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Going through Airlocks into atmosphere while on Merulina causes the vacuum sound effect to persist (and vice versa)


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Latest version, PC, 54fps, just tested 3 minutes ago on the Infested Corpus Ship tileset, Naeglar, Eris, Hive mission but have not gathered video yet thanks to recording difficulties. It's plain as day to see and hear though.

Edit: more info, the sound cue of going through the door (air wooshing sfx) itself still plays, for some reason.

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To make the title more clear, what happens is that, while going outside into the vacuum you can still hear your weapons and everything fire out loud (instead of muffled in the vacuum like it should be). While if you do it the other way around you'd be unable to hear your weapons while in Atmosphere.

Yes, the effect persists if you dismount Merulina after going through said Airlock, it will only be fixed if you walk through it in person.

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