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The Voice of Lotus


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I have nothing against the voice of Lotus, simply what she speaks and her tone. I think she as a very very sexy voice =3, but to be serious her dialogue is quite redundant at times. Also, her dialogue often does not reflect the persona that one would think someone of Lotus's importance and intellect would have.

Here is an example-

"Somethings wrong, theres a Heavy unit approaching."


Instead it should be-

"Heavy unit detected ahead" or "Heavy unit inbound" or "Beware, a Heavy unit awaits."

Another bad quote-

"We've been locked out, it's time to break in."

This falls under the category It Doesn't Match the Persona.

Instead it should be-

"Lock down has been initiated, find a terminal to lift it."


"Keep going, nobody knows you're on this vessel."

Instead it should be-

"Advance, your presence is still unknown."

I could go on and on, but it would take too long. Additionally, as if some of the dialogue wasn't bad enough, her tone doesn't help either. Her tone of voice just doesn't match, even on the rare good quotes her tone rubs me a bit in the wrong way.

Are there any quotes that annoy you? If so post them and suggest a possible way to fix the quote.

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The ... issue is not so much with specific quotes, moreso with the overarching feel. What I would like to hear is the Lotus being less ... soldier-quippy, and more illusive, so to speak. She needs to reach a higher level of maturity, if I could ask for it. I would much rather have her inform me in riddles, haikus, metaphors and the likes, over the "Wait, balls, there's a big dude!"-feel some lines have.

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I'd say here tone feels too mundane and conversational, like she was talking to someone in a coffee shop. It would be nice if it had more weight to it. That said, hiring voice actors isn't cheap and what's there definitely doesn't seem like a placeholder. I'm not really that bugged by it in the end.

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It might just be me but it seems she is also the voice for the ships notifaction/alerts system.

I have no qualms with her dialog delivery just the dialog itself, its as if they had an intern fill in the spot at the last minute who has no idea why certain things happen or knows the method of operation.

So hopefully the current dialog is placeholder since as Mortarion mentioned;

her dialogue often does not reflect the persona that one would think someone of Lotus's importance and intellect would have.

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as if they had an intern fill in the spot at the last minute who has no idea why certain things happen or knows the method of operation.

I wouldn't go as far, that borders on being rude towards the voice actor. It is closer to a ... Western mercenary band comms operator. A bit too "cool", a bit too lax. The delivery is fine, the quality is good, just the motivation and vibe is off, given the situation.
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It's not the voice actor at all, it's the script. When you're paid just to say things, you tend not to question exactly what they might mean, or what they're for. Sometimes you don't even know who your character is, or what their internal goals or motives are.

The writing is pretty atrocious, and it really ruins the Lotus character for me. There was very little thought into fleshing her out, or even deepening her mystique - she's just the irritating tutorial voice.

It's really unfortunate that muting her voice also mutes all in-game enemy voices - makes it harder to pinpoint them by sound. Try hearing her in a different language though, it fixes everything immediately.

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I find the com-static overlay on her voice sounds like she's coming from a ham-radio than an important someone who is guiding the Tenno to victory. I envision her as Inara Serra(The "Companion") from Firefly rather than a Space-Merc.

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Well, you're moving in space inside of enemy bases, so I think it makes sense to a certain degree. Maybe there could be areas inside of the bases that could get a more clear transmission and other where you have more statics.

Anyway I like her voice, though her role seems not that great in the beginning, like a logistic support or something like that. You know, a support character like those cute girls you have on Resident Evil for Leon or Metal Gear Solid for Snake.

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