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Good Bye Prova.


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That says the detron, which isnt exclusive or time limited like the vandal series, will be coming back perhaps in an event, perhaps in the market, maybe in a boss fight with Alad-V. I dont know, and I wont speculate. They have never rereleased a vandal weapon, and given, they might not have ever rereleased a wratih, they have yet to confirm whether those are exclusive or not. They might be, but I dont know if they are or not. I'll wait for them to announce that until I draw conclusions.


What they have stated is that Vandals are not coming back. They are exclusive. We had our chance, and we lost it. You provided proof of them MAYBE addressing vandals again in the future, I provided proof that they WILL NOT[/] be bringing vandals back again.

Edited by MasterZalm
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That says the dtron,


No it doesn't.


"unused factions weapons" You know what weapons those would be? Provandal, detron. Check... mate.... for the 12th time in this thread.



Edited by theharddrinkingapplejack
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I go by black and white letter words, not grey area words like 'might' and 'maybe' and 'could' as these words are used to bring up hopes that might be dashed in the future due to any number of reasons.


I'm leary of grey area words like those listed above, and until someone from DE comes in and specifically says somewhere on the forums that Vandal Prova will be coming back later, I have to go with the original black and white letter post that they will not.

Actually, that isn't what you are doing. You are taking what they said and manipulating it too look like the Vandal will "never be released". Even after Rebecca did in fact state that they would be going in the vault for future use. You're making a post, that is almost calling people "idiots" for supporting a faction with a "less exclusive" weapon. When in actuality, people that know what was actually stated (the facts), either laugh at your ignorance or get annoyed at the fact that this is the 900th post flooding the forum of someone that thinks "Everyone should win what they wanted".

Edited by TheSphynx
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Well, for one, I dont exactly understand why the grineer would give me their weapon when I helped the Corpus, though it makes sense that I get a BP stolen from them by the corpus.


Second, I'm not calling anyone an idiot, they supported the side they wanted to. I dont like their decision, but they made their choice as did I. I did over 300 missions for the corpus and never even started a grineer mission.


And until Wraith has been confirmed as exclusive, they are not. They might be, but we dont know. But they have confirmed that the Vandal gear is exclusive, and we wont be getting them again. There has been posts about how they might address the vandal again, how they could make a reappearance, and how them being rerelased is a big maybe but there is so far one post that completely negates all those ifs and buts. I posted it, people seem to be ignoring it.

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Prova is only effective against corpus and some grineer units but pretty much useless against infested where you most likely be meleeing against, but the mechanics are inherited from longswords and they are pretty useless.
Don't lnow if ill miss the prove nor the vandal versions.

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 Second, I'm not calling anyone an idiot, they supported the side they wanted to. I dont like their decision, but they made their choice as did I. I did over 300 missions for the corpus and never even started a grineer mission.



An insult is an insult. Calling someone "thick" is basically calling them stupid, ignorant, or stubborn. (see page 2 post #32 of this thread for your comment)


BUT I do understand your first point. I wanted the detron... NOPE! I couldn't get it because the grineer had much better rewards and were winning. This event felt rigged from the start.


Also this is beta, and things can change. These "ifs, ands, or coulds" mean as much as the confirmed stuff. If a dev says they are considering it, anything said before is completely negated until further notice.

Edited by theharddrinkingapplejack
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Ok, I called one person an idiot. You caught me on that. His point was that I was calling everyone an idiot who sided with the grineer. That is NOT what I said.


And of course the event was rigged. I have said it in multiple threads that this 'hacker' that plastered corpus wins and 'forced' DE to negate those corpus wins might not even exist. He might, but we dont know. All we know is that the corpus and grineer with those wins were at like 6-7 in favor of the grineer, and after those wins were taken away(and over 50 of my missions were wasted) the score went on a land slide to like 10-4. Rigged is putting it lightly.

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Ok, I called one person an idiot. You caught me on that. His point was that I was calling everyone an idiot who sided with the grineer. That is NOT what I said.


And of course the event was rigged. I have said it in multiple threads that this 'hacker' that plastered corpus wins and 'forced' DE to negate those corpus wins might not even exist. He might, but we dont know. All we know is that the corpus and grineer with those wins were at like 6-7 in favor of the grineer, and after those wins were taken away(and over 50 of my missions were wasted) the score went on a land slide to like 10-4. Rigged is putting it lightly.


man... you are REALLY cynical you know that? Chances are it was rigged but I doubt they would be so obvious as to make up a fake hacker. they could have just made it so the invasion mission ticks down toward grineer/corpus over a certain time if they really wanted grineer to win. And even if the hacker didn't take over those points the event still would have been taken by the grineer.

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Like I said, I dont know if the hacker existed or not, all I know is that 50+ of my missions were wasted and after they reset the 'hacked' missions, everything went grineer in a landslide. BTW, 6-7 means corpus still had a chance while 10-4 means siding with them = no potatoed brakk.

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After skimming through all 7 pages of this thread, I am certain of one thing:  I hope the Provandal is never released.  Petty?  Absolutely.  But after reading the same tripe from someone who is clearly having a panic attack over something as trivial as a recolored prod, it really does make me wish Zalm is right.  I'm terrible.

Edited by Wriith
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For those of you who dont know, the Wraith isnt confirmed exclusive in any rate, so the Wraith Machete and Strun might one day reappear, unless something is said about them.


What IS confirmed that any and all vandal gear that has appeared and will appear is exclusive and limited time offers.


To sum up, we might see the strun or machete wraith, but we will NEVER see the Vandal Prova.



See point #5

Not really; that was before when they were talking about the Brandal and the Lato Vandal CLOSED BETA REWARDS. They have since, multiple times, said event exclusives moving forward will most likely be put back into circulation in future events.

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I went over the whole 'maybe, could, and might' thing a few posts back.



I go by black and white letter words, not grey area words like 'might' and 'maybe' and 'could' as these words are used to bring up hopes that might be dashed in the future due to any number of reasons.


Dont get me wrong, I like DE and I like their game. I have spent over $100 in this game and I am planning to upgrade my account to hunter when I get paid tomorrow. They make a good game. There is no doubt to that. But I have had other good game companies that 'promise content' and never prove it. I'm leary of grey area words like those listed above, and until someone from DE comes in and specifically says somewhere on the forums that Vandal Prova will be coming back later, I have to go with the original black and white letter post that they will not.


I'll take my chances with gambling, not gaming.



I can think of a good example in this game by these Devs. They said they 'MIGHT' be getting us trading 'soon' and they have said this nearly every livestream since the 3-4th one. I dont see trading yet.

Edited by MasterZalm
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I go by black and white letter words, not grey area words like 'might' and 'maybe' and 'could' as these words are used to bring up hopes that might be dashed in the future due to any number of reasons.


Dont get me wrong, I like DE and I like their game. I have spent over $100 in this game and I am planning to upgrade my account to hunter when I get paid tomorrow. They make a good game. There is no doubt to that. But I have had other good game companies that 'promise content' and never prove it. I'm leary of grey area words like those listed above, and until someone from DE comes in and specifically says somewhere on the forums that Vandal Prova will be coming back later, I have to go with the original black and white letter post that they will not.


I'll take my chances with gambling, not gaming.

Yet you have no problems misconstruing words and stirring up trouble with extremely outdated information suggesting the entire vandal line is never coming back because of a post in may addressing closed beta rewards.

Copy that.

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why would you sell something when you can get mastery from it?



Because these weapons will be released at a later date until otherwise stated. Brakk will likely be released in a later update for event, market, or boss drop from a reworked Sagas Ruk, and since Wraith gear has not been confirmed to be exclusive, it might also make a return.


Its tainted because the event was rigged. The Prova is a limited time exclusive that we didnt get and it wont be coming back because it is just that, limited time offered exclusive.

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