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The Gradivus Dilemma Has Ended, Tenno


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It was in the main thread, the email and the youtube video that it was ending 4pm gmt, the event ended 6pm gmt, you had the information you just didn't read it properly. Hardly DEs fault.

its not that i couldnt have looked it up. its just that typical conventions for gaming and their daily and/or event deadlines are normally the exact same every time. meaning that this event should have ended at the normal conclusion of daily login reward chance. i shouldnt have to go on the forums. i shouldnt have to check my email, i shouldnt have to check youtube. the game should be consistent with its definitions for end of day and myself and others wouldnt be screwed out of hard work.

and i do believe this is DE's fault, my guess... they probably just want to go home early or something rather than make a good consistent product. i mean i wouldnt want to stay late calculating the rewards for the event late at night either but that doesnt mean i would abandon gaming conventions to do so. theyre being lazy.

Edited by deagin
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I'm still confused... if some were fighting for the Corpus... and some fighting for the Grineer... how come we never fought a Tenno?


Just saying, would've been a nice addition IMO.


EDIT: And please don't get me wrong: I loved the events.  Afterall, my Rhino would not have gotten from Unranked to 30 in two days without it practically :P

Edited by Tsuteto
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Great job, Tenno!


The community really rocked this event! We might have forgotten exactly who we are, but damn, we remember how to fight... 


Thanks DE for being so generous with the in-game profitability of this event. The credits, the resources, the nightmarish napalm, the electrostatic and the worthwhile rewards! It was more than I expected. The event was very enjoyable, despite the technical difficulties that occurred. Please don't mind the complainers and discontents, they clearly lose sight of the fact that Warframe is already a quality co-op shooter with weekly expansion, feedback and updates...for free! Love you guys! 


I don't trust that Alad V...he may have been beaten back on Mars, but I have a distinct feeling that there is more to this than meets the eye...oh, wait #@!

Aaah, the Gradivus Dilemma, revealer of Tenno Honour and Dishonour, Greedy Milk, Grineer Speech Impedance and the Unranked Lotus. Good times...

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Me and my cammerads served the Tennos well !

We´ll only serve you, great Lotus!

And we´ll restore the balance and crush both, corpus and grineer.

I think its time to get 1 Planet for the Tennos, and Mars might be a good choice....

Lets take our chance brothers and sisters, take back Mars for the Tenno and lets use it as headquaters for 

every existing Tenno !

Why don´t we take Action in this war?


I think its time to purge Mars and rebuild our Civilisation !

We´ve waited long enough Brothers. Who are we, that we allow 

Corpus-scum to make experiments with our Fellow Tennos ?

It´s mor than emberassing ! 


Well sorry for my bad English ^^ its not my main language, but i hope my massage will arrive you guys !


-The Mighty Warlord of the Moon-clan, Darkframe !

Long Live the Tenno! Long Live the Lotus!

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lols. if you ever manage to mate and impregnate a female, and ever need to help take care of your larva, you will think back about this post you made, and think "damn, i was so so wrong"

no. i will think that is what i have a stay at home wife for. i dont ever plan on not working and reducing myself to strictly S#&$ cleaning and snot wiping. im not bashing parents. im bashing stay at home parents. there is a difference. and it had a key role in hours available for the accomplishment of this event. 

Edited by deagin
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its not that i couldnt have looked it up. its just that typical conventions for gaming and their daily and/or event deadlines are normally the exact same every time.

Bull. The events have consistently ended right around 12 PM EST before. This time they gave a little bit of bonus time. As far as I'm aware, the events have never ended at the daily reward reset time (8 PM EST).

and i do believe this is DE's fault, my guess... they probably just want to go home early or something rather than make a good consistent product. i mean i wouldnt want to stay late calculating the rewards for the event late at night either but that doesnt mean i would abandon gaming conventions to do so. theyre being lazy.

For U10, DE was in the office at 1 AM pushing out hotfixes. For this event they were there until midnight. Lazy they aren't.

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Now the pod crisis in Mars is settled to prompt solution, must say the lack of ressolution from Lotus is, al least, disturbing.


The Tenno layed as a beheaded dragon. Perhaps we proved ourselves as an powerful hydra insted.

The Enemy allways bark lais. Nevertheless, shall we found why where addressed as betrayers by the Corpus. What pacts, secrets perhaps, we broke, and settled by who in name of the Tenno.

We shall focus on intelligence gathering and espionage runs to penetrate the Corpus network for Tenno related data.




yay! go grinies! gimme goodie good goods!
death to all corpus! \m/

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Tenno who supported the Corpus:


Do not despair, we may not be seen as the victorious leaders, but we played our part well.


The Grineer have paid greatly, and we stopped their oppression as much as we could.



In the end, we all helped in some way.


Hail, Tenno.

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Now to kill all the traitors... umm... er ... I mean.. now to welcome all our brothers that supported the vile enemy... er.. I mean Alad V with open gun ports... er... arms yes open arms wide stretched with guns held level... I mean hands held open....


Come back lambs... Come back... lost little lambs..




Edited by Darkblue006
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no. i will think that is what i have a stay at home wife for. i dont ever plan on not working and reducing myself to strictly S#&$ cleaning and snot wiping. im not bashing parents. im bashing stay at home parents. there is a difference. and it had a key role in hours available for the accomplishment of this event. 

good luck halving the potential income for your household. because if your wife/gf need to finish her masters/phd for that job that will allow you guys to get ahead in life, then you either need to pay expensive all-day nannies for a halfassed job or take a year off work yourself and do your part

its not rocket science, 2 parents with high paying jobs = better than just 1 one in the long run 

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Bull. The events have consistently ended right around 12 PM EST before. This time they gave a little bit of bonus time. As far as I'm aware, the events have never ended at the daily reward reset time (8 PM EST).

For U10, DE was in the office at 1 AM pushing out hotfixes. For this event they were there until midnight. Lazy they aren't.

my point exactly, they are tired and probably just wanted this hellish event to end. 


and im sorry i never have had an issue with completing the events before so i have never acknowledged they ended at 12 previously ( makes the game a tiny teeny itsy bit more consistent with itself) my experience with the game as someone who is not into forums but would rather you know PLAY THE GAME was that the games definition of an event ending on a day meant the deadline for that day is the login reward time. you know, the normal warframe daily deadline i try to meet to maintain 7 in a row login days. so its not that i didnt follow directions, WHY IN THE HELL WOULD DE NOT STICK TO THEIR ALREADY IN PLACE DEADLINE!!! I MEAN ARE YOU KIDDINGME!!!1

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