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100 Missions Was Too Much.


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I didn't want to say anything while the event was ongoing so noone would accuse me of trying to make it easy on myself and doubt my sincerity, but now that the event has ended...

While I did like it a lot, 100 missions in 7 days for the big prize is too much.

Devs, I love you, doing an outstanding job, I'm not asking to make the game easy and I'm not saying it's impossible, but please, expecting us to do the same mission 13-15 times a day for a week is cruel.

So next time, 10 times a day, sure, but that is the absolute max for me.

Anyone else feel this way?


a friend of mine did 500 missions...

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I ground it out in the first 2.5 days, and then felt like a fool when I found out there were 7. So... yeah.


The way to keep it interesting for me was to switch Warframes and / or weapons. But I realize that's not an option for everyone. I can see how one would get tired of the missions after a while.

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None have to go that far if they don't like to do so.

The hand-cannon is just a hand-cannon. Your life won't end if you can't have it.


DE add content again and again and again, you will have enough of special weaponry, don't worry.


Some people can do the 100 missions. Some people can't or don't want to. That's not a big deal.

Get satisfied and happy of all the rewards earned and the fun you had.

So true, I only done 26 missions, at least i got my machete in the bag :)

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In my opinion, I probably had the time to actually do 100, but I couldn't bring myself to do one single more exterminate with the same map and enemies once I hit 50. It's simply to monotonous, even rushing them as fast as possible it was excessively grindy, even for this game. I wouldn't have minded if the missions got mixed up a bit, maybe some 5 minute survivals and stuff to make it more interesting. As it was, if the battle pay wasn't so ridiculously amazing in some cases, I probably would have done 5 and no more.

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You had a full week to do 100 3 minute (including the down-time in between) missions.

The total time it would have taken you is ~5 hours. Could you honestly not spare 43 minutes a day? If not, I understand, but don't say that it was too much. It was FAR from too much.

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I thought the event ended today at 12 AM so i didn't get to finish the 100 missions :(.

Same here, I was going to bash out the last ones today, but they just stopped.

It was a really tedius "Event". The new tiles were very welcome, but now I feel sick of seeing them- ironic.

I like the fact that they tried sonething new, experimentation is always good. The idea of allying with one side in a mission is good and could be used in future alert missions perhaps. The idea of an ongoing conflict was good also as I like it when a game lets the actions of the players determine an outcome (Asheron's Call did this very well way back when). The actual implementation was just far too grindy and repetitive.

It became less an event than a week of overtime at a boring job. If you make your game feel like work, then you are failing. When I did play during ths week I did nothing but event missions as I felt doing anything else would be "Unproductive", which is sad.

Keep trying new things and keep hold of the good ideas from this event, but please no more "Do exactly the same thing 100 times" events.

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 The time to do them was fine. You didn't even have to repeat them very often if you were able to do more of them.  Basically, if you got the battle pay from every mission, then you had 100 or more.  Of course, not everyone had the time to get the battle pay for every mission.  You did still have plenty of time to do 100 missions, unless of course you don't have enough time to play Warframe at all.


 As for the quality of the missions.  The voice comments from npc's, and the type of gameplay, and the other players made the missions get pretty old before the 10th mission.


 Either way, you really just needed to want the reward to actually get credit for the rewards.


 As for the rewards, they probably should start working on the concept of more then three tiers of rewards.  Some people really went far on this event and have done the same on several other events.  They probably should have gotten something for their efforts.  Meanwhile, other people that really didn't want to go to 100 probably should have gotten something for 50, though definitely not the pistol and a weapon slot.  Though, the people worried about the 100 missions should be glad they didn't make it a reward at 250 like they have for a couple of previous events.

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100 missions isn't hard to pull off??!?!


So I think that I am fairly proficient at warframe. I'm mastery 12, have every weapon, and most mods maxed. I timed some of my runs using a very well modded mag prime. I was averaging a bit over 4 minutes blazing through missions. With loading and resetting, lets round up to 5 minutes per mission and that is being very quick.


That would mean that 100 missions would take you 500 minutes, or over 8 hours. That is an acceptable amount of video games per week. That is a devoted amount to one particular game a week. That is an insane amount of one mission, all in one week.


Stop saying that its not that hard to manage, it was taxing socially and mentally to try and get 100 missions for some of us. You are just making us more angry by claiming that we could have magically done it if we wanted to. 



EDIT: After re-reading my post, 8 hours seems like a bit of an understatement to do 100 missions for most.


I wish I could have salted my language with profanity, expressing how upset I am with DE and the community after this event. I am probably just upset that I missed the brakk by only a dozen or so missions, and if I could go back I would have blown the whole thing off.

Edited by Dipstick
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Putting aside the logistical requirements of fitting 100 battles into ones weekly schedule, the fact that you have to do 100 of the exact same mission is a problem as well, particularly when one of the stated ongoing goals from DE is to (allegedly) decrease the amount of grind you have to do to enjoy Warframe.


This assertion conflicts heavily with the idea of telling its players to do the same mission 100 times to unlock a certain thing that may or may not be exclusive aka never able to be attained again.


I got my 100 battles by Monday but I was bored out of my head so much I didn't even go for the free potato one on Tuesday.

Edited by Raidyr
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a friend of mine did 500 missions...

 Just for information sake, do your friend work? Have something to do besides Play Warframe and probably Study?


Edit: Yeah 100 missions surely is exhausting. If you play like... Every mission per-day all five missions per node, you would have got the 100 missions I suppose (or close to) but To jump from 25 missions to 100 missions is a huge gap. Why not make it like 60 for Tier 3 (or 70) and than 100 for Tier 4? Would make alot of things less: "Okay got 25 now how much really? WOW 100? Really?"

Edited by VelenoHargreaves
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Weekends....  got to love weekends...  and friends to help you blaze through the missions.    


Not saying that running the same mission type about 110 times wasn't taxing and wanted to do something else.   But all in all, we were given a week for this event,  an hour play during work/school nights for down time, and marathoning it on the weekends.   I managed to get all my missions just doing the 5 for the battle pay, for the active missions then left.   Only did a couple pasted 5 do to helping a friend and didn't know if you could get the pay again for doing a mission another 5 times.   


Events like this, tax everyone.   Make you choose between free time and life, which is why they gave it a good week to help people finish it.   I personally just wanted the Matchee, but in the end do more missions just because of the battle pay.   Sitting on nearly a mil credits would have been more but fused mods and made some weapons, during that time.   


You get rewards based on the time you spent, and the dedication you put into the game.  I do hope they bring the invasions back but with mission variety getting added into the mix.   Given that it was the first run through of a mission type like this, they did a good job.   It needs tweeks, but 100 missions was actually kinda easy.   

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A successful online time-limited event should be available to new and veteran players, and casual and hardcore players alike.


I know someone that only gets to play from 1pm-4pm on weekdays -- 15 hours a week basically.  15 hours in one week is a lot of time for a normal person to put into a video game, and when their entire leisure time is spent power-grinding an event that is boring and repetitive -- much like a job -- that's a bit extreme.


If you play video games over 35 hours a week (like myself), perhaps your perspective could have no empathy for the people that aren't addicted to electronic entertainment the same way as ourselves.

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50 would have been reasonable, 100 was excruciating to get through. I can't believe some people are like "No way that wasn't too much at all!" 100 runs in 7 days is ridiculous. You had to run at least 14 missions per day at around 3-5 mins each (+2 more). I did it barely. I love my Brakk but it was not reasonable for normal people that have jobs and families. My girlfriend was none too happy by the end of that week, lol.

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I agree it got boring as hell and for the prize I do not think it was worth it.  I will have to think about the next even if it is like this.  I am not at all

happy about it.  Yes I fought for Corpus.  I wanted that weapon and after 100  times playing pretty much the same mission over and over I still did not get the weapon I wanted.  I don't mean to sound like a baby but that is how I feel.  When I first read the rules I read them wrong and thought you would get the BP on one weapon and the other would be the weapon.  Now that would have made it worth it.  Also if you are in a clan and have access to those weapons why spend the time on this?  Just my opinion and you do not have to agree.

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Being capable of doing it doesn't mean it was enjoyable. I have a job too, I still managed to complete it, and it left a sour impression of the event as a result. While I like having NPC's in my mission fighting each other, even things I enjoy get stale after doing them 100 times in a row. 

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 I don't know how some of you could stand doing the same mission for 100 times.... Maybe it's that I've been playing since closed beta? I don't know, but I get burn out really fast in this game. Also I feel skill should be rewarded over grinding. I have work and have a life. Funny how some that actually subject themselves to the grind call others like me lazy. 

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 I don't know how some of you could stand doing the same mission for 100 times.... Maybe it's that I've been playing since closed beta? I don't know, but I get burn out really fast in this game. Also I feel skill should be rewarded over grinding. I have work and have a life. Funny how some that actually subject themselves to the grind call others like me lazy. 

Don't you see? You're obviously lazy for not playing a video game, perhaps even doing something physical instead.  Get in your chair, grab that mouse, and stop being so lazy.

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100 is a lot for someone who doesn't play this as one of their "central games" or most played games.

Also the game has grown extremely bland (at least to me) over the time I have played and just playing 10 missions to me was like watching a 2 hour documentary about pickled herring, and felt more like a chore rather than having fun.

Edited by Ertoe
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