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A Chance To Make It Right


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Alad: Listen carefully.  My brothers will fight against you.  We will butcher your men.


As the system slips from your grasp, you will know desperation.  You will seek to buy our assistance with treasure and gewgaws, and we will oblige you, for a time.  


We will split the metal shells of the Grineer alongside your toys and shills, and you will know hope, though it comes at a steep price.


Then we will turn on you, and break the back of your spent war machine.  And when that is all done, we will come for our sleeping brothers.


I tell you this because the knowledge will change nothing; you will still claw for any advantage, however temporary, however uncertain.  It is your nature to grasp what you cannot hold, and covet what you cannot truly possess.  You are mighty among your people, but you are a base and simple thing at heart.  


Mark my words, merchant prince: This war will end you.  This war is ours.

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Your time is valuable Alad V, so I shall try to keep this brief.


I, and others, have an interest in acquiring some of your hardware. Likewise, you are very, very dead set on getting your hands on some of ours. So dead set that you might soon find yourself quite dead. And not necessarily at the hands of the Grineer or the Tenno.


The Corpus, while indoctrinated, do not strike me as a wholly unified front. Surely you have competitors. Else the fighting might have erupted in more places than just Mars. The success or failure of this entire skirmish lies not necessarily in whether you win or lose, but how much you rally public opinion afterwards. You must win convincingly if you are to rally any support from your Corpus fellows. Failure may result in your competitors preparing some 'political intrigue.'


There is more at stake than just a couple Tenno Cryopods and some inert cybernetics. Your entire reputation is in the balance. If you lose or win by a small margin, confidence in your leadership may falter. A striking victory, however, would garner respect among your peers and perhaps rally more of your fellows to unify against Grineer dominance. It would be a shame if the Solar Rail at Outer Terminus never finished. 


You are center stage. Every eye is upon you. We, the Tenno, (though without eyes) are quickly learning your name and your habits, much as we have learned those of Sargus Ruk many times over. It would be a tragedy if a man as prestigious as yourself were to lose any sleep looking over his shoulder or jumping at shadows. Your keen wit or business sense might falter. Profits would be lost. Security expenses might double or trouble to just to ease your mind.


Distinguish yourself from your fellows. I'm not necessarily saying you need to be the good guy. Building an image to that effect, however, is the only course of action in which you shall come out of this conflict ahead. Trinkets are nice. Cryopods even better. But if you're going to topple a tyrant, the image of a revolutionary seems to be the only proper choice; does it not?


Distinguish yourself beyond a man who dangles trinkets before a wave of mercenaries. Give us a show of faith and you'll see how far it can take you. Show an interest in upsetting the balance of power and we'll rally. Give us the cryopods--show an interest in the welfare of the Tenno--and you'll have highly lethal bodyguards. If you fail to defeat the Grineer as the trend is showing, you will have gambled everything and lost.

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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!


One taste of the mercenary life and many Tennos' true colors are revealed.  

Do we really fight for balance, or for battle pay?

Perhaps you are less perceptive than we've given you credit for.  The Grineer have swayed the weaker minded Tenno with their gifts yet here you appeal to principle?


Fight for the colonies, defend freedom; or fight for our kind, and defend loyalty.  

You are correct, we are smart - A false dichotomy always betrays itself in the end.  


Do not mistake our assistance, Alad; you know what we're capable of.

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One taste of the mercenary life and many Tennos' true colors are revealed.  

Do we really fight for balance, or for battle pay?

Perhaps you are less perceptive than we've given you credit for.  The Grineer have swayed the weaker minded Tenno with their gifts yet here you appeal to principle?


Fight for the colonies, defend freedom; or fight for our kind, and defend loyalty.  

You are correct, we are smart - A false dichotomy always betrays itself in the end.  


Do not mistake our assistance, Alad; you know what we're capable of.


I work for the dolla dolla bill yo!

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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!

Corpus, you are smart, but not smart enough. Hand over all Cryopods, otherwise all your base are belong to us.

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Esteemed Sir Alad V,


I humbly request the hand in marriage to your daughter Nagem XII, who's beauty is beyond all compare yet with a fiery spirit worthy of respect, i promise to cherish her with my Tenno Snuggles all her life. 


Glorious Salutations,

Hayabu5a (Leader of the 42nd Moa Death Squadron)

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You know, I'm not normally one for debating virtue over material gain. I'm more on the material gain side of things. However, there is a dangerous fallacy people have made in saying that sticking to one side is the only to be virtuous.


And they seem to have forgotten that both of these sides want to screw us in the end.


So, yeah. I'm a dirty switcher. I take battle pay for both the Grineer and the Corpus. I wait for the best deals I can find and drain both sides of precious 'taters. I kill thousands, or more like, be around when thousands are killed while trying to stay with the group and alive. I milk them for everything they're worth in the hopes that in the end, with every bullet I throw, I've made whoever wins' victory that much more pyhrric.


So come on, Salad the fifth. Make with the good stuff already. Every tater you give is one more angry, well equipped warframe, and I will be there when you eventually have to pay up for what you did with a supercharged Vauban that you gave me.

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I'll make a stand on Corpus forces until you give us our long forgotten Tenno with Corpus enhancements... And then we can crush Grineer Supremacy... After that just promise to leave us alone, and we forgive all of your sins that you and your faction did to us...

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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!

how about some platinum.nice shiny platinum.or ill eat your head

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Alad V,


As Warlord for Vanguard Operations, who currently is in the fore front of making

sure you do not capture any of our brothers and sisters, I have the duty to politely

respond to your request.


However, please be advised to the fact that flattery or bribes will not stop us from

saving our kin from falling into your hands, nor will arguments containing fallacies

constructed of emotional appeal.


If you are of the mind that we could work together whilst you are seeking to exploit

our kin in their most defenseless and fragile state, that of cryosleep, you are sadly



The only way you could convince us to take a step back in this conflict, is to immediately

and for all time stop looking for, capture and experiment on, our fellow Tenno.


If you do not, we will hunt you down by any means at our disposal, dismember you and

your research, destroy your worlds and totally annihilate any remains of your very existence

with extreme prejudice.




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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!

give me two emblems and all your money and i will help you again

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