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War Mode Rage And Other Things


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I feel Ive earned a break from the eternal grind of this game, plus I need to prepare for my CAT scan. Therefor, I am here to write about what I find so mind numbing and irritating about this event. I have taken 98% corpus, 2% Grineer thus far, because Grineer were roflstomping last night. 


~I christen these the # of Rages of Gradivus Dilemma~


1. This isn't a war, it is an extermination mission in a linear path through a beautifully combined tileset.

I was really hoping for more than an extermination grind from this event, tbh. I need to stop hoping apparently, as I feel that Warframe is a permanent grind now. There is nothing 'fun' about this event anymore, especially now that I've done almost half of the required missions and am almost getting angry every time I play. Extermination is a great mission, but I would have liked to see some Large-scale, planet-side combat with ship fighting mixed in for some diverse combat experiences and alleviated grind.  What I've been getting is a one-level unvaried design with a practically copy-n-paste layout and aggravation about enemies, bringing to my next point.


2. Holy Bombard-Napalm-Heavy Gunner-cluster(*($*(#$#% batman!

The amount of Grineer heavy action in this is simply astounding. I'm okay with maybe 2 heavy gunners and a Napalm per tile, but when I have to kill 7 heavy gunners, and 6 napalms all in a small enclosed room, it gets to the point of saying "Why do I try?" Because my iron skin pops every 5 seconds, I am on fire almost constantly during this event, and I feel like I might as well be trying to move an unmovable object.


3. The one-sided stompness of this event is boring.

It's a speedrun, that's it. There is no tension of keeping allies alive or objectives held. Nope, just go stomp on this other force. Thanks, pumpkin. I feel this event would be a lot more fun, more tense, more stressful (in a good way) If the allies were not infinitely spawning and had a set number that must remain alive. That said, the corpus love to sit around and cheer from the sidelines anyway, so this might be a moot point. If we had to hold objectives, Corpus would be nice to have because they are the world's best cannon fodder, and are a good distraction from these &^*%&^% Napalms...


4. What are the consequences of letting a side win, and why should I care?

I find not a reason to fight for one side over another. If grineer win, we fight more grineer. If Corpus win, we get more random events (?), but wait, isn't that what the community has been asking for for the longest time now? Why are we being given this choice? I want More Stalker-like happenings, it varies the gameplay. Conveniently leading to my next point...


5. Stalker thinks Mid-mission is a great time to show up.

Stalker has shown up in 20 of the 43 games I've played, though only once for me. Furthermore, half of the time he gets glitched out where he spawns and just stands there, taking and dealing no damage. However fun it is to stand on his head and crouch repeatedly  whilst lasers and gunfire fly around behind you, it can't deter the fact that the Nav-mesh cannot handle an enemy who has the moves of a tenno, and the brains of a bullet sponge.


*Will add more below when I find something else that irks me about this event. *


6. Rollers count as enemies.

%&*&(*&^)^*U^$%^#%^#%^%#^%#&&(%*&((*!!!!!!!!!! Why do these little @#$#$#%$#^ love to jump off of the map and never reappear?


7. For All this trouble, I still can't ride MoAs...


8. I have no incentive to keep playing the event, should the grineer win a majority of planets.

If the grineer win, I'm getting grineer stuff, and if the corpus win, grineer supporters are getting Corpus stuff, by the sounds of it.


9. Withholding information on lore is killing participation. Help players choose, DE!

Edited by ForgemasterHD
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2. Holy Bombard-Napalm-Heavy Gunner-cluster(*($*(#$#% batman!

The amount of Grineer heavy action in this is simply astounding. I'm okay with maybe 2 heavy gunners and a Napalm per tile, but when I have to kill 7 heavy gunners, and 6 napalms all in a small enclosed room, it gets to the point of saying "Why do I try?" Because my iron skin pops every 5 seconds, I am on fire almost constantly during this event, and I feel like I might as well be trying to move an unmovable object.


And the Scorchers who loves to hide behind doorways, with attacks that can take anything out in/under 3 seconds. Surprise flamethrowers!


I'd rather fight disproportionally numbered horde of Grineers rather than five dudes from the Heavy College Reunion group.

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1. This isn't a war, it is an extermination mission in a linear path through a beautifully combined tileset.


Making "war" into an extermination mission in a new tileset is...so very disappointing.


It's increasingly clear that DE really doesn't understand what players need. We don't need new tilesets or skyboxes or sidearms.  We may want them - but what we NEED are different, awesome things to do with the beautiful gameplay system they've built - where our choices, team, loadouts and skills actually matter.


Playing my first "war" mission gave me that feeling of a kid on Christmas morning, unable to sleep a wink, bursting with excitement for new toys...


....and opening a box to find a sweater.

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Making "war" into an extermination mission in a new tileset is...so very disappointing.


It's increasingly clear that DE really doesn't understand what players need. We don't need new tilesets or skyboxes or sidearms.  We may want them - but what we NEED are different, awesome things to do with the beautiful gameplay system they've built - where our choices, team, loadouts and skills actually matter.


Playing my first "war" mission gave me that feeling of a kid on Christmas morning, unable to sleep a wink, bursting with excitement for new toys...


....and opening a box to find a sweater.

That is actually quite the perfect analogy.

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100% agree.
I decided to fight for corpus because I hate grineer more. That's it. There was no lore decision. There was no moral choice. I chose based on what was in it for me and which side I wanted to kill more.
Then to sit there and watch as ,I played mission after mission after mission for the corpus, the grineer bar over power the corpus bar. This isn't an event for everyone. It's "The moon clans are going to fight now, and the rest of you can go ahead and just play until you get your reward. The moon clans will decide who wins"
I too was disappointed in just a basic exterminate mission. I feel like they could have done something better.

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And why are these stated as lvl 18-20 missions when the enemy is 40+ and you can barely do them with full (non potatoed) lvl 30 gear cause you die the moment your head pokes out of cover cause of large squads of heavy's spawning in the first room with no allies around to help you?


Well I guess I could go online and join a random team, but I don't want to feel like I'm dragging the team down with my average gear and mods. =/

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The main thing that bugged me is that with a small change this event could have been so much more epic. Making every mission was a bizarre choice to say the least, I think it would have been better if the new map with a connector had been made available for every mission type (barring defense and survival for obvious reasons) and had us play the mission selected on that node. Heck, I just want to see a planetary invasion, even if that's just a Corpus outpost map with a new skybox that happens to have Grineer ships in orbit.


When the players say the events are a grind, what we mean is that these events make us play the same mission 100 times instead of giving us dynamic objectives. We've had the Endless Defense event (artifact intercept), Mobile Defense (Fomorian), Sabotage (Informer) and Capture (settlement reveal). The times that this has been shaken up by doing other things have been the best events, the alerts for the Capture event were more fun than the capture mission itself mainly on account of the Capture being repeated over and over.


We need more than one thing to do in these events because running the same mission type 100 times isn't fun, it's grindy.

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I felt the invasion mission could have been some what of a survival defense hybrid where your supposed to survive for a certain amount of time or something. That and they skewed the event rewards. Free win for the grineer and all that hard work for the corpus goes in vain

Edited by crivers
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I wish that I could kill things on most of the missions.


There's a few missions where I got to use my Javelins or shoot something before someone else cleared the room with their "number 4", but most of the time I spend the mission picking through loot and trying to keep up with the guy in front who's keeps decimating everything.



That is to say, sometimes I'm the guy in front killing everything by myself, and its boring.


The rest of the time I'm running behind the guy who's in front and killing everything by himself, and its even more boring.

Edited by Sasuga
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#2 and #6 are devastating at times, but #6 can make missions almost unwinnable, especially when they were able to turn invincible. Even though that has been resolved, they still can jump out of the map making it nearly impossible for you to find them. Also I suggest adding this onto the list of rages:




Corpus blocking my only way forward makes the mission impossible to complete.

Edited by notHunky
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I am seriously agree with this. When I first time sided with Corpus the amount of heavy units is extremely pain in my a.s.s


Grineer rollers. OH MY GAWD!




Scorchers. I don't care I can lure you in to my fire. Come on now.


At the start of this event the amount of retarted amount of crowd control and damage that Grineer had was seriously retarted. I side once with Grineers and I asked from myself. "What is difficult?"


The event looks good on paper but seriously, seriously, seriously by far most horrible execution of event and what things it contained. I have even god damn pile of insulting jokes about this event.


Well about Stalker I don't know to he just blasted me to parts when I was playing as Rhino.

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