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A Chance To Make It Right


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What you fail to understand is the endgame, the day when the both of your forces are ground into dust and the galaxy will finally be free. If you are the first to go then it's no skin off our bones, our brothers and sisters will be safe from your clutches, and rise to help us eliminate the Grineer empire once and for all.

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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!

Says the man who wants to kill are kind for your scavenging skills! You shall not pass! Grineer do not plan on killing us for your sake AladV

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ffs, read the lore.


the Corpus want tech, thats all, thats the SOLE reason they go after the Tenno, for, the, warframe, tech. the Grineer on the other hand, they want the same as the Corpus, they capture and kill Tenno just as the Corpus do, difference being that thats not the only thing Grineer want, if your not Grineer you are to be extreminated or slaved. they want it all, and they will commit what ever genocide required to get it, they are the warframe universes version of Hitlers Nazi Germany, a regime build on genocide and the persuit of a master race that will last for a 1000 years.


and you want to support them?!?!? you want to support pure evil?!?!?

Very vaild arguement they are willing to exterminate you if u are not willing to be enslaved, on the other hand AladV is just going to kill our kind for his own sake of treasure and new tech to fiddle with for a whole new way of destruction


Edited by DivineSolar
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Interestly, I am intrigue with your Corpus technologies. I stand as an individual Tenno asking this; offer me your Ambulas Moa schematics and i'll promise to side with you for a long time. I ofcourse have my own plan with Ambulas Moa.



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You made a mistake thinking that we would abandon our kind just to stop the grineer. We do not work on profit Alad, like you Corpus do.


Surrender our bretheren, and we'll help you. Until then, I, and my clan, will continue our campaign against you, even if it helps the grineer.

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Blood will be spilled, Corpus and Grineer alike. I do not care for one who wishes to use our brothers and sisters in arms for twisted experiments. Prepare for losses, Corpus. The wrath of the Tenno has already been unleashed, and we all pick our sides. Loyalty guides me this day, and forever shall. My Orthos will be brought upon your head. Prepare, Alad. I am an Ash, lost in the flames of vengeance. 

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No one really cares much about the story. There are some who do but most just pick a side for the reward on the mission. The rewards for the missions should be the same for both side so that the event is more story oriented.


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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!

Kinda late now to cry over the "crushed milk" dontcha think?

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So the lives of 'innocents' or the lives of our fellow Tennos?


What has the system of Mars and its inhabitants done for us when we were alseep and weak? Are you referring to the people you have indoctrinated in the Corpus for the only sake of profit? They are criminals like you, Alad V, they would have done the same thing you want to do to our fellows that have the bad luck of falling into your hands, cut us in pieces then be sold to the highest bidder. Your 'project' seem to depend fully of the Tenno you captured and be kept secret the horrors you've done to it to fit it in your machinery. I would not take the risk of having you discovering the secret of the Orokin technology and using it against us.


The Grineers are and will always be a threat, however, we are strong, we have survived battles where the odds were against us, and the more we fight them, the more we know how they work, and eventually, they will fall soon after your death. They can enslave Mars if they want, once the beast will have its head removed, they'll destroy themselves.


Let Mars be lost to Grineers and its 'innocents' enslaved, we must free our fellows and keep our secrets away from this vile merchant. Other opportunities will rise for goods and precious merchandises, we don't need these from his hands, the hands that would kill a Tenno only for the sake of profit at all cost.

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Ok. Has anyone even seen Quirinus? The Corpus are winning. WINNING. and you know why? Because the damn battle pay reward it a orokin reactor. First of all, anybody who went for it is A GREEDY SELL OUT. (glad I got that out of my system) Second of all, Who wouldn't pick the reactor?! DE, you stupid! If you put a Orokin reactor vs 150000 credits, what do you think people are going to pick?!!? People aren't picking sides there going for the better reward!  DE should know this! This event is a farce so DE can tell there story. That's right I said it. Its fake. Think about it, why would Alad V make this forum post about Quirinus, and the corpus are winning because the prize is an orokin reactor? DE KNOWS everyone will go for the reactor. They know everyone will choose the better reward. Thus, this event, isn't an event. Its story time.

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Alad V,


You've attempted to pursuade me on several occasions, and this attempt is no more pathetic than the all of the others.  Make no mistake about my intentions, I am not one of the Corpus and am not driven by profit alone.  I know what you have done to my fellow Tenno whom were captured by your scouts.

I will make my demands as clear as possible for you, hand over all of the cryopods you have captured to the Lotus.

Until you comply I will continue to assist General Sargas Ruk as he Invades your bases and vessels.

I will not wait for your response.  If you value your profits, your inventory, or your research you will do what is right and give up the captured cryopods.


- Omiroth, Astral Fox

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