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The Gradivus Dilemma Has Ended, Tenno


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good luck halving the potential income for your household. because if your wife/gf need to finish her masters/phd for that job that will allow you guys to get ahead in life, then you either need to pay expensive all-day nannies for a halfassed job or take a year off work yourself and do your part

its not rocket science, 2 parents with high paying jobs = better than just 1 one in the long run.

welp that doesnt apply to me. wealthy family, wealthy trust, wealthy gf and a fantastic spot at intel. well be fine. thank you though!

oh yeah and gf will be graduating same time as me so no need to take time off. i call that planning things strategically. look into it.

Edited by deagin
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I equally respect all Tenno who participated in this conflict, and even those who did not except those lazy AFKers. I took the role of strengthening the Tenno by favoring Grineer while not hesitating to rob the Corpus of good loot, if they offered it. At the end of the day, the Tenno have increased in number and in strength, and by drawing out this conflict, we forced the Grineer and Corpus to sacrifice far more than they had anticipated. The Tenno are the only true winners today.

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Tier rewards? 100 missions and all that? excuse me but where the f... was that all posted? Did I miss something or was it in the secret thread or the "read every detail update" within a million other crap?


Shouldn't something like that be put somewhere obvious so we can know about it? I am surprised others knew of it and I didn't. And yes, I looked into every post for the event, didn't see anything of the obvious in the likes of :


rewards for supporting a side = tier 1, and the rest of it...


Unless it was some edit on an already posted thread. Either way, I read every important bit more or less (more) and have a life to not need to look in every single thread a million times, read every single reply in it, or look up every patch note. I even popped into the Warframe wiki and read everything on this conflict over there as well, and unless it was edited in later on at the wiki too no such information was present when I looked it up about rewards for completing 100 missions etc.


Seriously people, between everything else we do Warframe (or any other game) is the last thing we want to be searching details for more than we already are for every single grindable weapon and warframe part that we try to collect and so on so forth.


Make such news (which was from what I gather one of the most important parts of the conflict) accessible in an OBVIOUS place, not under a rock in your sisters' backyard. ffs, now I am the one that feels robbed here. Didn't pack up any more missions although I could because I thought there was absolutely no point to counting up to more than 5 on each front.... Crap!


37 for Grineer and 17 for Corpus (needed some stuff they gave away from those Milk-brained fiends as well). All in all, that is more or less all conflicts x5 however much they were, so I was not absent on any one of them. And now I'm apparently missing out on something I would have liked to have. Thanks for nothing I guess.

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welp that doesnt apply to me. wealthy family, wealthy trust, wealthy gf and a fantastic spot at intel. well be fine. thank you though!

oh yeah and gf will be graduating same time as me so no need to take time off. i call that planning things strategically. look into it.

sure sure. i call that being 12 and daydreaming

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I didn't get to complete 100 missions will i ever be able to get the weapon again?

Yes, No, Yes... but not in the way or at the time you might or might not have thought... instead it will be a time and place that will be told to us from on high to the left and under...


PS: the event ended an hr late.. after almost a weeks worth of time... at anywhere between 2-7 min per run how did you not do 100 of these ... things..


100*6=600/60= a max of 10hrs game play for said reward... / 5 days of play = 2hrs of game pay per day... if you did not do that... then I got to say you did almost nothing... now drop and give me 100 maggot..



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тут что русских нету(? это конечно крут но не очень круто) пользуйтесь переводчиком как и я ) ))    что ни будь  про оружие известно когда его дадут когда же мы уже вздохнем с облегчением)?

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Well i have competed over 100 runs at the Corpus side and over 25 on the Grineer.

I still dont have get any Weapon.

I've read that you should get one on at least 25 run's compelted.

And even that the Corpus has lost and the Brutal Grineer grow unecesserely even stronger,

i should had got the two weapons, cause i had acomplished all needed requrements.


It's now 21:50 PM in Germany and the Event is long over

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I predicted the Corpus would lose, But reguardless i still assisted them. It went according to plan, our kin being saved, yet slaying Abomindations by the dozen. To those with the stomach to tollerate Grineer, I salute thee. It is all of our victories, but you can claim the glory of saving our comrades.

To us that stayed true to Corpus, our time will come when we may play on that trust, and strike a blow as hard as today. Even if we are enemies today, they will be a little more favorable to us for another fight. Simply play one's hand well, and they will never suspect the daggers in our smiles. 

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my point exactly, they are tired and probably just wanted this hellish event to end. 


and im sorry i never have had an issue with completing the events before so i have never acknowledged they ended at 12 previously ( makes the game a tiny teeny itsy bit more consistent with itself) my experience with the game as someone who is not into forums but would rather you know PLAY THE GAME was that the games definition of an event ending on a day meant the deadline for that day is the login reward time. you know, the normal warframe daily deadline i try to meet to maintain 7 in a row login days. so its not that i didnt follow directions, WHY IN THE HELL WOULD DE NOT STICK TO THEIR ALREADY IN PLACE DEADLINE!!! I MEAN ARE YOU KIDDINGME!!!1

Login reward times are local time, meaning there are over 20 possible 'end of day' times(12am in every time zone) you live in just 1 such possibility, the 'already in place deadline' you are talking about does not exist. You are imposing your own self made routines on this situation and outright ignoring the actual information that was readily available. It's like getting a flat pack table, not reading the instructions and ringing the manufacturer to complain/blame them when you do it incorrectly.
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Tier rewards? 100 missions and all that? excuse me but where the f... was that all posted? Did I miss something or was it in the secret thread or the "read every detail update" within a million other crap?


Shouldn't something like that be put somewhere obvious so we can know about it? I am surprised others knew of it and I didn't. And yes, I looked into every post for the event, didn't see anything of the obvious in the likes of :


rewards for supporting a side = tier 1, and the rest of it...


Unless it was some edit on an already posted thread. Either way, I read every important bit more or less (more) and have a life to not need to look in every single thread a million times, read every single reply in it, or look up every patch note. I even popped into the Warframe wiki and read everything on this conflict over there as well, and unless it was edited in later on at the wiki too no such information was present when I looked it up about rewards for completing 100 missions etc.


Seriously people, between everything else we do Warframe (or any other game) is the last thing we want to be searching details for more than we already are for every single grindable weapon and warframe part that we try to collect and so on so forth.


Make such news (which was from what I gather one of the most important parts of the conflict) accessible in an OBVIOUS place, not under a rock in your sisters' backyard. ffs, now I am the one that feels robbed here. Didn't pack up any more missions although I could because I thought there was absolutely no point to counting up to more than 5 on each front.... Crap!


37 for Grineer and 17 for Corpus (needed some stuff they gave away from those Milk-brained fiends as well). All in all, that is more or less all conflicts x5 however much they were, so I was not absent on any one of them. And now I'm apparently missing out on something I would have liked to have. Thanks for nothing I guess.

It was posted on the announcement for the event and on the wiki. You obviously didn't look hard enough.



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Ultimately... here's where the chips fall in this latest conflict.


The Grineer are an artificially enhanced race of totalitarians who seek to control and enslave a galactic empire under their boot heel.


The Corpus are an organization of wealth mongers who would enslave through monetary control all assets and resources in order to make themselves rich.


The Grineer seek complete and utter military control. They do not tolerate threats to that control: if they managed to wholly depose the Corpus (their greatest rival) they would undoubtedly eventually turn on us. Tenno are freedom fighters and rebel;s by nature. We would represent an uncontrollable influence in the Grineer's empire - which they would squash given the opportunity. Were the Grineer able to sieze outright control over all sector's - they would cement their positions and then mobilize all non-essential forces to wiping out all Teeno forces, bases, dojo's and strongholds. There would be no where left for the Tenno to hide and given the Grineer would have endless resources due to their conquered territories - they would also have endless numbers of troops and ships with which to hunt us: the Tenno could be wiped out.


The Corpus on the other hand: seek to experiment and exploit the Tenno for technological development. Were they permitted to become too powerful they wouldn't even need a galactic empire the size of the Grineer with which to hunt us. They're corporate, they know how contracts work. Were the Corpus not kept in check, all tenno would be endlessly hunted by bounty hunters and capture teams sent by Corpus forces. Eventually our forces would begin to dwindle and as the corpus were able to acquire more and more of us - they'd be able to reverse engineer more of our technology and develop defenses against our battle tactics. Which would only make them even more capable of capturing tenno.


It was in our collective interest to knock the corpus down a few pegs and get a line on where our cryo-suspended brethren are in order to rescue them from corpus control -BEFORE- they managed to develop too many insights into our technology.


In the end however: a resounding victory for either side - would have been counter productive. Neither side is "good", both sides are wholly corrupt and utterly contemptible. It serves our long range goals to have helped both sides of the conflict, and in the end ensure that the Grineer won only after a very costly campaign of aggression. By dragging the battle out we forced both the Corpus and the Grineer - two of the three greatest threats to the galaxy - to woefully diminish their forces. They wasted men and materials that they will be hard pressed to replace. Victory was won only at extreme cost to the Grineer.


This result means that in our future battles against the corpus and the grineer: we now face enemy forces which in the long run are far numerically weaker and with far fewer resources than either side had at their disposal just weeks ago. Neither the grineer nor the corpus pose the threat to us they did just weeks ago. To cap it off, during this exchange of aggression - one would bet their last credit that the infested have made major strides who no one was paying attention. Which means the depleted forces of the grineer and corpus will have a harder time keeping control over what territories they have left - or what territories they've gained: from infested intrusion.


If the Tenno keep their eye on the long term goal: we can systematically play the largest threats to freedom against each other. Allow them to kill each other off while we build our forces by seeking out more of our brothers and sisters yet discovered in cryogenic suspension. As the grineer, infested and corpus focus over controlling territory and grabbing for resources - they'll only continue to diminish those very resources they crave. While we, become, stronger; they, become, weaker. We should do everything in our power to continue our efforts to ensure that the factions stay thoroughly fixated on each other while we come and go as we please. If anything we should increase our efforts to ensure continued hostility between them.


If the Tenno stay strong and walk the path of victory: we will eventually be able to wipe out all three of these factions and secure a future for the galaxy which ensures freedom for it's denizens. The Tenno were born to bring about that day, and we have been awakened from our slumber to do so.

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