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Elemental_Ward bug: Heat-ward only burns within 3.6m and Toxic-ward only poisons within 4.6m. Both below the already tiny 5m range.


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Dear DE,

I just subsumed Elemental_Ward and wanted to test with Chroma, in preparation for it's completion.

At first I couldn't understand why I wasn't effecting close by enemies, even with Overexerted and decided to measure the distances.

After checking the wiki, I realised that the range of the ward's ability to effect enemies isn't listed in game, which was the source of my confusion.


However, neither the heat, or toxic ward are getting even the 5m range they are supposed to have; in fact, they don't even have the same deficit.

Heat seems to only trigger when enemies are withing 3.6m and toxic only when withing 4.6m.

As these abilities already have a tiny and strangely unmodable range, not getting even that really removes most of their elemental effect usability. so I would very much appreciate them being fixed, especially with so many players going through the hoops of obtaining a Chroma a second time.

As a lesser note, it would be very helpful if the game itself made some mention of their damage range, instead of just listing the player aura range.


Thank you for all your continuing efforts to improve this game.

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