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Scripting errors breaking new bounties that take an hour to unlock repeatedly is NOT okay


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I have to say that the state of this update is on the verge of rivaling Railjack's launch. Baffling economic decisions and bugs galore.

I have now gone through the 45 minute to 1 hour effort of unlocking the new bounties three separate times. I have attempted all three new bounties. And all of them were frozen by a blatant scripting error within the first 2 steps. The "goo up enemies before killing them" bounty simply did not count enemies as marked, no matter how much we marked them. The "science" bounty had the mist rift step in it which froze because the item isn't using charges (and no enemies are spawning). And the last bounty once again decided to include the rifts and once again it froze in an unplayable state.

This is inexcusably ridiculous. Was there ANY testing of these bounties before release through actual play, not console commands to unlock? How did noone on the test cluster give you the feedback that doing a full vault run before any access to new bounties feels bad?

If you force players to play through an hour long loop of old content just to access new bounties and then not even make that access permanent, at the very least do a minimum of playtesting so that the new bounties aren't consistently getting stuck on scripting errors. Like come on, the only thing now keeping me from MR30 is farming parts in literally unplayable bounties (or more scintillant grind which brought me to the brink of self-harm when Deimos came out so that's a fat no thank you).

I love your game/product but i do have to beg you to stop releasing updates in this state. I would've gladly taken a delay to 2021 over having it released in a state where i spend four hours slamming my head into the same scripting errors that should've CLEARLY been found if there had been even marginally substantial playtesting.

I am not going to buy a single one of the weapons hardlocked away from me because of these bugs through the market and sadly the people on my teams said they would. Whether it's intentional or just a "lucky sideffect", you are literally monetizing the fact that your content is so bugged new items cannot be accessed without paying and that is not okay.

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