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Tether don't one shoot in Gian point for me.


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When I shoot tether wad or the center the enemies don't die in one shot in Gian point. For others it does. The enemy becomes half health but not one shot it. Please do something. Since many are doing Gian point for xp farm I can not do Gian point like others do.

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It has been bugged for a while. If you are the owner of the ship, it works. If you are on someone else's ship, the tether just fizzles when you shoot it. I thought it was all missions, but I've been finished with all my RJ stuff for some time, so have just been using Gian for leveling items. So I'm not sure about other missions.

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On 2020-10-28 at 7:57 PM, --Black--Mamba-- said:

When I shoot tether wad or the center the enemies don't die in one shot in Gian point. For others it does. The enemy becomes half health but not one shot it. Please do something. Since many are doing Gian point for xp farm I can not do Gian point like others do.

The problem got fixed. When i use Inaros it happen like this. I started using Inaros prime now. Problem solved.

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