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Stahlta - Stats not being applied properly for the charged shot with Stahlta Shock Rifle Skin equipped.


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Title pretty much says it all. When the Stahlta Shock Rifle Skin is equipped to the Stahlta, it doesn't seem to allow stats to be applied properly when mods are equipped. Seems like it might be a similar issue to the Drakgoon Flak Cannon Skin problem that was fixed not that long ago, though it seems to mainly effect the stats for crit, status, and damage on the charged shot from what I've noticed. It acts as if the stats for the charged shot is just the default stats for the weapon while the skin is equipped, and the actual use of the weapon in a mission seems to reflect the bugged stats as well.

Screenshots as examples:
With skin equipped.

Without skin equipped.

Build I was using for reference to replicate the bug, though this bug seems to apply to any build, with or without forma.


Considering that this has happened now with both the Drakgoon Flak Cannon Skin and the Stahlta Shock Rifle Skin, it might be worth looking into the Ogris Rocket Launcher Skin as well to see if it's doing the same thing and correcting it in the off chance that it is.

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