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(Re)-Separate Europe Region


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I play on the North American server (Iam from Germany) the most time. The biggest problem is you just cant talk with Russian players. Or lets say ***** ********** ** ********** ***** ***** *******.

Sometimes lag is a big problem, but the lag can happen everywhere, the netcode is not the best here.

I think DE should swtich it to Asia, when I remember right, the biggest part of the Russia is on the Asia continent.

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The only problem is if you set the ping limitation to <200, You hardly find player on lots of the planet unless there is an alert mission. Active player are mostly in certain of location such as xini and cyath and some other mission such as Void/Vault mission.

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I play on the North American server (Iam from Germany) the most time. The biggest problem is you just cant talk with Russian players. Or lets say ***** ********** ** ********** ***** ***** *******.

Sometimes lag is a big problem, but the lag can happen everywhere, the netcode is not the best here.

I think DE should swtich it to Asia, when I remember right, the biggest part of the Russia is on the Asia continent.

Problem that you don't understand them?

If you look at map, you can see that half of europe is Russia ;)

Edited by NightVoice
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I play from Scotland which has a mind breaking and heart breaking internet speed (Originally from S. Korea, one of the fastest internet using countries). To be honest the speed of internet in this country reminds me of 90's to early 2000's (precisely 1997, the year I first played online games) in Korea (Edinburgh and Glasgow has quite nice internet don't get me wrong). But since living in Scotland for more than 5 years now I became accustomed to this kind of speed until I played Warframe. It's quite often that I play for 25 min defense and than disconnected or too much lag to even start with. For instance I played for total of 3 hours last night. First game after 20 min, disconnected, second game couldn't play due to extreme lag third game failed to reconnect after host migration. Overall I got no EXP, no MODs, No nothing!!!!! 


I don't really know about the internet speed in other western EU but Scotland can be called western EU right? So I think the problem is not what country you are from, its what city or area you live in. For example, even if your country is France or Germany (I'm just guessing that they might have good internet, Never been to other EU countries. Apologizes for my ignorance)  if you live in an area where internet cable can't reach you will still have crazy lag and might be unable to play any online FPS games. 


I'm fairly new to the game and only played just over 100 hours now (recently joined warframe) but I've never met anyone chat in game (I always type hi when entering the map so don't tell me I was not trying to communicate). I see a lot of players on this forum saying Russians can't communicate with English but how do you know whether his Russian or not when nobody is talking? Just curious. I don't know anything about any racial dispute between east and west EU but from my experience through other MMOS (I played EQ1, EQ2, Lineage 1. 2, Ultima online, DAOC, LOTR Rift, Guildwars 1,2 ... you name any game I'm sure I played it at least once) I learned that most of western EU users(English speaking users) are only nice to English speaking users and just ignore you most of the times, Don't tell me its not, because English speaking players can never experience what non-English speaking players go through. While Russian or other eastern EU users with bad English are quite helpful and friendly. I know my personal experience does not represents the whole EU users and I do understand the frustration of explaining everything in simple English just to make things clear is a hard and tiring thing to do, but this is NOT an American server where every user needs to use English. This is EU. Every country has their own language and you can't force others to use English just to make your gaming easy. 


One solution to that can be a text option where simple order can be translated into different languages.

Just like other FPS games e.g. AVA


for example when you press Ctrl+f1 it gives you a text that says: "Defend this spot" and this can be translated into Russian text or other language text depending on the settings so the other players can see what is going on. No need to type, no need to fight with your neighbors and It can make others understand what you are trying to say.


IT's A GAME!! 

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17.075.400 km² (1.),  (Wikipedia)

in Europe: 3.952.550 km²,

in Asia: 13.122.850 km²


oh I was correct ;)

I don't said that you incorrect, but how you can say that Russia is Asia if half of Europe is it? Do not bother your head, Russia so big that applies Asia and Europe both. I already said that some games have servers for diferent regions of our country. But we talking about warframe and in this game we have two regions european and asian (not Russia or Germany, or other country), if gamer living in Siberia or other eastern part of Russia, beleave that he is select asian region, because playing in european region is uncomfortable for him. That correct for gamers from european part of Russia, they choose european region, because playing in asian region is uncomfortable for them.


If you propose to divide into western europe and eastern europe what about Asia? Asian continent much bigger than european.


Young781123, thanks! You right in most of questions that you talking about. But, I think, you not understand one little moment. Most games using server model, it mean that you connect to game server and playing on it. Warframe using host model, it's mean that lobby on their server and when you enter to battle you connecting to other player whos role is HOST. In first type games you need good down stream internet connection and not so matter your up stream connection. But if you host of game, you must have good up stream connection and not so matter your down stream connection. May be it's not so correct in all aspects, but correct basically.


Sorry for my bad english again :)

Edited by NightVoice
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May be this is offtop message,but I want to answer this post:


 when I remember right, the biggest part of the Russia is on the Asia continent.


Yes, it is correct. About territiry. But not about population. I think, that people play games. Square kilometers don't play. And Most of russian people live in the european part of Russia. I don't know how old is this map, but anyway there wasn't big changes for a few last yers


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Just a guess here: it probably boiled down to the fact that there weren't enough players on either server to justify both getting their own server.

Which means if you step up you game and start recruiting more European players you could get 2 servers yet again. 

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So... I live in the Czech Republic and I have a nice stable 100mB connection. And despite my 700 hours played, I haven't had any issues with russians. One memorable situation involved a french guy using extremely expletive language and a pair of brits using Vaubans to bouncepad everyone around randomly on a defense mission.


The only issue I have with russians is that I cannot read the cyrillic font as it doesn't display properly. That's about it.


Also the rest of my Clanmates are from the United Kingdom. If the servers get split, do I have a choice where I want to go? And if I have the ability to choose, what is going to stop all those russians (oh god russians! *sarcasm*) from joining the western servers?


I am not sure if you are serious OP or if you even thought this through. This all just sounds like some heavy stereotyping to me.

Edited by SnowDrakE
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So... I live in the Czech Republic and I have a nice stable 100mB connection. And despite my 700 hours played, I haven't had any issues with russians. One memorable situation involved a french guy using extremely expletive language and a pair of brits using Vaubans to bouncepad everyone around randomly on a defense mission.


The only issue I have with russians is that I cannot read the cyrillic font as it doesn't display properly. That's about it.

You don't have any problem with Russian , because you are not so far aways from them , and lucky to have 100 Mb connection .

I live in france , so you see The russian guys is not so near ,some rare russian have great connection but its rare thing 

If Russian host : i usually Lag , and two others guys often say samething (Yep i check if i m only one or others guys to ) The guys who wont answer is the Host (because not english speaker) . If i host : Only the russian guys lags , I ask if i notice he have name looking russian "type" Hope it was clearing up stuff :)

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You don't have any problem with Russian , because you are not so far aways from them , and lucky to have 100 Mb connection .

I live in france , so you see The russian guys is not so near ,some rare russian have great connection but its rare thing 

If Russian host : i usually Lag , and two others guys often say samething (Yep i check if i m only one or others guys to ) The guys who wont answer is the Host (because not english speaker) . If i host : Only the russian guys lags , I ask if i notice he have name looking russian "type" Hope it was clearing up stuff :)

To clarify, I am german, not czech. I merely live in the czech republic and I dont speak a single word russian. 100mB connections are the high end here, but you can still get very stable internet going.


I still don't have problems with russians - and I am talking more about the attitude than the connection.

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You don't have any problem with Russian , because you are not so far aways from them , and lucky to have 100 Mb connection .

I live in france , so you see The russian guys is not so near ,some rare russian have great connection but its rare thing 

If Russian host : i usually Lag , and two others guys often say samething (Yep i check if i m only one or others guys to ) The guys who wont answer is the Host (because not english speaker) . If i host : Only the russian guys lags , I ask if i notice he have name looking russian "type" Hope it was clearing up stuff :)

Where russian servers of WoW phisicaly? In France? I have ping to them about 50-80, and live North Caucasus, Stavropol reg.

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Not really, it's a sad reality.


Please mention Romania,Hungary and surrounding countires yes they are pretty good but anything more distant is already doomed.

Finland Sweden Estonia (yes, even Estonia has better internet than places like Spain and France.) and Poland. 


That's without mentioning Romania, Hungary, Ukraine and Bulgaria.

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  • 3 months later...

I could be necroing this, but... I'm a hardcore Warframe player from Latvia (Yes, a Baltic country) and I couldn't bother but notice this thread. I thought myself that Russians in the game are really annoying as they tend to quite literally sabotage a mission or avoid resurrecting teammates. DE should really separate the European region and move all the Russians (From Russia, obviously) all the way to their own server (Russian). I won't complain about them being rude, even though they are when one complains about them or does something that they don't like.

With that being said, I've noticed some people whining about the Baltic country internet connection. Mind you, Latvia's Lattelecom provides one of the most reliable and fastest internet connections on the planet and has been proven to be better than many Westerner internet providers. Well, not just Lattelecom, but most of the providers in Latvia are actually fast and reliable. I've actually been playing while downloading updates for another game and I've felt absolutely no lag... nor have any of the other players felt it while I was hosting and most were from the Western Europe.

Also, before ending this comment, I'd like to mention that most of the times when Russians host, it's very, VERY laggy. It doesn't matter if that Russian lives in Vladivostok or Pskov, it just is unbearable. It's like they're living in a cardboard box with an awful Wi-Fi connection there.

Edited by -Stealer-L1F3
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I know the plural of anecdote is not data, but I have to say I haven't noticed any more lag with Russian hosts than I do with other European hosts. Sometimes it's very laggy, and sometimes it's fine, just like the rest of Europe. (Although admittedly that's only taking into account the minority of times when I know where my host is.)


The language barrier is a different problem, but one for which I've proposed a different solution.

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