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Extreme Lag, Stuttering, And Freezing


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I just want to say I've been experiencing the same thing as the above posters. Mostly the "Everyone runs in place" thing, which seems to happen almost every mission. Out of 20 missions I maybe got 2 that did NOT do this, otherwise people just disconnect, etc.

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I've also been running into these problems, and even tho the last hotfix noted that desync errors after mutliple missions have been fixed i still ran into it just now... it seemed to be an extreme case of syncing problems where i basically didnt exist in the map anyore, i could run around, see enemies moving around jerkily, the survival timer counted down normally, chat was normal, but first i got knocked down by enemies that were miles away/dead, then i basically couldnt do anymore except running around just as enemies didnt really react to me. I managed to make my way through unresponsive doors to extract and waited but then the other team members arrived but it didnt end so basically since somehow no syncing seemed to have occured at all anymore for me, it counted down to 0 for extract o.o

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As far as I can tell, there are 2 major issues being discussed in this thread.


1.  Extreme Lag = Desync which is when you are moving on your screen but not on the hosts (or other players).  It also affects opening doors, looting anything, gathering anything, visibility of enemies, and doing damage of any form.


2. Stuttering.  This has 2 causes that I can immediately test...  brb.  Ok so Enabling Multi-Threaded Rendering on mid-range gaming computers actually increases the amount of stuttering.  I believe it has to do with a recent change with their Mutex (thread locks or semaphores) system which makes using more than 1 thread less resource intensive than multiple threads.  The other cause is a recent shader change which ramped up the quality of textures for most tilesets (file sizes of textures from update 9 are 2 times smaller than the ones from update 10 and 3 times smaller than 10.6).  Try disabling Multi-Threaded Rendering in the launcher and disable DX11 mode if you are still stuttering.


BTW Stuttering only seems to occur at >60 FPS for my 3 systems.

Edited by Lord_of_Lords
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Noticed this as well.  Several threads are redirecting me here.  I +1'd but will likely not send a ticket in game.


Has anyone heard if DE knows about the issue?

My ticket was answered today:


From [DE]Matt (Warframe Support)

"Hello Rikkely,

Thank you for reporting this bug! The dev team is already aware of this issue and we will have it fixed as soon as possible. We will also be sure to follow up with you if we have any further questions.

To see when this bug gets fixed, please keep an eye on the Update notes posted in the forums:


Thanks again for bringing this to our attention!"


Looks like this will get fixed soonish then I guess.

Edited by Rikkely
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As far as I can tell, there are 2 major issues being discussed in this thread.


1.  Extreme Lag = Desync which is when you are moving on your screen but not on the hosts (or other players).  It also affects opening doors, looting anything, gathering anything, visibility of enemies, and doing damage of any form.


2. Stuttering.  This has 2 causes that I can immediately test...  brb.  Ok so Enabling Multi-Threaded Rendering on mid-range gaming computers actually increases the amount of stuttering.  I believe it has to do with a recent change with their Mutex (thread locks or semaphores) system which makes using more than 1 thread less resource intensive than multiple threads.  The other cause is a recent shader change which ramped up the quality of textures for most tilesets (file sizes of textures from update 9 are 2 times smaller than the ones from update 10 and 3 times smaller than 10.6).  Try disabling Multi-Threaded Rendering in the launcher and disable DX11 mode if you are still stuttering.


BTW Stuttering only seems to occur at >60 FPS for my 3 systems.

I haven't had issues with stuttering, but the extreme lag has become a massive issue with me; I'm playing from a rural area and the internet connections around here aren't top-notch (without paying out the nose) in the first place.


I just "finished" a Jackal run moving at what I thought was a good pace:  Mobs responded, bullets hit, I was collecting items, and then I realized I couldn't see the rest of the team.  When I made it to the boss room the three others were standing there waiting for me.  The boss was dead within seconds, and suddenly the room was empty.  I started making my way back.  The extraction point glitched so I took a wrong turn, I turned back around and suddenly doors wouldn't open, the elevator wouldn't respond, etc., etc.


I was getting a lot of "dude, really" and "dude, seriously..." while they were waiting at extraction.  Normally as someone that is not a rush-rush player I would not feel bad but this one was literally just totally out of my control. :(

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I have the same issues.


I lose sync with the host which causes:


- inability to damage

- inability to pick items up(anything I had already picked up is lost at victory or defeat screen)

- doors will not open for me

- can not switch weapons

- generally makes the mission a waste(no fun, no loot)

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Noticed this as well.  Several threads are redirecting me here.  I +1'd but will likely not send a ticket in game.


Has anyone heard if DE knows about the issue?

just to say and ill edit this in i sent DE rebecca a pm about this same day i made this post and told my friend kub to make a support ticket for me and her the next day

so by the newest hotfix they heard me and this thread including me yelling to send tickets seem to be working YAY for DE team

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So just as I suspected, Co-Op play is still impossible even after the so called "Fix." Unbelievable lag from the very instant the match starts, no matter where it is, or what time of day I attempt to play. Solo play is still unaffected, but as I'm nearly out of void keys, and solo play as a whole is quite boring after a while, it seems I'm done with this game until someone realizes and fixes the issue.

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I experienced this even post-10.6.2 (which was "supposed" to have fixed it), and it has been happening a lot before that. Somewhere around 10.5 or so?


Yesterday, a clanmate hosted a T1 void survival, and we got forma BP rewards prompts at the 5 and 10 minute mark. Throughout the entire mission, enemies would not target me at all, like I didn't exist. I could still kill them though (I could see damage numbers and seeing them fall), but I couldn't pick up any mods, ammo, and couldn't switch weapons.


When we exited at the 13 minute mark, I got no rewards AND no credits. Mission completion stats showed all zeroes for me across the board even though I was popping heads with Vectis headshots in the mission.


Tried joining/hosting other games but this horrific desync issue pops up about half the time. Co-op is basically unplayable for me right now, so I'm sticking to solo mode until they fix it - not risking another instance of the game not saving/counting my progress and making my efforts futile.

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update 10.6.2 somewhat helped but it still makes me extremely laggy to the point that it affects my whole system, i found it funny that when an ancient disrupter hitted me and it seems that my desktop got "disrupted" 



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Right so... 27ish MB of downloaded updates later, and a couple hours or so of attempted play, and there is still a 100% chance of complete lag shutdown. Can't see/attack enemies, can't pick up items, can't interact with the environment at all in Co-Op play. I don't know what the hell is being "Fixed" with these "Updates" as I see no evidence of improvement of game play whatsoever. Of course I can still play alone, but that's boring and eventually impossible once the enemies reach passed a certain level, so I guess I just won't play at all. I mean... What's one player anyways right?

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I experienced this even post-10.6.2 (which was "supposed" to have fixed it), and it has been happening a lot before that. Somewhere around 10.5 or so?
Yesterday, a clanmate hosted a T1 void survival, and we got forma BP rewards prompts at the 5 and 10 minute mark. Throughout the entire mission, enemies would not target me at all, like I didn't exist. I could still kill them though (I could see damage numbers and seeing them fall), but I couldn't pick up any mods, ammo, and couldn't switch weapons.
When we exited at the 13 minute mark, I got no rewards AND no credits. Mission completion stats showed all zeroes for me across the board even though I was popping heads with Vectis headshots in the mission.
Tried joining/hosting other games but this horrific desync issue pops up about half the time. Co-op is basically unplayable for me right now, so I'm sticking to solo mode until they fix it - not risking another instance of the game not saving/counting my progress and making my efforts futile.


always welcome to have a community mod in here and this bug is getting weirder by the day

also if u dont mind and see other post similar with the problem in this thread plz link all of em in to 1 place (my OCD is kicking back in)

as for me i havent experience any of this lag u guys geting after 10.6.2 as much havent played 10.7 yet cause just woke up after my nap coming home from school


Edit: also the bug of where u can kill and see dmg number but doesnt attack u been around since U8~ was when i noticed it except i could pick up ammo/mod/any item but there is a 3-5 second delay so u have to stand on a mod long enough for it

as for the Stats UI mission screen im not even sure if its accurate (unless they improved it and i missed the note for it)

but u not geting any reward in the mission is strange

Edited by luanle21
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I was in Xini today with a group trying to set a record for the unofficial Xini contest that was posted in the forums. Two hours into what was expected to be a six+ hours match I get hit with a desync. Host and other players see me standing still, but I cannot interact with the world beyond walking around. I see everything the other players are doing with no lag. But I cannot do anything to help them. This bug is killing the endgame for me and my clan-mates.

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I was in Xini today with a group trying to set a record for the unofficial Xini contest that was posted in the forums. Two hours into what was expected to be a six+ hours match I get hit with a desync. Host and other players see me standing still, but I cannot interact with the world beyond walking around. I see everything the other players are doing with no lag. But I cannot do anything to help them. This bug is killing the endgame for me and my clan-mates.

ouch now that is bad timing with the desync

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Same here... when I join my friends match... the first 3 seconds i can collect orbes and stuff... and then SUDDENLY, I cant even open doors, cant collect mods, all enemies lagging around the place...

And few weeks ago it was "all right".... now, its really bad. :(

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As per the Hotfix 10.7 notes:


"Reverted all Net Code changes to pre-10.5.6 to alleviate the more frequent De-Sync and Lag that we suspect these changes added."


Could anyone confirm if the desync issues are indeed gone (for now)?


Prior to this problems my network usually go 40-80KB/s when playing in a full squad, and now connection stays 5-20KB/s when in full squad and the problem occur always. I afraid this is an ISP throttle action that is affecting Warframe P2P protocols.


Is hard for me to justify because my ISP didn't release announcement of any changes or technical difficulties, but there are users on our local forums described extreme slow connections with downloads, torrents and international sites with thier very decent internet since Nov 1st. Provide by the evidence of the network utilization ingame before and now makes me think throttling may be in effect.

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As per the Hotfix 10.7 notes:


"Reverted all Net Code changes to pre-10.5.6 to alleviate the more frequent De-Sync and Lag that we suspect these changes added."


Could anyone confirm if the desync issues are indeed gone (for now)?


Nope. I still cant play multiplayer games. I could kill mobs and got the rewards but mobs and co-players movements where "jerky".  I did only play to games.  I'm just so tired of this that I could not be arsed to test more.

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The multiplayer option in this game is broken. Host/client sync is non-existent. If my connection fails for just a split of a second, the rest of the session/game is unplayable. I cannot pick up stuff, corridors seems empty when in reality they are full of mobs. I can take damage, but i cannot register that i am hurting anything. 


I have not been able to complete a single multiplayer mission in the last couple of days, its impossible. I've even been desperate and tried tweaking graphic settings, and even that hyperthread option, this has of course not yielded in any positive result as it's clearly a network issue.


The worst thing about this is that the developers are not responding. Are they working on a fix? Have they recognized the problem? Have they even read our posts? Who knows...


I am fully aware that this is a game in beta, and I have supported this game no matter the issues. But when the DEs refuse to answer I get frustrated, as many others.


TL;DR: Game is broken, I am sad.

Same here :(

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