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The Conflicting Nature Of The Grineer.


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The Grineer are a faction of clones. Clones are by definition identical; they are the same person. However, we also have several highly personalized and unique Grineer like Sargas Ruk and Captain Vor. This makes no sense and seems to go against the very core concept of the faction.


Is the current Sargas just the latest reincarnation of the "Sargas Ruk" line of clones? If so, what's the point in assassinating them? If not... well, if they are unique Grineer... as I said, that is highly illogical given the nature of the Grineer!

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in the beginning, the grineer were all unique, and had a small army. they found old orokin cloning technology, and made clones of themselves.


og kril clones himself -> new kril

og scorpion clones herself -> new scorpion

og vor clones himself -> new vor

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I thought this would be about fighting for the Grineer in the Gradivus Dilemma and then still hearing "TENNO SCCOOOOOOOOOOOOM" yelled my way.


Old habits die hard.


Even relatively new old habits only recently added in a voice update.





Please, don't hurt yourself figuing it out. It was a De mistake forgetting the lore and fact the grineer clone themselfs. Let it be





It keeps me up at night....

Edited by Brimir
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Who's to say the Grineer aren't like the clone troopers from Star Wars? They are all clones of one dude, but each individual clone is raised separately and have their own unique personality traits and achieve varying levels of rank/recognition. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to think that the Grineer army functions similarly.

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But then who decides who gets to become and induvidual?

"You are Sargas Ruk!"


"You are Grineer Scorcher #112312314!"


I would guess that they do. Just because you call him "Grineer Scorcher #112312314" doesn't mean he doesn't have a unique name and personality. I'm assuming their clones must have some free will, and these positions are chosen/earned by the individual clone who wants them and not handed out randomly to every 100th clone or something. Or maybe they are. Maybe certain clones (chosen by their leaders I would guess) receive special training from birth and the rest are left to be grunts. Either way, it seems plausible to me.

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Who's to say the Grineer aren't like the clone troopers from Star Wars? They are all clones of one dude, but each individual clone is raised separately and have their own unique personality traits and achieve varying levels of rank/recognition. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to think that the Grineer army functions similarly.

Yeah, I figure it's something like this. Every clone is their own person, with their own life experiences, and those experiences shape them differently; this means that some of them develop the skill and talent needed to climb the ranks and become someone important in their hierarchy.

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Yeah, I figure it's something like this. Every clone is their own person, with their own life experiences, and those experiences shape them differently; this means that some of them develop the skill and talent needed to climb the ranks and become someone important in their hierarchy.

And yet none of them want to talk about their shared clone-o-matic mother. 

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The Grineer are a faction of clones. Clones are by definition identical; they are the same person. However, we also have several highly personalized and unique Grineer like Sargas Ruk and Captain Vor. This makes no sense and seems to go against the very core concept of the faction.


Is the current Sargas just the latest reincarnation of the "Sargas Ruk" line of clones? If so, what's the point in assassinating them? If not... well, if they are unique Grineer... as I said, that is highly illogical given the nature of the Grineer!


Wrong. Clones are not the same. Look at the movie The Island, or Star Wars. The clones were always the same physical body, yes, but mental and mind were always different. Always.

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Clones != identical in everyway.  Clones are just genetically the same but the experiences of each individual are different.  You can't clone somebody and then they magically know everything you know and have the same feelings ect. lol 

Edited by Relkin
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twin brothers are genetically identical. Ive seen twin brothers end up in different career paths. One as a writer. The other as a doctor. One is kind of chubby the other athletic. Clones end at genetic similarity. Personality, thoughts, tendencies are forged through experiencing life.

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Also to fill in the gaps...


Not necessarily all the grineer are the same person cloned. There might have been a group of them cloned, or even various.


As they are an army faction, they are trained there whole life to be warriors. The ones that outshine the others in battle are the ones that end up as Ruk, Vor. They may have the same genetic material as a Heavy Gunner. Bt they grew up and learned stuff that made them become somebody like Ruk.


Just like people stated in Star Wars. We have clones that are higher ranked or lower ranked in there armies. Yet they are the same person with the same genetics. How each learns, grows and performs in battle decides what rank they are going to occupy in the future.

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And yet none of them want to talk about their shared clone-o-matic mother. 


Someone once proposed that the Twin Queens looked like broodmothers from Dragon Age: Origins


...........assuming that was the case, it would be better if they didn't (google the images at your own risk)

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^That's actually what I was hoping for cause twin girls are AWESOME and would totally make me defect to the Grineer if they were hot. 


I hope that's the case, although as a Corpus supporter, I'm genuinely curious about the Grineer reproductive process........I mean are they all really grown in tanks? How do most of them not die to genetic defects before adulthood? Do they all really look the same under that armor?

Edited by Ravyel
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 How do most of them not die to genetic defects before adulthood?


Actually, I am pretty sure they do. The cloning process is far from perfect, which is why you have Tyl Regor heading their effort of the Grineer to improve it. You can't keep on cloning ad nauseum without having the quality of clones degrade.


Ever watched Stargate SGI?

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