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The Gradivus Dilemma Has Ended, Tenno


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I have intercepted a message from the Corpus board to Alad V. They have grown tired of bankrolling Alad V's war effort and have withdrawn their funding. This has left Alad with no other option than retreat. Sargas Ruk is already readying his victory speech. This battle is over.


You have all done well. Those of you who supported the Grineer have given me the time I needed to locate our sleeping comrades. A recovery team is already travelling to retrieve their cryopods. Those that supported The Corpus have slowed Grineer aggression. Though the Grineer ultimately emerged victorious, they did so at great cost.


The time for partnerships with these warlords has ended. We are no longer forced to support them in their petty conflicts. We must return to our stated goal of bringing balance to the solar system.


The Lotus


DE_Megan, login to your main acc

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im seriously just so upset with DE right now :( i did not even check the end of time for this event because i was SURE!@!!!!!!!!!!  that it was ending at 5pm pacific time, the standard daily login reward time. i play alot of games. custom built pc. tournaments all of that. i have never seen a game not stick to their defined time and this.... im going to call it a "mistake" #*($%%@ me so hard with the definition of an end of day... im trying to give more credit to DE by calling it a "mistake"  rather than a conscious decision of actually CHOOSING this time. 


ive noticed im in no small way the only one getting screwed out of 50+ missions of hard work because of this very issue.

i highly suggest reopening the event.

It was in the main thread, the email and the youtube video that it was ending 4pm gmt, the event ended 6pm gmt, you had the information you just didn't read it properly. Hardly DEs fault.
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The ones who spent all their time whining in the discussion conclaves about how the war was 'unfair' and how they deserve rewards for losing, on the other hand... Hard to feel respect for them.

The loot was nice, but ultimately I was fighting for my principles, more than any specific reward.

102 corpus missions completed. 0 grineer missions.

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I'm a stay at home dad with a 1 year old daughter and I managed to get the time to complete 100+ missions. 


On a more general note:

DE, I enjoyed the event (my first) a lot, regardless of the outcome.   I enjoyed the way the story line was presented in the days leading to the event as it evoked a reaction from my clanmates and me that left us no choice but so side with the Grineer (long before the first battle of the conflict).  As a newer player to the game, I was often tempted by Alad's offers for money over the "potatoes" and other goodies and am ashamed to say I may have flipped sides a few times for instant wealth over investments towards future clan weaponry.  Thanks to the event, I have increased my inventory significantly and have leveled up more than a couple frames and weapons.


Thank you DE.  I look forward to the next event.


I.E. you dont have a job you sit at home all day taking care of someone who can barely move and has no other need then being fed and put to sleep. bro im so happy you managed those 100 missions. and to think i was so damn lazy with my job and computer programming architecture classes that i still didnt manage to make 100 missions. 

you dont get to talk about the validity of time crunches and this event.

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Just to clarify I'm not asking for an extension of the event or the reward for 100 missions because I know that I made a mistake,


I simply ask for a timer in the next event(s) so that it's easier to notice how much time there's left and less risk of miscommunications.

Edited by Torxe
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Ive been crashing terribly over this last week and thought i was going to miss this event! it stabilized kinda (one in five of my games crashed) late sunday evening so i got about 40 missions done, sat up all last night until half 3 to finish the 60 i had left then whet to work at 6! Far too tierd to feel the reward of finishing it yet but im so glad its over im burnt out :)

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I.E. you dont have a job you sit at home all day taking care of someone who can barely move and has no other need then being fed and put to sleep. bro im so happy you managed those 100 missions. and to think i was so damn lazy with my job and computer programming architecture classes that i still didnt manage to make 100 missions. 

you dont get to talk about the validity of time crunches and this event.

lols. if you ever manage to mate and impregnate a female, and ever need to help take care of your larva, you will think back about this post you made, and think "damn, i was so so wrong"

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I like how there was a sense of morality and judgement involved. When you are forced to make a decision between saving your comrades or preventing a major power from becoming a monopoly and actually feel that if you don't save your brethren you are a traitor, you know it's a damn good game.

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I enjoyed saving our fellow tenno, I admit there was a few moments where I was struggling internally, like the systems for Vauban, which are the last piece I need. But I stayed true to my Tenno brothers and sisters and fought on for the grineer, one hundred and fifteen deployments on battlefields across the system, and finally the bloodshed is over.


(I think the event was great for newer players, I would have loved to get 200k credits from a mission when I started out lol)

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