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November 4Th: Community Hot Topics!


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From "October 4Th Community Hot Topics", Nekros Desecrate : "Desecrate needs to work on killed enemies in death animations/ work on all enemies with 0 HP/ Needs a passive feature to keep corpses within range of Nekros from despawning, until they are out of range or Desecrate has been used."

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Im not sure where the appropriate place is to make my post but..... For Rhino, would it be feesable to have a HP bar for his Iron Skin ability?

Have been seeing alot of people coming unstuck at unfortunate times, I think this would resolve alot of problems.


Many Thanks :D

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ahhhh I'm happy to see that DEs did fix many glitches and bugs, great jobs guys.


Now, here is what needs to be done (other hot topics):


- lot of abilities are useless against high lvl mobs

- only 4 abilities per frame... really?

- need more walls and better designed lvl to really play like ninjas
- change the game to remove the repetitive aspect of the current game, grind grind grind, where's the lore? Events should be more frequent.
- only 10 mods on frames and 8 on weapons: it's simply killing the variety hence the fun.

- it's so boring to have to level up the weapon to the max each time I want to use a forma. This should be removed.

too bad these hot topics are not considered or will be considered in months or even years...

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Invasion: Moving forward


As the War could end any day, we’re eager to know players feedback in regards to having Invasion stay in the game. Could Infested decide they want in on the action? What if nodes were attacked randomly and changed Faction depending on the winner? It’s only normal that our enemies get tired of being slaughtered by Tenno and turn on each other!


 As many other people stated the addition of the infested would be awesome. I think this event should make an appearance once a week/ 2 weeks/ a month etc. Just so there is a build up and the DE can add creativity to allow the player to emerge themselves deeper into the lore of the game as well as feel that their actions are actually impacting the lore!

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yes for invasion, and yes I think infested should have a brain at lest or commander do all this, this is pretty awesome invasion, I mean I have to admit fighting along side with grineer or corpus was awesome. I hope there will be very very rare drop item for invasion like blue prints wut I miss during mars war invasion...-_-*sigh*, but I did able make it with the few planets.

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The  Gradvius event was BAD &#!. I have 5 frames, 15 weapons, a lot of hours played... and I LOVED IT. Do I understand 100 missions is repetitive.. yes, but almost anything after 100 times is (no dirty jokes here... yup, I saw what you were thinking).

The idea was great, the boards were new, seeing the giant scale of explosions as heavy grineer went up against giant red corpus leaders blazing blue with shields, it was all just cool as crap. 

The incentives were well thought out. multiple tiers, multiple weapons, GOOD weapons at that (before anyone starts crying about it's useless vs. not, remember that not EVERY new weapon cant be the best weapon in the game... and if it was, half of you would have even cried then, upset because your Forma'd a different weapon that isn't as good now, lol).

I also felt that the repetition was dulled by the sweet rewards. After endless hours of gameplay and 5 frames, I still had only gotten 2 Forma, and 3 blue potatoes...ever... that weekend, I got 2 more Forma, 2 blue potatoes, and 4 gold potatoes... it was AWESOME even if repetitive.

So DE, kudos all around. I don't have a single complaint, I think it was great, I would only ask that as I didn't like survival very much ( I hate dying for any reason other than a bunch of bad guys kill me) and that became a mainstay (....uggg....) I would love to see a couple battle options per solar system. Maybe only on alerts, or floating carriers that enter a system then are attacked by that system?  I don't know, I just loved.

You guys rock, warframe rocks.... roooooccckkkkkk. Phew... I'm done.


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Solo play


I play almost exclusively solo, (antisocial I know but I'm enjoying the challenge).

The only real problem I've run into isn't the amount/size of mobs, I like the challenge of a tough level. The main problem is that the grineer mobile defence missions stop you in your tracks.

Using a lvl 30 Rhino with all lvl 30 weapons I can tackle most mission types but there seems to be no way to defend that final cryo pod against melee and distance weapons when multiple enemies can take it down in a matter of seconds.

This wouldn't be a problem if the mobile defence missions were off the main path of advancement, but unfortunately they are at critical points that bar you from progression.

Advice I've read on this forum is that if you want to solo mobile defence you need to use frost but that leads to a catch22 as there is a mobile defence mission blocking the route to the frost parts.

Personally I managed to get through this by logging on to an online game just for this mission, but I was seriously disappointed that I had to use this method as I was really aiming to solo the whole solar system:(


ps. Thanks for a coool game and thanks to the 3 strangers who helped me finally get frost :))

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When we are going to see sentinel HP/Shields ?
Icons that shows how long skill will last (mostly usefull for trinity players)
Some icon that represents hp of rhino's iron skin
When mastery rank will give rewards ?
When we see season 2 helemt for nova and necros ?

Is there going to be new dojo rooms in U11 (firing range, vault, shrine <- that was discussed some time ago as clan polarity slot)

Will eventually building prime versions of frames will require normal version of that frame ?
Is there going to be prime versions of sentinels ?

Edited by Anubias
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Invasion feedback:

- People who complained it was repetitive forget how many missions they've done since they started. So the only repetitive problem was being "forced" to do exterminate over and over when they don't like doing exterminate over and over. (Forced = if they want the rewards).


When I did the event I did 5 per location, and had a very large chunk of my 100 missions done without really stressing about it. I feel like that was how it was designed. Not for players to play 100 runs on the very first location, which I think many tried to do.


My solution would be to have a MAX of 5 runs you can do (or 9 runs, once you hit 5 for one side) per location. Once you qualify for battle pay you cannot join that location again until the next invasion.


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For the future make invasions as you mentioned - random events - but make them just one location that locks once you complete your battle pay. Make it more like a random alert.


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Infested invasion = highly viral form of infection. Survival with no life support - just a crap ton of enemies running at you. Until you kill 500? 1000? enemies and are able to escape.

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infected wanting to spread sounds awesome, i mean since the infected are not just a faction but a plague on all living things, im suprised but how little i get to see about them. i mean i really just want to see an event with the infested since you can do SO many things with them, since they arent after any specific goal, just to survive and multiply. i mean it DE pretty much infinite things can be done atm since not much is known about them

I agree, they are smart enough to move in and try to conqure different territories, plus just the sheer numbers they have makes any encounter with them challenging. Also on the invasion standpoint, I wold for that to continue, as much as I hate the Grineer fighting along side their heavy units was still very awesome.

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I almost think have random missions (infested survival) where a Grineer squad makes a distress call. You could either choose to assist them and thus have their help in the survival mission, or you could drop them and continue on yourself. Extra reward could be given for sparing/executing or whatever else.

I just think it'd be a cool idea to have those moments where the hunter becomes the savior, and the hunted become the helpers. Just a thought.

(Seriously though. Imagine a infested Survival where you could have the help of a raptor or two. :D)

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I'm definitely liking the idea for some kind of teamwork mechanic.  Is this going to be something like, "Hey, so-and-so did a great job and was really nice, I'm going to upvote him!"?


I also like the idea of invasions, a-la-Gravidus.  I personally think you guys did a fantastic job, and the staleness of a hundred runs was barely felt.  More maps would have been nice, but for the rewards that were being offered in Battle Pay, it's really hard to complain.  I would like it if most of the invasions were more like skirmishes than wars... one or two nodes at a time, maybe lasting over the span of a couple of days.

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