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This Event Made Me Sad...


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i know a few who are not unemployed and still got the 100 missions barely on intention..splitted it up over the whole week. i had a bit more time and did it in 2 days over the weekend, rest was just an extra when i had the time and wanted to do them. by the logic op is using everyone who dont have a familiy/friends to stay with over those "awsome" holidays they should deal with a longer event time that might make them puke at the time when it ends because it got really boring or any other downsides when you overextend an event just to cater their game to a few more people and &!$$ off the main audience of warframe in return..sounds totally reasonable to me >_>...altough i agree that one week is enough DE could have shifted the time window a bit..starting a bit later and let it last 1 or 2 days after the 30th or 31th october.


event times where there on the front page at the time it was posted..i looked it up several times when it came out..


pretty much agree with alchemist even though he could have chosen his words more carefully .. but doesnt really change the message in the end


aint even gonna touch the rest of this thread...

Edited by Tharzul
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Here is why I disagree with increasing the time of the events to anything longer than 7 days:

For 4 of those days (Yes I do work a full time job AND have a family and I still managed to complete the event in 3 days) I was sitting there, *bored* with the event while I just waited for the rewards to come out. I was just sitting there and wondering when the rewards that I worked for would ever come out so that I can have some fun playing with them.

If I had to wait 7 more days for the reward to come out it would have been worse. A one week event is about the maximum length that the event should go to. For most people they sit there waiting for their reward and just wishing the event would end already.

And no matter how long the event would have lasted there would have been QQ threads like this (and Yes, you did make this out to be a QQ thread with a baiting title), so I dont think DE should listen to the *very*, *very*, *very* small minority that believes that events should drag on for a full month.

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This isn't a QQ post, it's a DE needs to look at and seriously adjust the timing of their events, people have lives outside their game.  Events need to last long enough for everyone to participate.

This was the longest event to date. Previous events were only a couple of days long. The time parameter was posted on the front page for this event. Tough luck, although I wish you better luck next time.

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