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Mastery Rank XP not displaying properly in other player's profiles (showing the starchart and steel path xp as 0)


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Whenever you check another player's profile, you do not see their actual xp and how far they are from their next MR level correctly.

A good example is when looking at a MR29 that's 14998 Xp away from MR30. When you check his profile, it will display the player is 70000 Xp away from MR30, and when you check at the detailed view for the XP , you will see the player has 0XP on starchart and 0XP on steel path starchart, even though said player has obiviously cleared both.

This isssue has been present ever since the steel path update... It seems only the active player can see his starchart and steel path XP in the total.

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