (possibly modified Ratels or Mites) that seek out nearby targets. Affected targets are slowed and have their defenses decreased over time. Might also siphon a portion of their hp as well and give it to Ferro when the duration ends, or the robots are destroyed/recalled. Once a targets's defenses are down, the robots will move on to find new targets. Robotic units are temporarily shut down.

An overclock ability which increases movement speed, and enhances his other skills with heat damage. Damage increases as Ferro heats up, but has a negative consequence if not deactivated before 100%, possibly loss of shields and slowed movement. Might release a damaging wave of heat in an aoe when deactivated, with damage being determined by the amount vented.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)OmegAmorbis said:

Got a few more ideas for the pile. I know Ferro already has a passive, but I threw in an alternate anyhow. Also, I'm curious if you have an idea about whether Ferro is more focused on offense, defense, utility, or some combination of those.

I originally thought that this frame would be primarily offensive, with abilities like EMP's and hacking other corpus robots instantly. But now that I think about it, according to Ferro's story he was built by Alad V because Alad V felt threatened and unsafe, in other words he needed a bodyguard... Ferro. But Alad V more than anything was threatened by the sentients, so why would Ferro's abilities be geared so much towards the grineer and corpus enemies? According to the story Ferro should be geared mostly towards attacking sentients (and maybe the grineer) with robotic themed abilities. What do you think? Should Ferro be the next sentient killer frame? I mean we are coming up on the new war update within the next few years right? Then again the story isn't the most important thing right now and this might complicate things. Let me know where you stand on this.


Ability ideas geared towards grineer and corpus if we stay that on that rout:

Shield Matrix: -Honestly I haven't faced the profit taker before. I've started on the profit taker missions, but I haven't fought the actual boss yet, so you may have to explain this one in greater detail. But from what I understand it's very similar to Hildryn's first ability, accept while you charge the ability you can absorb enemy damage and redirect it. If this is the case then I don't know that it would work. I made a similar ability for another frame I invented, but I was told that redirecting incoming damage, even a small percentage of it, is too op.

Spawn Pad: -I like the spawn pad idea, still trying to stay away from health drain and health return though, even though it fits really well in this case. I don't know, I'll think about it.

Overclock: -I like this idea a lot, I might reshape it and update it so that it fits Ferro later when we finally figure him out, but it's a pretty solid idea! 👍


Ability ideas geared towards sentients if we decide to go that rout:

Mech learning: -I say maybe we turn that passive idea into an ability that mimics the sentients ability to adapt to attacks. I know there's already adaptation, but that doesn't work very well against sentients, or at least I don't think so... anyway here's the difference between them: Activate this ability and Ferro progressively gains resistance to ONE status effect, whichever you are being damaged by the most (not just hit). Resistance goes up the same way as the adaptation mod, the only difference is that it prioritizes whichever is doing the most damage (this includes sentient damage). This ability will drain a high amount of energy per second.


Maybe this ability has nothing to do with status effects at all. Maybe it's all based on individual enemies. Ferro can be resistant to a bunch of enemies at the same time, but the resistance isn't grouped. If one corpus enemy hits Ferro while this ability is active, then Ferro becomes slightly resistant to that particular corpus enemy's attacks. (Just to be clear, this would make Ferro resistant to that individual Corpus soldier, not that type of corpus soldier)


I like the passive version of Mech Learning that you made too, I just thought I'd share this with you to see what you think.

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14 hours ago, (XB1)Mentor0fHeroes said:

Should Ferro be the next sentient killer frame?

Being the wild card that he is (at least in my mind), I do like the idea of Alad V making a weapon to fight Sentients despite creating the amalgams to assist them. Of course I think Ferro should still be versatile enough to deal with everything to a certain degree, and that makes sense given that Alad V has a lot of enemies. Perhaps his skills, or at least some of them, could have adaptive qualities depending on who they're used on.

15 hours ago, (XB1)Mentor0fHeroes said:

Shield Matrix: -Honestly I haven't faced the profit taker before. I've started on the profit taker missions, but I haven't fought the actual boss yet, so you may have to explain this one in greater detail. But from what I understand it's very similar to Hildryn's first ability, accept while you charge the ability you can absorb enemy damage and redirect it. If this is the case then I don't know that it would work. I made a similar ability for another frame I invented, but I was told that redirecting incoming damage, even a small percentage of it, is too op.

The Profit Taker version is just it summoning giant rectangular shields around itself and launching them outwards. All they do is push you back, but I wanted Shield Matrix to have a different effect since Ferro has Shockwave that purpose. In terms of size, I imagine Shield Matrix to be about the same as Volt's shield when he's carrying it. It wouldn't actively reflect damage, just absorb it and then add that damage to that of the shield when it explodes. Now if you're not keen on that, I have an alternate version:

Impairment Matrix: Launches an energy shield forward that passes through enemies, stunning them for a short time and stripping a portion of their defenses. Affected Sentient enemies have their resistances reset. Can be charged to have Ferro hold on to the shield, at the cost of slowly draining his shields while active. Recast to launch.

16 hours ago, (XB1)Mentor0fHeroes said:

Mech learning: -I say maybe we turn that passive idea into an ability that mimics the sentients ability to adapt to attacks. I know there's already adaptation, but that doesn't work very well against sentients, or at least I don't think so... anyway here's the difference between them: Activate this ability and Ferro progressively gains resistance to ONE status effect, whichever you are being damaged by the most (not just hit). Resistance goes up the same way as the adaptation mod, the only difference is that it prioritizes whichever is doing the most damage (this includes sentient damage). This ability will drain a high amount of energy per second.

I like this variation more, as resisting individual enemies would only really be useful at high levels, though if it's going to be a single status effect it should maybe go up to 95%, which apparently is what Sentients get. Perhaps the offense portion of my original idea could get folded into this as well. I was thinking it could be a damage bonus to abilities based on the weaknesses of recently killed enemies, e.g. Corrosive damage against Grinner, Magnetic or Toxin against Corpus, and Void damage against Sentients. Bonus damage would stack by a certain percentage for each enemy killed and perhaps cap out at some point. Having both components to this would also further justify having a high energy drain as well. As for whether this should be a passive or an active skill..I'm not sure honestly. Making it a passive frees up space for other skills, but it have to be weaker to compensate. I guess that can be revisited down the road

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6 hours ago, (PS4)OmegAmorbis said:

Impairment Matrix: Launches an energy shield forward that passes through enemies, stunning them for a short time and stripping a portion of their defenses. Affected Sentient enemies have their resistances reset. Can be charged to have Ferro hold on to the shield, at the cost of slowly draining his shields while active. Recast to launch.

I love this idea, I especially love the part about resetting their resistances. Although I think as is it would be almost too effective against sentients. As a limiter I would make it so that, yes it resets their resistance, but it also makes them regain resistance much more quickly. Also we should create an added effect for non-sentient enemies. Whet is the Grineer/ Corpus equivalent of resetting their resistance? One more thing, even with those changes it looks as though it would still be a tad OP, to fix this I think I will decrease the range (which decreases the number of affected enemies).


6 hours ago, (PS4)OmegAmorbis said:

I like this variation more, as resisting individual enemies would only really be useful at high levels, though if it's going to be a single status effect it should maybe go up to 95%, which apparently is what Sentients get. Perhaps the offense portion of my original idea could get folded into this as well. I was thinking it could be a damage bonus to abilities based on the weaknesses of recently killed enemies, e.g. Corrosive damage against Grinner, Magnetic or Toxin against Corpus, and Void damage against Sentients. Bonus damage would stack by a certain percentage for each enemy killed and perhaps cap out at some point. Having both components to this would also further justify having a high energy drain as well. As for whether this should be a passive or an active skill..I'm not sure honestly. Making it a passive frees up space for other skills, but it have to be weaker to compensate. I guess that can be revisited down the road

I got an idea for a new version of Mech Learning, this one kind of needs to be an ability though.

"Scan": Activating this ability will prompt Ferro to scan the closest enemy in sight. Ferro will instantly learn it's strengths and weaknesses. Ferro will then use that information to combat it. Ferro will temporarily deal a modest percentage of whichever status effect that enemy is most vulnerable to (in both attacks and abilities), he will also temporarily develop a moderate resistance to whichever status effect that enemy deals primarily.

What do you think? Is it better or worse that the Mech Learning idea? Because we definitely can't use both. Let me know what you think.

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On 2020-09-13 at 10:52 PM, (XB1)Mentor0fHeroes said:

I love this idea, I especially love the part about resetting their resistances. Although I think as is it would be almost too effective against sentients. As a limiter I would make it so that, yes it resets their resistance, but it also makes them regain resistance much more quickly. Also we should create an added effect for non-sentient enemies. Whet is the Grineer/ Corpus equivalent of resetting their resistance? One more thing, even with those changes it looks as though it would still be a tad OP, to fix this I think I will decrease the range (which decreases the number of affected enemies).

In terms of its effectiveness on Sentients it wouldn't necessarily be any more effective on them than Radial Howl. which has more range and also resets resistances. Having a diminishing return against them in that respect isn't a bad idea though. As to your question, I don't think there really is an equivalent for Grinner/Corpus other than maybe deactivating eximus abilities. Also, as for the range, I didn't specify it my original post but yeah it shouldn't just travel forward forever. First thought is maybe 10-15 meters traveled at base, but give me your thoughts on that.

On 2020-09-13 at 10:52 PM, (XB1)Mentor0fHeroes said:

"Scan": Activating this ability will prompt Ferro to scan the closest enemy in sight. Ferro will instantly learn it's strengths and weaknesses. Ferro will then use that information to combat it. Ferro will temporarily deal a modest percentage of whichever status effect that enemy is most vulnerable to (in both attacks and abilities), he will also temporarily develop a moderate resistance to whichever status effect that enemy deals primarily.

I do like this, and I have some thoughts on additions to it. For one, I'm thinking that this could be a channeled skill that just automatically scans the nearest target. When that target dies, a new one is scanned, and so forth. Second, it'd be nice if you could manually select a specific target, maybe by holding the ability while aiming at them. Admittedly, I'm concerned about this only being a single target skill, considering how fast enemies die in this game. Perhaps it could be, say, three targets at once sort of like Link? Let me know what you think on that.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)OmegAmorbis said:

In terms of its effectiveness on Sentients it wouldn't necessarily be any more effective on them than Radial Howl. which has more range and also resets resistances. Having a diminishing return against them in that respect isn't a bad idea though. As to your question, I don't think there really is an equivalent for Grinner/Corpus other than maybe deactivating eximus abilities. Also, as for the range, I didn't specify it my original post but yeah it shouldn't just travel forward forever. First thought is maybe 10-15 meters traveled at base, but give me your thoughts on that.

Oops, I didn’t know radial howl reset resistances. I guess it’s fine then. I thought that it may be too op, so to compensate I thought we should drop the range way down so that only a few enemies got effected at a time (Although I was more thinking about the width, because you said it was about the size of volt’s shield). But knowing that there’s another similar ability, I suppose we can make the range a general thing, so on average it tends to effect 5-10 enemies per activation (without range mods).

I like the sentient bonus too. We could call it a bug in the system. Since Alad V had little to work with, one of Ferro’s flaws is buffing his enemies after weakening them. This doesn’t have to be a reoccurring feature though. Also, maybe Ferro prime is free of this bug, or at least nearly free of it, because Alad V had finally gathered the appropriate materials to get the job done right.

Here’s another thing I’m thinking. What if one of these are the effect for non-sentient enemies:

-Any enemy effected by this ability is depleted of all shields, but these enemies also temporarily receive a much faster shield recharge.


-Any enemy effected by this ability is depleted of all shields, but these enemies also temporarily receive an armor buff.


-A little bit of both.

(Let me know which you prefer)

9 hours ago, (PS4)OmegAmorbis said:

I do like this, and I have some thoughts on additions to it. For one, I'm thinking that this could be a channeled skill that just automatically scans the nearest target. When that target dies, a new one is scanned, and so forth. Second, it'd be nice if you could manually select a specific target, maybe by holding the ability while aiming at them. Admittedly, I'm concerned about this only being a single target skill, considering how fast enemies die in this game. Perhaps it could be, say, three targets at once sort of like Link? Let me know what you think on that.

When you say “automatically scan” it sounds like you still intend for it to be an ability, but it makes me picture a passive every time. I guess you mean that, as soon as you activate the ability it’ll start scanning enemies on it’s own, but one at a time, swapping every time an enemy dies. I don’t think that’s really necessary though. And the same thing for the “scan 3 enemies” thing. *I explain why in the next paragraph*

I thought it would be, you activate the ability and Ferro scans the closest enemy within sight, so you are kind of able to aim it. Also, scanning one enemy, in most cases, is like scanning half of the enemies in it’s faction. Enemies that fall in the same group tend to have the same strengths and weaknesses, for the most part. Plus, even if the other enemies aren’t necessarily vulnerable to the stat bonus you got in the scan, it’s still a bonus. You’re still doing more damage in both your attacks and abilities.


Also, do you think I should shorten the title back to what it was before? I changed it to “Ferro, The Robotic Sentient Slayer Warframe”, but I feel like that’s too many words. Should I revert it back to just “Ferro, The Robotic Warframe”?

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8 hours ago, Krueller said:

Ok, I love this frame.  It'd be neat to have a warframe that isn't the same as the others.  (I.e., someone who used to be 'alive'.)

I’m glad you like this frame, but did you know Ferro isn’t the first of his kind (in forums I mean)? Ferro is actually the second frame concept I’ve made in which the frame was never alive, as per the title “Mutalist Frame #2”. The first is named Guen, the kuva warframe. You can find the link near the top of Ferro’s post under the “Storyline Explanation” section.

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On 2020-09-15 at 9:38 AM, (XB1)Mentor0fHeroes said:

Although I was more thinking about the width, because you said it was about the size of volt’s shield

I meant the size of Volt's shield when he's carrying it, not its default size.

On 2020-09-15 at 9:38 AM, (XB1)Mentor0fHeroes said:

-Any enemy effected by this ability is depleted of all shields, but these enemies also temporarily receive a much faster shield recharge.


-Any enemy effected by this ability is depleted of all shields, but these enemies also temporarily receive an armor buff.


-A little bit of both.

Honestly, I'd be reluctant to add any negative consequence to the skill, though if I had to choose I suppose I'd go with the former.

On 2020-09-15 at 9:38 AM, (XB1)Mentor0fHeroes said:

When you say “automatically scan” it sounds like you still intend for it to be an ability, but it makes me picture a passive every time. I guess you mean that, as soon as you activate the ability it’ll start scanning enemies on it’s own, but one at a time, swapping every time an enemy dies.

Yeah, that's exactly what I meant. I was thinking it would be a radial ability, though perhaps it only applying to enemies you can see, as you suggest, would make more sense.

On 2020-09-15 at 9:38 AM, (XB1)Mentor0fHeroes said:

Also, scanning one enemy, in most cases, is like scanning half of the enemies in it’s faction. Enemies that fall in the same group tend to have the same strengths and weaknesses, for the most part.

Fair point. I was worried about its effectiveness being limited by being single target, though if it's done automatically that would at least make it less tedious to use. Keep it single target might also make it easier to implement the manual targeting option that I suggested. Also, I had an idea about making scanned targets be slightly more vulnerable to your other, e.g., longer recovery from Shockwave, longer stun time from Impairment Matrix, etc. Let me know what you think. Lastly, do you think we should try to put Ferro's kit together now, or would you like a few more skill ideas?

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6 hours ago, (PS4)OmegAmorbis said:

Honestly, I'd be reluctant to add any negative consequence to the skill, though if I had to choose I suppose I'd go with the former.

Yeah, I guess your right. I'll take away the negative aspects for the non-sentients, and possibly the sentients too. I'll think about it.


6 hours ago, (PS4)OmegAmorbis said:

Fair point. I was worried about its effectiveness being limited by being single target, though if it's done automatically that would at least make it less tedious to use. Keep it single target might also make it easier to implement the manual targeting option that I suggested. Also, I had an idea about making scanned targets be slightly more vulnerable to your other, e.g., longer recovery from Shockwave, longer stun time from Impairment Matrix, etc. Let me know what you think. Lastly, do you think we should try to put Ferro's kit together now, or would you like a few more skill ideas?

I definitely think we should add synergizing qualities to the abilities like you suggested here. I was going to mention that but you beat me to the punch. We can definitely go into that stuff in more detail later.

Also, yes, I suppose it's about time to finally add some of these abilities. I've been holding off on it partly because I've been pretty busy lately. Don't stop giving me ideas though, if you have an idea be sure to send it my way. Even if we don't use them as abilities, there's still augments, and we can always give Ferro a second passive ability.

Also, before I finally add the abilities, which one's do you think should be the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ability? We have "Scan", "Impairment Matrix", and that magnet ability to choose from.

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What do you guys think of Ferro's new storyline? Specifically the stuff I added to the “Future Story” section.

If you don't want to actually read it, here's a quick summary:

Alad V built Ferro to be his bodyguard and protect him from his many enemies. But the Tenno kept defeating Ferro and telling Alad V to stop fooling around with such a dangerous weapon. (this battle is how you get Ferro's blueprints)

Eventually Alad V gives Ferro a brain in the hopes that it will make him a better weapon against the Tenno, but instead he unintentionally made Ferro self aware.

Ferro proceeds to overthrow the Corpus Board of Directors and becomes the self proclaimed leader of the corpus. Ferro then changes his name to "Rex" (Meaning King in Latin) because he thinks it fits his new title better.

Then Rex rallies his corpus troops and teams up with the Tenno in an attempt to take down the Elder Queen in her newest form. Unfortunately the Elder Queen's newest form is a kuva infused super computer, so before she is defeated she uploads her consciousness somewhere else.

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On 2020-09-16 at 8:24 PM, (XB1)Mentor0fHeroes said:

Also, before I finally add the abilities, which one's do you think should be the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ability? We have "Scan", "Impairment Matrix", and that magnet ability to choose from.

There's also the spawn pad and overclock, but I think the three you mentioned will suffice. As for the order, I think Matrix, Scan, and the magnet skill could work as Ferro's 2nd 3rd, and 4th skills respectively. If you like, I can work up some stats for them and maybe some additional synergies as well.

With regards to the story stuff, I like it overall although Ferro taking over the Corpus board does seem a bit weird to me. Just personal preference.

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23 hours ago, (PS4)OmegAmorbis said:

There's also the spawn pad and overclock, but I think the three you mentioned will suffice. As for the order, I think Matrix, Scan, and the magnet skill could work as Ferro's 2nd 3rd, and 4th skills respectively. If you like, I can work up some stats for them and maybe some additional synergies as well.

Ok, I'll put those abilities in the next time I have a chance. We can discuss stats and synergies after I put some of the abilities in the original post. If you happen to come up with anything please let me know, but don't feel obligated to.


On 2020-09-18 at 3:36 PM, (PS4)OmegAmorbis said:

With regards to the story stuff, I like it overall although Ferro taking over the Corpus board does seem a bit weird to me. Just personal preference.

Yeah I get it, it is a little weird, part of the reason I added it was because the first thing it makes you think is "no way! that would never happen, DE would never allow that." And maybe they won't add it, but here are some of the reasons why I think it is possible:

-According to the lore, warframes don't really need an operator to do stuff. Protea was apparently a bodyguard for a corpus leader at one point, no operator needed. But if that's the case, why don't we see more reoccurring warframe NPC's? There should, in my opinion, be at least one warframe that branches off and does his own thing. Sure there are a few that you fight in the quest, and sure many of them did their own thing before the lotus snagged them, but I haven't heard of any that decided not to join the lotus and instead played an important reoccurring role in the present story of warframe. That to me seems unlikely, and unless I'm missing something, it's a borderline plot hole. Either the lotus is extremely persuasive, or she's taking advantage of half of them against their will.

-Another reason I thought this was a good idea is because, in game, we don't hear much about the leader of the corpus, partly because there's a bunch of them. The Grineer have the Queens, the sentients have Hunhow, the infested have... a hive mind, even the Tenno have the Lotus, what do the corpus have? They have a bunch of guys that all look the same. I feel like the corpus need a leader that is more present and recognizable in the game.

-Here's why I think that taking over corpus isn't as far fetched as it seems. If Ferro gets a super advanced brain that can predict human behavior and hack into corpus networks, is it really so far fetched that, if he wanted to, he could just waltz into all of corpus's high security buildings and take over? I mean, 90% of corpus's military is robotic, if Ferro were able to hack into the corpus network and control their robots, what could they possibly do to combat it? Nothing.

-You may be wondering why, if Ferro was able to take over corpus so easily, why hasn't it happened before? Well, there hasn't been a Robotic warframe with a super computer for a brain before. Ferro was practically built for this, well not initially, but with the installation of his brain came the ability to control robots, which made the corpus powerless.

-Also, Ferro would look completely different after having taken control. Because he was constantly upgrading himself he would look more like the hulk buster than Ferro (partly why he changes his name to Rex). This doesn't really matter that much, but it kind of makes "taking over all of corpus" a little bit more realistic don't you think?

What do you think? Still too far fetched? I still think that despite the initial reaction, DE may feel comfortable with this shift in the storyline. Sure it's unexpected, but it still fits when you really think about it.

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On 2020-09-19 at 4:29 PM, (XB1)Mentor0fHeroes said:

What do you think? Still too far fetched?

Eh, I dunno about that. I would be kinda interested to see where something like that could go. Overall though, story stuff isn't my strong suite when it come to concepts, so I'd just as soon leave that to you. In the meantime, I have a couple of augment ideas and a description of the 4th skill.

Shockwave Augment: Repulsion Wave

Shockwave now travels in a 3 meter wide line in front of Ferro and forcefully knocks back enemies. Affected enemies are dealt up to ??% of their health as True damage when impacting terrain. 

Not sure about the amount of health damage on this. Frost's Snow Globe can deal up to 50%, but Shockwave is only a 1st ability and could probably be spammed fairly easily so maybe the damage should be lower.

Impairment Matrix Augment: Explosive Matrix

The barrier now explodes in a 5 meter aoe after travelling 12 meters or through 4 targets. 5% of each target's max health is added to the damage of the explosion. Can be detonated early by recasting.

Strength: 150/250/350/500 base Blast damage

A modified version of my original idea. Tried to limit the damage and range of the explosion to keep it from being too abusable while still being worth the mod slot. 

Pylon (ph)

Launches a pylon to a targeted location which generates a series of powerful magnetic pulses. Enemies in range have their weapons removed, temporarily disarming them. Affected targets will prioritize recovering their weapons, ignoring allies and defense objectives. Will cast an instance of Shockwave when Ferro does, but with reduced range.

Yeah, I really couldn't think of a name for this one, but this is pretty close to your variation of the idea. I had a thought that maybe enemies can only be disarmed by the pylon once, but might suffer an accuracy penalty or some other kind of debuff when they get their weapons back. We could do the damage dealt on recast thing like you suggested, but unless it's a meaningful amount I'm not sure how much anyone would use that function purposefully. I'm also thinking there should maybe be some kind of effect on melee units, so that it isn't completely invalid against the Infested. Let me know your thoughts.

Finally, I saw you added Scan to the op. Is it going to be purely an offensive skill now? I know we talked about it having a defensive property before, so I wanted to be sure if that was your final verdict on it. Also, I had a thought about changing its name from 'Scan' to 'Scan Protocol'. I think it sounds better, but give me your opinion when you get a chance.

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16 hours ago, (PS4)OmegAmorbis said:

Eh, I dunno about that. I would be kinda interested to see where something like that could go.

Thanks, that means a lot. I try :)


16 hours ago, (PS4)OmegAmorbis said:

Shockwave Augment: Repulsion Wave

Shockwave now travels in a 3 meter wide line in front of Ferro and forcefully knocks back enemies. Affected enemies are dealt up to ??% of their health as True damage when impacting terrain. 

Not sure about the amount of health damage on this. Frost's Snow Globe can deal up to 50%, but Shockwave is only a 1st ability and could probably be spammed fairly easily so maybe the damage should be lower.

I don’t know about this, seems like a downgrade to me. Instead of stomping the ground and creating a surrounding effect it goes straight forward, that means fewer enemies will be effected.


16 hours ago, (PS4)OmegAmorbis said:

Impairment Matrix Augment: Explosive Matrix

The barrier now explodes in a 5 meter aoe after travelling 12 meters or through 4 targets. 5% of each target's max health is added to the damage of the explosion. Can be detonated early by recasting.

Strength: 150/250/350/500 base Blast damage

A modified version of my original idea. Tried to limit the damage and range of the explosion to keep it from being too abusable while still being worth the mod slot. 

I like the idea of the max health of effected enemies adding to the damage output.

I will add this ability soon, and likely the augment too. Part of the reason I haven’t yet is because I was thinking of giving Ferro an EMP ability, but this would only really be useful against robotics.

I also had the idea to make this a laser eyes ability. You would continue to run around killing enemies like normal while Ferro's head swivels around with full range of motion shooting enemies with his laser eyes. Effected enemies would receive heat damage and stagger effects. Maybe as the ability progresses his accuracy and damage increases.

I guess it’s about time for me to just put it in already, we'll go with the matrix idea for now. If we want to make changes later we can.

16 hours ago, (PS4)OmegAmorbis said:

Pylon (ph)

Launches a pylon to a targeted location which generates a series of powerful magnetic pulses. Enemies in range have their weapons removed, temporarily disarming them. Affected targets will prioritize recovering their weapons, ignoring allies and defense objectives. Will cast an instance of Shockwave when Ferro does, but with reduced range.

I like this description, I think I’ll use some of it. Expect to see this ability in the OP very soon, I’m just procrastinating at this point, sorry.

16 hours ago, (PS4)OmegAmorbis said:

Yeah, I really couldn't think of a name for this one, but this is pretty close to your variation of the idea. I had a thought that maybe enemies can only be disarmed by the pylon once, but might suffer an accuracy penalty or some other kind of debuff when they get their weapons back. We could do the damage dealt on recast thing like you suggested, but unless it's a meaningful amount I'm not sure how much anyone would use that function purposefully. I'm also thinking there should maybe be some kind of effect on melee units, so that it isn't completely invalid against the Infested. Let me know your thoughts.

I wouldn’t limit the number of times an enemy can be effected, the disarming is kind of the main part of the ability.

Sure, enemies can suffer lower accuracy for a limited time when their weapon is returned. Along with stagger effects and a bit of damage (I don’t think the damaging is the main part of this ability).

I thought about melee units too. The infested and sentient enemies would be completely immune to this ability. I honestly have no idea how to fix that. Maybe in an augment? But I’d hate to make an augment mandatory for using this frame.

I don’t think I’ve told you this by the way. I was thinking of making it so that robots are pulled in by this ability too. Maybe once pulled in they’ll be immobilized, or maybe I’ll let them use ranged weapons, I haven’t decided yet.

16 hours ago, (PS4)OmegAmorbis said:

Finally, I saw you added Scan to the op. Is it going to be purely an offensive skill now? I know we talked about it having a defensive property before, so I wanted to be sure if that was your final verdict on it. Also, I had a thought about changing its name from 'Scan' to 'Scan Protocol'. I think it sounds better, but give me your opinion when you get a chance.

Yeah, I decided to make the ability offensive and the augment defensive, I thought it may be better that way. It’s not exactly my final verdict yet, but it’s more or less where I’m at right now. I haven’t put it in the augments yet because I haven’t figured out how to word it just yet. It still sounds too complicated when I write it out, I’m sure I’ll be able to figure it out eventually though.

As for the name “scan protocol”, sure. It does sound a bit cooler than just “scan”, but then again I feel like “scan” is what DE would end up calling it. That’s one thing I’ve noticed, warframe abilities tend to be as simple as possible and as few words as possible. But it sounds good to me.

Maybe it would be better if we flipped the words around: “protocol scan”, as if what Ferro is scanning for is an enemies protocols and general behaviors.

Or, maybe we call it the “Fragility Scan”, Fragility meaning fragile or easily breakable. Essentially conveying the message that Ferro is scanning for anything that makes an enemy fragile.

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15 hours ago, (XB1)Mentor0fHeroes said:

I don’t know about this, seems like a downgrade to me. Instead of stomping the ground and creating a surrounding effect it goes straight forward, that means fewer enemies will be effected.

Well the idea is to have to choose between cc and damage. With how powerful true damage can be, I felt like limiting its range was the best choice.

15 hours ago, (XB1)Mentor0fHeroes said:

Expect to see this ability in the OP very soon, I’m just procrastinating at this point, sorry.

If anyone knows about procrastinating it's me, so don't worry about it.

15 hours ago, (XB1)Mentor0fHeroes said:

I thought about melee units too. The infested and sentient enemies would be completely immune to this ability. I honestly have no idea how to fix that. Maybe in an augment? But I’d hate to make an augment mandatory for using this frame.

I don’t think I’ve told you this by the way. I was thinking of making it so that robots are pulled in by this ability too. Maybe once pulled in they’ll be immobilized, or maybe I’ll let them use ranged weapons, I haven’t decided yet.

For the melee units, the only thing I can think of offhand is some kind of a slow, perhaps unrelated to the magnet effect since it wouldn't make sense. As for the latter bit, I like that idea a lot. Maybe robotic enemies can still use their weapons but have their accuracy penalized?

15 hours ago, (XB1)Mentor0fHeroes said:

Yeah, I decided to make the ability offensive and the augment defensive, I thought it may be better that way. It’s not exactly my final verdict yet, but it’s more or less where I’m at right now.

I actually like that idea as well. I always enjoy augments that give you a new way to use abilities. As for the name, I suppose either 'Scan Protocol' or 'Protocol Scan' works. Maybe the augment could be called Defense Protocol, or something along those lines?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, I think this is it. Ferro is officially complete.

I will continue to check in from time to time just in case someone posts a new comment on this thread, but if you do want to post a comment I would suggest sooner rather than later, because if this thread goes without a reply for 2 months it will get archived forever.

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On 2020-10-17 at 6:06 PM, (PS4)OmegAmorbis said:

Ok, now that Ferro is more or less done I'll post some possible stats for his skills soon, provided you'd still like that, but I'm curious if Attack Drone (and possibly whatever weapon it uses) are indeed separately modded.

I don't think the stats are really necessary. I think it would be better to leave DE some leeway for if they put him in the game. You know they would want to change some things.

As for Attack drone, I think it would be modded separately. I think the weapon would be effected by whatever mods you put on the drone, so no need to have separate mods for the drone and it's weapon. In other words, you can put mods on Ferro, and you can put a different set of mods on his drone.

Thanks for all of your help with Ferro by the way. I really appreciate it, and I couldn’t have done it without you! 😁👍

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