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Nerf The Brakk


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Are you serious?  The Brakk is an event exclusive weapon, so it deserves more power.  If you somehow got it all in just 2 days then you either really wanted it for the reason that it will be good and powerful, but you are too naive to accept the fact that your Bronco Prime is no obsolete.

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OMG. Shut the hell up... God damn, I'm tired of hearing the same song and dance from these whinny players. You know what you and all the other memebers of 'Team Nerf' sound like? You sound like a Brittany Spears song on replay... For all of eternity.


THIS IS A SINGLE PLAYER GAME... Are you being attack by the Grineer with a Brakk? NNOOOooooo!

If you don't like a weapon, don't use it! If you don't like other people using something they worked for, don't play online. Problem solved.


Jeeezus H. Cry-ma-nittly.

Edited by Evan-0-matic
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Are you serious?  The Brakk is an event exclusive weapon, so it deserves more power.  If you somehow got it all in just 2 days then you either really wanted it for the reason that it will be good and powerful, but you are too naive to accept the fact that your Bronco Prime is no obsolete.

Alright, you have a point that I didn't consider when I first wrote this, but even being an event exclusive weapon, I still don't feel as though it should be as powerful as it is. I've noticed a lot of power creep in warframe lately to be perfectly honest, and I'm a bit concerned with that. This is my first post on this section of the forums, and I am amazed by how bad the community is, insults, reaction gifs, the whole package.

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probably because alot of nerf calls came from not owning the mention weapon, jealousy, or just lazyass to farm, they want their weapon to be on par with the other mention weapon. the brakk is fine. since your somewhat new, try going to actual tier 3 missions or go survival on 35 minutes upward, then tell me again u want the brakk nerfed, dont stay on low level missions and say that the weapons are op.

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probably because alot of nerf calls came from not owning the mention weapon, jealousy, or just lazyass to farm, they want their weapon to be on par with the other mention weapon. the brakk is fine. since your somewhat new, try going to actual tier 3 missions or go survival on 35 minutes upward, then tell me again u want the brakk nerfed, dont stay on low level missions and say that the weapons are op.

Once again, fair enough, in fact I agree that some of the original post was written in frustration and ignorance. I still don't undertsand why the community reacts like this though. I wasn't being hostile, or trying to bring anyone down.

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OMG. Shut the hell up... God damn, I'm tired of hearing the same song and dance from these whinny players. You know what you and all the other memebers of 'Team Nerf' sound like? You sound like a Brittany Spears song on replay... For all of eternity.


THIS IS A SINGLE PLAYER GAME... Are you being attack by the Grineer with a Brakk? NNOOOooooo!

If you don't like a weapon, don't use it! If you don't like other people using something they worked for, don't play online. Problem solved.


Jeeezus H. Cry-ma-nittly.

Single player? Since when? There IS a single-player option, but DE intended multiplayer to be the norm. Hell, even if the game WAS single-player, your argument still wouldn't hold up.


Imagine this: take your favourite game. Now add a weapon/character that can kill everything else in each stage with one shot/attack (this means even guys who haven't spawned yet, if there are any). Not very fun is it?


Also, have some of your own medicine (with spelling/grammar fixes!):

OMG. Shut the hell up... Goddamn, I'm tired of hearing the same song and dance from these whiny players. You know what you and all the other members of 'Team No Nerf' sound like? You sound like a Justin Bieber song on replay... For all of eternity.


Seriously, go F*** yourself. People like you ruin games by making them easy mode. I would rather play DOOM than try and play Warframe the way you envision it.

Edited by Volthorne
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guess op don't have an acrid


also welcome to every f2p game that has an option to purchase in games weps with cash , they keep on putting out newer and better S#&$ to get people  to buy it no matter how much you butthurt scrubs cry its not going to stop, at least this one you had to get through gameplay

Edited by bogy
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I played over 100 missions to get this thing.

I played about 10 missions to get Bronco Prime. Plus about 10 missions to get the resources necessary for building.

So, in theory, Brakk should be about 5 times better, because it took me 5 times as long to get.

This is true because void capture missions can be rushed easily and quickly.


Tbh, I find it hilarious that a weapon the Grineer (or Corpus, or Tenno) can make is actually better than the Orokin version.

Seer is an exception, since it is visibly a hybrid monstrosity.

Lorewise, I can understand the idea why Brakk should be nerfed.


There is always the argument of exclusivity.

However, the Braton Vandal isn't better than the Braton Prime. And rightfully so.

So I fail to see the reason why Brakk should be superiour to Bronco Prime or why Machete should outperform Dakra Prime.

Just because it is exclusive?


Maybe it's just that DE is testing different ideas with different weapons. They are throwing these wild weapons at us and study what the community makes of them.

Machete ignores armour on normal swings. Galatine has insane charge damage. Dual Ichor have a unique charge mechanic.

We know longswords and to a certain extent melee in general will get an overhaul. We know that a damage rework is in progress.

There is a whole new balance coming our way and maybe everything will end up evenly.

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Once again, fair enough, in fact I agree that some of the original post was written in frustration and ignorance. I still don't undertsand why the community reacts like this though. I wasn't being hostile, or trying to bring anyone down.

It's not that we're trying to bring you down, it's that we are so very tired of seeing the same posts with the same lack of forethought about the same silly topic. nobody wants to see nerf x weapon over and over evry single time a new weapon comes out.


i came off as hostile, for those very reasons. you can only hear that a weapon is too badass so many times out of the reasons mentioned above, before your anger switch becomes a hair trigger. although after having some good bud and a while to chill, im able to come back and apologize about the rudeness of my statement, although it still remains a true fact.


as i mentioned before, just because a new weapon has come out, it'd doesn't mean that your favorite weapon is now useless, it means you can push a little bit further in the endgame material. hell, if ANYTHING, new players to the game should be thanking their lucky stars that they joined and got the brakk when they did, as it's a MAJOR leg up considering it's strength.


Consider this: you started playing the week of the event, and you're broke. the founders pack, even buying some plat, is out of the question. that leaves you with two options.

1: quit the game as its going to soak up a lot of your time farming for things.

2: let WARFRAME soak up a lot of your time getting all the goodies to be an asset in endgame content.


now, for some people(i'm not psychic so i dont know your game skill) getting to endgame without getting one-shot might be easy-sauce.

on the other hand, you might be having hell-mode stomping you all the way through, giving you a bad time.


THEN along comes the event, and you do your 100 missions and got the brakk. NOW you have something powerful in your arsenal, that can pack a punch hard enough to let you stay alive longer, and therefore gain more xp and not burn out lives.


the point is, the brakk could have been that leg up that some, if not a lot, of players needed to get them out of a mastery slump, or get passed that boss that nobody seems to ever farm. so taking that into consideration as a possibility, why would you want to take that away?

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why not buff the other weapons to that of equal grounds


doesnt have to be 100% exactly the same


i meant to say side grades


unfortunately the "tier" system allows for pitiful weaponry


I'm looking at the grakata mostly


still love it though


looks super badass

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It's not that we're trying to bring you down, it's that we are so very tired of seeing the same posts with the same lack of forethought about the same silly topic. nobody wants to see nerf x weapon over and over evry single time a new weapon comes out.


i came off as hostile, for those very reasons. you can only hear that a weapon is too badass so many times out of the reasons mentioned above, before your anger switch becomes a hair trigger. although after having some good bud and a while to chill, im able to come back and apologize about the rudeness of my statement, although it still remains a true fact.


as i mentioned before, just because a new weapon has come out, it'd doesn't mean that your favorite weapon is now useless, it means you can push a little bit further in the endgame material. hell, if ANYTHING, new players to the game should be thanking their lucky stars that they joined and got the brakk when they did, as it's a MAJOR leg up considering it's strength.


Consider this: you started playing the week of the event, and you're broke. the founders pack, even buying some plat, is out of the question. that leaves you with two options.

1: quit the game as its going to soak up a lot of your time farming for things.

2: let WARFRAME soak up a lot of your time getting all the goodies to be an asset in endgame content.


now, for some people(i'm not psychic so i dont know your game skill) getting to endgame without getting one-shot might be easy-sauce.

on the other hand, you might be having hell-mode stomping you all the way through, giving you a bad time.


THEN along comes the event, and you do your 100 missions and got the brakk. NOW you have something powerful in your arsenal, that can pack a punch hard enough to let you stay alive longer, and therefore gain more xp and not burn out lives.


the point is, the brakk could have been that leg up that some, if not a lot, of players needed to get them out of a mastery slump, or get passed that boss that nobody seems to ever farm. so taking that into consideration as a possibility, why would you want to take that away?

You have a point, I guess I didn't think of that. Sorry, this is my first post on here and I didn't really consider what I needed to.

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I'm not entirely convinced via insults to be perfectly honest. Being called  try-hard and nerf queen isn't helping me see the other point of view. Can I have an argument to convince me against the nerfing of the brakk?

Sure: The presence of a superior gun in no way makes the Bronco Prime, a very good gun already, useless. It just means... It's not the best.

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Sure: The presence of a superior gun in no way makes the Bronco Prime, a very good gun already, useless. It just means... It's not the best.

AKA "useless" if you're looking at it objectively, since "endgame" is going to require all your "best" gear (if it doesn't already). Therefore, if something is not the "best" you might as well not play "endgame" due to being "useless".


Tiers man, those tasty tiers. So bad for you, yet so delicious.

Edited by Volthorne
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Its also funny how machete is better than the dakra prime, which is one frickin hard-to-get weapon, event stuff that is accessible to everyone should not be better than the weapons we farmed 10 days for.


No. I mean, yes, but what you say is wrong.


Event stuff shouldn't be stronger than regular weapons, because it isn't a part of the regular progression.


It's limited availability. 'End game' should not be limited availability.

Edited by Naqel
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Apart from the cliché response, wait for the Armour 2.0 changes, I am also going to say three more things.


This weapon is an event exclusive for now, so it is not accessible to everyone.


Also, there are many who don't care about how much power a weapon has, but how fun it is. Some people will continue using Bronco Prime or other secondaries, just because they like it.


And at the end of the day, it's a PvE game, it won't hurt too too much if something is OP.


I totally agree even tho I have just about every secondary weapon but the primes I tend to use what I think is fun not what has the most power if someone requests the most power before a run I will switch to my despair but other then that fun trumps all

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