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This Event Made Me Sad...


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I promise you that if the event had an opening cinematic and a big login-page that told you all the details in giant flashing neon colors, people would still be asking in region/council chat when it ended, and how the reward system worked. 

You're also failing to point out that, for all the people who didn't bother reading the update notes or the front page, who then went to region/council asking for an answer to a question that was already answered in the places that kind of question should be answered, there was always someone in region/council who could answer when the event ended. 

You can't get mad at the game for not telling you when the event ends if you didn't bother to ask. 

Edited by Acos
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That doesn't make it any less of a stupidly timed event. :/ Over a holiday week, when's the next one going to be, right over christmas when everyone is flying or with family?  Third damn event I missed because it was poorly timed, at this rate, I'm just never going to get anything decent from an event ever. ._.

people QQ'd before because they only did events over the weeked for about 3 days.  DE makes it a week and now people QQ because its not the week they wanted to do it.  ffs...

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Month-long event - TOO SHORT! I was on Bora-Bora with my family!

Year-long event - TOO SHORT! I was taking a break from gaming and was busy with studying!


Month-long event - TOO LONG! I already made the required missions in like two days! And now I need to wait!

Year-long event - TOO LONG! What the actual F are you doing DE!


You can't satisfy everyone. Just ignore those whining guys.

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Well I see both sides. People have free time during a holiday (I didn't have free... I worked the week) so DE made an event where most ppl have most likely the most time for stuff like that. There are of course ppl that didn't have time cause of family. But what should they have done? Make it last 10 days (till friday maybe)? For those ppl returning? Maybe they will ask the next time how long an event should be. I guess next one comes around christmas probably?

But I guess as the most important part: they should have communicated the end date and winning conditions better. We didn't know these for half the event.


Edit: the timing around holidays is tricky. If they would have made the event a week earlier it probably would have been ok but than everyone with a job would be complaining. If they made it next week it would fall in with Halloween event in Warframe... so S#&$ timing too. It's not as simple as many ppl think...

Edited by Abravalis
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Seriously?  You're extremely narrow minded if you think EVERYONE can spare enough time to do an event like that in just one week.

im not narrow minded. please do not speak about me as if you know me.

that aside, your missing the point.

there is no reason why DE should cater to every single person ever just because they didnt have enough time.

grow up.


Been the army for six years

more power to you.

i support my troops.

that said, it is irrelevant to the topic at hand, and beside you, nobody really cares.


sometimes I don't even get holidays off, it's rare for me to get to spend time with family, let alone to play video games. 

that is life.

thats just how it is.

be an adult and suck it up.

you are not special, neither is anyone else who missed it.


making the events god awful long is a bad idea.

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All I'm getting from this is that I would be a better person if I got myself discharged from the army so that I could leech off of unemployment and spend every possible second of every day keeping my internet video games up to date on every event, so that there is no possible way I'd ever miss anything, because having a job, or serving your country is a bad, bad thing, and you should never do it.  Because why be in the infantry when you can just play warframe? 


Seriously, I am @(*()$ apalled at all the negative comments in this thread.  Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.  Your selfish and uncaring, glad because you had the time to get something other people couldn't because hey, maybe they're taking a break from doing something like, I don't know, making sure people who live in their home country are actually free to enjoy things like MMO's and unemployment paychecks and just want to spend some time with family. 


Just because people have less of the item you do DOES NOT make it any better of an item.  And thats all I'm getting from you all.  That you want the item to stay as exclusive as possible, just for your own selfish concerns.

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Your selfish and uncaring, glad because you had the time to get something other people couldn't because hey, maybe they're taking a break from doing something like, I don't know, making sure people who live in their home country are actually free to enjoy things like MMO's and unemployment paychecks and just want to spend some time with family.

you now, i had you pegged as either an idiot or a troll.

but with that bit... im done.


dont even dare try to act high and mighty because you "claim" your in the army and that your doing good while all of us are doing bad.

you should feel ashamed of yourself.


grow up you child.

its like arguing with a 5 year old.


enjoy your butthurt op.

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If you have actual life, job, family, you're serving your country, why do you care so much about bunch of pixels?


Except you, like half of this thread's narrow minded posters aren't seeing that this isn't a QQ thread, it's recomendation. I think DE should change future events to accomadate people.  Besides, why does anyone enjoy their virtual property?  Just because I'm a solider doesn't make me enjoy a shiny new virtual gun any less then say a high school student.

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you now, i had you pegged as either an idiot or a troll.

but with that bit... im done.


dont even dare try to act high and mighty because you "claim" your in the army and that your doing good while all of us are doing bad.

you should feel ashamed of yourself.


grow up you child.

its like arguing with a 5 year old.


enjoy your butthurt op.

Good, you should of been done three or four posts ago. You stated your useless, unwarranted and unwanted opinion.  And tbh, it sounds like you're describing yourself and your own behaviour, further strengthening my own accurate opinion of you just being unsightful, ignorant, and selfish.

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Sooo... DE should individually contact every player and ask, when they have free time, right?

Because polls, you know, there's a possibility, that the time won't match your schedule anyway...

Of course there's the possibility the times won't match people's schedules, that's the issue exactly, actually.  So they should lengthen events, ESPECIALLY if they fall over big holidays, like thanksgiving, christmas, etc.  Longer event = accomodating more people.

Edited by DragonDance
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Event lasts whole weekend - TOO SHORT!

Event lasts from Friday to Monday - TOO SHORT!



Month-long event - TOO SHORT! I was on Bora-Bora with my family!

Year-long event - TOO SHORT! I was taking a break from gaming and was busy with studying!


Sorry for quoting myself, but well...

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If you have actual life, job, family, you're serving your country, why do you care so much about bunch of pixels?


Pretty much this.


If you are spending time with family and doing us an honor by serving for your country, why get so upset over one small event in ONE video game? So what if you missed a nice skinned Machete? You're making more out of your time than most of the people grinding this event.


In fact, you even said so yourself: that you had more important things to do. If that is the case, you should have accepted what was going on.


And for what its worth, the main reason most of us are indifferent to complaints/suggestions over timing this time is that this is the LONGEST EVENT DE HAS EVER HELD. While it doesn't make your complaint/suggestion illegitimate, you must also realize that DE has already tried to be more accommodating. The reality is that they can't accommodate everyone. There will be just as many players *@##$ing over the event lasting too long.

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it made me sad because it was just a big &#! boring grind

It wasnt fun in any way to do the 100 required missions

I just did it to get the weapons.


There is something seriously wrong when you make the players do things that arent fun.

It was fun maybe 10-20 times.

When I was nearing 100 I literally felt sick and would throw up.

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Pretty much this.


If you are spending time with family and doing us an honor by serving for your country, why get so upset over one small event in ONE video game? So what if you missed a nice skinned Machete? You're making more out of your time than most of the people grinding this event.


In fact, you even said so yourself: that you had more important things to do. If that is the case, you should have accepted what was going on.


And for what its worth, the main reason most of us are indifferent to complaints/suggestions over timing this time is that this is the LONGEST EVENT DE HAS EVER HELD. While it doesn't make your complaint/suggestion illegitimate, you must also realize that DE has already tried to be more accommodating. The reality is that they can't accommodate everyone. There will be just as many players *@##$ing over the event lasting too long.

But this is also the event that requied the most participation, pretty much playing 100 back to back extermination matches. 

And again, I have to point out, this is a suggestion for future events to be modeled around, I already accept that I missed this event, yes, I am sad, but it's beating a dead dog to whine about it.  I merely suggest DE should consider making events over important holidays longer.  It's not a lot to ask for, but apparently the entire damn community is not only against it, but things I'm some huge blasphemer for even suggesting it.

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Mostly agree with everything alchemist said, though I'd agree with you his delivery is fairly hostile.


You don't need to worry much about missing the event, the only real exclusive is the badge and the melee weapons, the secondaries will for sure be added as potential boss drops for the respective faction.


For most games events almost always last a week, at most two weeks, because they have to update content that will possibly outshine the event. In some other games they might even be gimmicky because they don't want to give away as many rewards, and limit the event time to only an afternoon, or sometimes 6 hours, and only those who are in game are notified. (A method more common for Korean/Chinese MMOs giving out cash shop item samples) A week long event is fairly reasonable, two weeks is pushing the patience of the hardcore audience.


Event rewards are also a way to say "Hey, I was there for that!", like my Braton Vandal. You didn't fulfill the requirement for the rewards in time, that is honestly too bad, but you still got the badge that shows your participation.


They've announced the event way ahead of time in livestreams and posts, it is to be expected to know when it ends and when it starts. I myself paced my missions out so I don't get burned on all the extermination repetitiveness. (I like Survival the most) You should've probably planned ahead if you knew you were going to be busy with your family. Do what you need to do in real life, and play games when you can, you don't have to participate in everything, own everything to do well in this game anyways.


All in all I think the current event times are fine and that you just had to accept that this is how they do things in MMO culture, and that DE is already being particularly more thoughtful than others. Put down the sense of entitlement and just enjoy the ride.


TLDR: The event duration is actually quite graceful in the MMO culture already. Missing out this time was too bad, make sure you plan ahead next time.

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Mostly agree with everything alchemist said, though I'd agree with you his delivery is fairly hostile.


You don't need to worry much about missing the event, the only real exclusive is the badge and the melee weapons, the secondaries will for sure be added as potential boss drops for the respective faction.


For most games events almost always last a week, at most two weeks, because they have to update content that will possibly outshine the event. In some other games they might even be gimmicky because they don't want to give away as many rewards, and limit the event time to only an afternoon, or sometimes 6 hours, and only those who are in game are notified. (A method more common for Korean/Chinese MMOs giving out cash shop item samples) A week long event is fairly reasonable, two weeks is pushing the patience of the hardcore audience.


Event rewards are also a way to say "Hey, I was there for that!", like my Braton Vandal. You didn't fulfill the requirement for the rewards in time, that is honestly too bad, but you still got the badge that shows your participation.


They've announced the event way ahead of time in livestreams and posts, it is to be expected to know when it ends and when it starts. I myself paced my missions out so I don't get burned on all the extermination repetitiveness. (I like Survival the most) You should've probably planned ahead if you knew you were going to be busy with your family. Do what you need to do in real life, and play games when you can, you don't have to participate in everything, own everything to do well in this game anyways.


All in all I think the current event times are fine and that you just had to accept that this is how they do things in MMO culture, and that DE is already being particularly more thoughtful than others. Put down the sense of entitlement and just enjoy the ride.


TLDR: The event duration is actually quite graceful in the MMO culture already. Missing out this time was too bad, make sure you plan ahead next time.

Actually, I think this is the game with the shortest events I have ever played in.  In fact most MMO's have their events last the entire month. I only ask for at least two weeks.  Seriously, no one else ever goes camping for a week over holidays or something?  Seriously, all I suggest is that events over important holidays should be two weeks long, to accomodate people with family business.  Hell, if there was an event in Christmas, I'd just be SoL.  My parents live in Arizona, and my unit is in Hawaii.  I'd spend most of that event in an airplane.

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Any other events I took part in only lasted the weekend, I thought people would be happy they got a week for this one, I know I'm grateful. Also it must be different where you're from but I was under the impression that Halloween wasn't a big family holiday, Halloween night I'd consider family time but only having three days free out of the week, that's a different story. If you haven't noticed by now, you're in the minority when it comes to event length, most players would not be very happy with an event that lasted two weeks. Even if it would be more convenient for you, it wouldn't be for the majority. You can't be so selfish when asking for or recommending these things. Now if you put forward some ideas relating to how a two week long event might work then maybe people would listen to you but as it is, you're doing yourself no favours. Next time, try be a bit more respectful on the forums, if someone responds to you and you don't like it that's tough, you have to deal with it, when you post on a forum you invite other people to share their opinion. What you're supposed to do is stay calm and not call someone a "selfish prick". If you do respond to my comment, I expect you'll show me some respect like you should.

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Any other events I took part in only lasted the weekend, I thought people would be happy they got a week for this one, I know I'm grateful. Also it must be different where you're from but I was under the impression that Halloween wasn't a big family holiday, Halloween night I'd consider family time but only having three days free out of the week, that's a different story. If you haven't noticed by now, you're in the minority when it comes to event length, most players would not be very happy with an event that lasted two weeks. Even if it would be more convenient for you, it wouldn't be for the majority. You can't be so selfish when asking for or recommending these things. Now if you put forward some ideas relating to how a two week long event might work then maybe people would listen to you but as it is, you're doing yourself no favours. Next time, try be a bit more respectful on the forums, if someone responds to you and you don't like it that's tough, you have to deal with it, when you post on a forum you invite other people to share their opinion. What you're supposed to do is stay calm and not call someone a "selfish prick". If you do respond to my comment, I expect you'll show me some respect like you should.

All I have to say is perhaps you should read the entire thread before forming an opinion.  He threw the hostilities first and was acting quite selfish.


Going to bed now, don't bother replying.  I've all but given up on the warframe community anyway.  Seems anytime anyone at all has an opinion, it's quickly shut down with flaming/insults/trolling/etc.  It's being done in almost every other thread in every other forum.  Hell, I just got through reading three pages of an argument that started in the design council forums because someone got ticked off that DE is going to allow more people into the design council after November first.  And it call comes down to people being selfish.

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"But mooooom! He punched me first!"

If someone offended you, you should've report his post and act with dignity, continuing calm and respectful discussion.

And the one who is acting selfish is you, demanding, that the event should last two weeks because you say so and majority doesn't matter.


At first this thread looked like every other discussion on forums, with humor, maybe some memes or reaction faces but now? Ekhhh...

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"But mooooom! He punched me first!"

If someone offended you, you should've report his post and act with dignity, continuing calm and respectful discussion.

And the one who is acting selfish is you, demanding, that the event should last two weeks because you say so and majority doesn't matter.


At first this thread looked like every other discussion on forums, with humor, maybe some memes or reaction faces but now? Ekhhh...

Hardly demanding, it's only a suggestion.  I even repeated that many times.  And all I did was voice the facts that back up my opinion, and strengthen my standpoint, I did not in any way demand anything, nor shut down the opposite opinion, merely shutdown the people who voiced their opinion in a hostile, spiteful manner.

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Oh, and one last thing before I go, to all the people bashing me just for my replies to alchemist.  Consider this fact:

If our manners and structure were exactly the same, but our standpoints were switched, IE he was the one who thought events should last longer, but posted and treated people the same way, and I was the one who thought they should stay the same way but I posted the same way and treated people the same way; your comments would be reversed, and it would be me whom you support.  Why?  You're just backing up his standpoint because it matches your own, and flattening mine in the only way you can--by belittling me as a person.  It would be completely opposite if our standpoints were backwards.


So whatever, I guess it's a stupid idea because it seems most of the community doesn't want it to be this way.  Sucks to be someone who can't spare a week on holidays, I guess.  But please don't belittle me as a person just because I share a diferent opinion then you, that's just petty.

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people have lives outside their game.  Events need to last long enough for everyone to participate.


Is this excuse ever going to stop? Its the same thing people said with three day long events, this was a WEEK. 


If you didn't manage to complete it, too bad so sad. It sucks but thats the way things go, you're going to have to get over it. The world does not revolve around you and you are not entitled to anything. 


If you were legitimately busy, out of town, had urging matters to attend to or simply wanted to do something else with your time, etc you can not complain what so ever. This is a game, something made for entertainment and relaxation. If you're legitimately complaining about missing something on a game because you were on vacation or simply had to deal with more important issues then you need to get your priorities in check. Its as simple as that.



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