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Graphical Bug


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It's difficult to explain in words what excatly the bug is beyond what the image already shows.

I don't know if it has reproducible steps so I can't test if this only occurs with the new enhanced engine.

Screenshot captured on Venus corpus ship tileset. For most of the mission it was fine then it switched to what the image shows. Went back to normal about 15 seconds later when I moved a few rooms further. I backtracked to see if it was specfic to that room but it wasn't reproduced.




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Yes, happend to me also with enhanced engine. after updated beta in options in graphics.

Also got random black screens but only the grafics. I was able to navigate through menu and also use chat.

After changing in options Grafics Engine from beta to classics i got this:

I tried out now also other graficsdriver from nvidia 456.71 and 452.22 betadriver. It happens on special places on the map and you can go trough and it happens again.

last one happens to me 3 or 4 times the day playing 5 hours. I asked some people and they have the same issues. I'm happy this is not my Graphicscard  :D

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I've encountered this issue as well with the beta graphics engine (switching to classic, the visuals returned to normal).
The problem does not extend to the entire tile, but seems localized to an area, maybe 1-10 meters, depending on the room.

Metadata from screenshots where I've encountered the problem:


/Lotus/Levels/Proc/Corpus/CorpusShipExterminate/EXwpQMcEWINmALUE03B4RttUmAKxIqiCoiQgIkA.lp Z: /Lotus/Levels/CorpusShip/CapSmallCargoScan P: -185, 604, 104  H:-88  Log: 12431.288


/Lotus/Levels/Proc/Corpus/CorpusShipDisruption/YGlJxqI4joARRlIyKItHAl26CND+hVTmQgA0MACEAQgAkA.lp Z: /Lotus/Levels/CorpusShip/ConTjunction02 P: 450, 1229, 402  H:86  Log: 5810.585


/Lotus/Levels/Proc/Corpus/CorpusShipDisruption/YGlJxqI4joARRlIyKItHAl26CND+hVTmQgA0MACEAQgAkA.lp Z: /Lotus/Levels/CorpusShip/DeadEndLargeDisposal P: 514, 1219, 411  H:-94  Log: 5828.046


/Lotus/Levels/Proc/Corpus/CorpusShipDisruption/aESuV4GhYgRx0PBhjPxPwa3QxoP0ECsBABoAwEIAACBI.lp Z: /Lotus/Levels/CorpusShip/ConTjunctionWindow03 P: -34, 613, 159  H:-85  Log: 4195.981


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