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Nezha should get a rework


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I have been think of this ever since I finally decided to start playing as Nezha, but he definitely needs a rework. And I know, I know he’s not that bad (he’s actually a pretty decent frame) but I feel like he need to be reworked like how Wukong was reworked. If you don’t understand what I mean by that let me explain; when Wukong was reworked it made him more authentic to the mythology behind him, being a immortal trickster who can defy (hehe pun) death. Ever since I watched the new movie that came out this year about Nezha I’ve been interested in his mythology, and GOSH it is not as cute as Nezha looks in the game. I mean the dude literally sacrificed himself and came back as a freaking six armed lotus root limbed deity! Like fr that’s kinda cool and freaky. Also in the movie and in some novels his sash (the little red strings going around his neck) are used to capture and bind his enemies. Also to add another two facts in before I start talking about the rework ideas, he’s known as the symbol of protection and that the lotus became his symbol after coming back from lotus roots with the help of his mentor. Alright time for some REWORK RANT!!


Passive: honestly I like his passive because it goes well with his first ability so no need for rework

1st ability: I honestly think that they should add a animation for him running since he’s supposed to be floating on his rings, so like maybe a  roller skating animation. Plus make it too where bullet jumping would do what the mod “Firewalker”

2nd ability: I like the whole captain America vibe with this one and love using it to teleport and explode on enemies, but honestly I think the charge should go away and the ricochet number should be a stat that you can increase in the ability 

3rd ability: TEAR.IT. UP. I mean I like the ability because it’s really useful and with the augment mod it make for a good support ability, but honestly I think it should just go. Instead a few things on it, like instead of a halo make it his sash hovering around him and make it too where if you hold the ability and aim at a enemy, it binds them in place and burns them (the range would increase like equinox’s sleep ability). And if you tap the ability around a teammate, it’ll give them a sash too.

4th ability: now getting to one I can decide either to rework or destroy. On one hand, the ability is good for stopping a lot of enemies and doing damage in a AOE. But on the other hand, this rework focuses on the mythology of Nezha, and in the mythology he wields a flaming spear that he would use to fight enemies and could throw. Honestly the if I were to keep divine spears the only thing I would add would be an animation where his arms come out (flaming spectral arms, we don’t want to scar the kids :3) Then he spins around and the speaears appear. And I’m pretty sure you guys caught on to me basically trying to make it a exalted weapon, but honestly sometimes I feel like there are too many or not enough exalted weapons.

Anyway that’s my rework idea! Thanks for looking at this post and if you have any ideas just go ahead and comment them, I’d love to hear them. Ok, bye!e3bc7e834fc19d86c255dce7f25faecd.jpg

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You've got some interesting ideas but. I don't think Nezha needs/should get a rework, he's fine as is. Granted I don't play him as much as I used to so idk if he's in a good or bad spot.

also Ik there's lots of videos that just briefly explain Nezha's rework that Pablo did a while back. but theres one that goes into detail a bit all tho it is from tribruos (idk if you've heard of him he's kinda one of those S#&$posty people) he goes through the changes rather quickly but explains one thing I see you seem to have an issue with (damage) ill leave the link to it.



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14 minutes ago, killerKronos23 said:

You've got some interesting ideas but. I don't think Nezha needs/should get a rework, he's fine as is. Granted I don't play him as much as I used to so idk if he's in a good or bad spot.

also Ik there's lots of videos that just briefly explain Nezha's rework that Pablo did a while back. but theres one that goes into detail a bit all tho it is from tribruos (idk if you've heard of him he's kinda one of those S#&$posty people) he goes through the changes rather quickly but explains one thing I see you seem to have an issue with (damage) ill leave the link to it.



I don’t really have too much of a problem with the damage, honestly it’s quite good. As I said in the introduction about Wukong, I have a problem about him not being authentic to the mythology. And thanks for the compliment about my ideas.

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