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This Event Made Me Sad...


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I didn't realise it was ending on the 30th, I only got to participate for the first 3 days, was doing a family thing for halloween and got back today to find the event was over. I'm less then 25 battles away from getting the tier 3 reward...and I even supported the grineer. ._.

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That doesn't make it any less of a stupidly timed event. :/ Over a holiday week, when's the next one going to be, right over christmas when everyone is flying or with family?  Third damn event I missed because it was poorly timed, at this rate, I'm just never going to get anything decent from an event ever. ._.

Edited by DragonDance
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My post count is from flaming and trolling.

This isn't a QQ post, it's a DE needs to look at and seriously adjust the timing of their events, people have lives outside their game.  Events need to last long enough for everyone to participate.

Edited by DragonDance
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-no not really-

-derp derp derp-

here is the deal.

the times are/were clearly stated.

nobody else had any trouble doing the event.

and if they did, they are not posting pointless threads.

you will get little/no sympathy here.

you missed it? too bad.

better luck next time.


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This isn't a QQ post, it's a DE needs to look at and seriously adjust the timing of their events, people have lives outside their game.  Events need to last long enough for everyone to participate.

one week was more than enough 

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It happens. There's not much you can do about, after all it was explicitly stated on the event page the event's duration.


Then again, don't worry about it too much. You did snag the Badge and the Machete Wraith, and most likely, the Brakk will be avalible afterwards, perhaps as Clantech or something similar.  

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That didn't bother me, when I saw this event I was excited, it was something I could really get behind and enjoy, I even spent quite a bit of time farming grineer victories on missions that I had already gotten enough victories on for my battle pay, just because I wanted grineer to win.  I even left my clan for this event because they were corpus supporters.  And then it ends. Before I get to actually enjoy it.


And it definetly wasn't stated up front.  People were constantly asking in council chat how long the event would be, for the entire three days I was here for it.  No one knew, including myself.  People in council were saying it'd last through november.

Edited by DragonDance
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Well, alchemist clearly isn't anyone with insightful or worthwhile opinions or thoughts... anyway, my hope was that DE would take notice.  Events should be, at the least /twice/ as long, epseiclaly if they happen to fall over a holiday.  Maybe for YOU it was a week long, but for me it was only THREE DAYS.  I do have a life outside my computer, and so do many, many other people who might not be back yet from their vacations. Take them into account, and don't be a selfish prick just because you got what you wanted from the event.

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I agree with a few posts with alkemist that you should kinda deal with it. It was a week long, and that was more than enough time to get 100 missions done. I got over 300 of them done with a full time job and kids.


That beside, I also think there should have been more warning, both ingame and on the website, about a limited time event during a holiday time. If they have an event during yule and they dont give enough of a warning, people might miss it. Same goes to thanxgiving or whatever and haloween. Certain holidays are important to some people and they are busy during those times of the year.


In short, more warning should have been given about this event.

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Wait till the butthurt Friday when Founders end. >__>

Founders is a diferent case.  Had almost a year for that, and the end date was falsely released twice now, with the actual end date being announced two months prior, and all over the place.  No one is going to miss that on accident.

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I agree with a few posts with alkemist that you should kinda deal with it. It was a week long, and that was more than enough time to get 100 missions done. I got over 300 of them done with a full time job and kids.


That beside, I also think there should have been more warning, both ingame and on the website, about a limited time event during a holiday time. If they have an event during yule and they dont give enough of a warning, people might miss it. Same goes to thanxgiving or whatever and haloween. Certain holidays are important to some people and they are busy during those times of the year.


In short, more warning should have been given about this event.

You're missing except that not everyone has an entire week to do it.  I only had three days. :/

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That doesn't make it any less of a stupidly timed event. :/ Over a holiday week, when's the next one going to be, right over christmas when everyone is flying or with family?  Third damn event I missed because it was poorly timed, at this rate, I'm just never going to get anything decent from an event ever. ._.


What? So they should put it on a non-holiday WEEK when everybody is busy?


They gave us a WEEK, 7 days! I was at 98 runs when the event ended, 98 Do you know who's fault it is I didn't get 100? Its MINE.


DE's time table does not revolve around you, if you had something to do, you had something to do, what are you moaning about?  If you only had 3 days that's your problem,it has NOTHING to do with DE at all.

Edited by t4m5t3r
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You're missing except that not everyone has an entire week to do it.  I only had three days. :/

 Thing is, all the past events were three days or shorter.


Now I totally understand that it SUCKS to be the guy who didn't make it, but you also need to accept that DE did give us much more time this time compared to the past (twice as long). If you didn't know that it was ending today because you DIDN'T READ the post on the main website and planned ahead, you really can't blame anyone but either yourself or your circumstances.


Sorry, bro.

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Well, alchemist clearly isn't anyone with insightful or worthwhile opinions or thoughts...

oh you...

sweet talk will get you nowhere :P


Events should be, at the least /twice/ as long, epseiclaly if they happen to fall over a holiday.

dear god no.

that is a horrible idea.

1 week is the sweet spot imo.

not crazy long, and not "just" a weekend.


Maybe for YOU it was a week long, but for me it was only THREE DAYS.

too. bad.

it was a week long for everyone, not just me or anyone specifically.

grow up and deal with the fact that you will not always get what you want when you want it.

your QQing is pointless.


I do have a life outside my computer, and so do many, many other people who might not be back yet from their vacations.

so do i and so do almost all of the people who completed 100+ missions.

that is a baseless and pointless assumption statement.


Take them into account, and don't be a selfish prick just because you got what you wanted from the event.


they had other things to do... so what?

they should get special treatment?

no. thousand times no.

DE has no reason to cater to every single person that has ever played warframe.


the event was a week long.

you missed it?

too bad.


Edited by alchemistjkt
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I did read the post on the main web page, I read it thoroughly, the dates were definetly not there when that post first came out, but again, this is not a QQ post, I don't care that i missed this one, I WANT FUTURE EVENTS TO CHANGE.  Two weeks long, especially if they're over a big holiday.  Seriously, how stupid would it be if they did a three day event over christmas eve, christmas, and the day after?  Who would be able to participate in that?  People with no lives outside computer games, that's who.  I was with family on a trip where I had no computer access for the halloween week, I only had 3 days to do the event.  I don't think a circumstance like this should ever prohibit someone from being able to enjoy an event again, and thats why I think it should change.

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oh you...

sweet talk will get you nowhere :P


dear god no.

that is a horrible idea.

1 week is the sweet spot imo.

not crazy long, and not "just" a weekend.


too. bad.

it was a week long for everyone, not just me or anyone specifically.

grow up and deal with the fact that you will not always get what you want when you want it.

your QQing is pointless.


so do i and so do almost all of the people who completed 100+ missions.

that is a baseless and pointless assumption statement.



they had other things to do... so what?

they should get special treatment?

no. thousand times no.

DE has no reason to cater to every single person that has ever played warframe.


the event was a week long.

you missed it?

too bad.



Seriously?  You're extremely narrow minded if you think EVERYONE can spare enough time to do an event like that in just one week.  Been the army for six years, and sometimes I don't even get holidays off, it's rare for me to get to spend time with family, let alone to play video games. 

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what is it that compels certain people to meet feedback with hostility and nastiness? why would you be butthurt if the event was next week, or lasted 2? so sick of people like that DUR TOO BAD guy, if you finished everything in the event you have no reason to even be replying to this thread. its cool if you are unemployed alone and have no education but holiday weeks really shut life down for some people.. there is nothing wrong with suggesting that events would have better participation and fairness if they didn't take place during holiday weeks. I really think some people just get off at the idea that they have something others don't and making the event more accesable to everyone would threaten that. I'm not saying give everything away to everyone but not doing it when people with lives are swamped is a great suggestion that warrants no negativity....

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