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One Complain About Orokin Reactors (Not Catalysts)


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guns without potatoes are still powerfull enough in high level missions, at least for me, so they are not a necesity.


but, a warframe witout a reactor is very, very weak.

remember that DE will eventually (or at least they should) make each skill of each warframe usefull, so that you don´t want to unequip them. with that in mind, having all of your skills on a warframe maxed out cost between 14 and 19 of energy capacity, half or more than the half of an uncharged warframe.


so, while catalyst make weapons feel more powerfull, reactors make warframes feel how they should work always.


my suggestion is to just get rid of reactors, or at least, make new players have a free reactors on their first warframe


PS: if you think im posting this because i have warframes without reactors and i cant wait for an alert, let me tell you that my 4 warframes have reactors on them, and i even have a reactor blueprint unused

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No, guns are garbage without a catalyst. Aside from that, someone fully charged uses 4 catalysts but only 2 reactors. Catalysts should be much more abundant than Reactors because there are many more weapons than frames/sentinels


If you participated in the last event and got the potato ration from the last livestream, you should have months worth of reactors.

Edited by Seanjuju
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guns without potatoes are still powerfull enough in high level missions

They are not. Well, some OP guns, like Acrid can be used without reactor, but most unpotatoed guns are too weak for high level mission.


As for frames, with 44 points you can put 1-2 powers, redirection+vitality and a couple of powers mods like focus+flow. It's pretty much okay for most levels.

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They do need to make money though.

However reactor on first warframe is usually useless because you will not have mods to use. Also aura is +14 points


But players don't start the game with an aura... Here's an idea, in addition to picking a starter warframe, you get to pick a starter aura! This way, new players won't have to wait for an alert which they won't even be able to do most of the time until they get more planets unlocked. 

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But players don't start the game with an aura... Here's an idea, in addition to picking a starter warframe, you get to pick a starter aura! This way, new players won't have to wait for an alert which they won't even be able to do most of the time until they get more planets unlocked. 

Everyone would choose Energy Siphon or Health Regen (I don't have that one, so I don't know what its called).


It's called Metagame, unless they limit the choice of Starter Aura, everyone will pick the one that totally breaks the game early on.

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But players don't start the game with an aura... Here's an idea, in addition to picking a starter warframe, you get to pick a starter aura! This way, new players won't have to wait for an alert which they won't even be able to do most of the time until they get more planets unlocked. 

auras pop up at least once a day.

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Everyone would choose Energy Siphon or Health Regen (I don't have that one, so I don't know what its called).


It's called Metagame, unless they limit the choice of Starter Aura, everyone will pick the one that totally breaks the game early on.

You forgot Rifle Amp

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I have 5 spare reactors, I'll trade you for a single catalyst if they can implement trading asap lol. Seriously though if you don't have reactors, you can always forma the frame once or twice. A much better suggestion would be to make the warframe abilities cost zero mod capacity, they should already be on the frame in the first place and this just limits the mod capacity/slots that the frames have.

Edited by mcryseria
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But players don't start the game with an aura... Here's an idea, in addition to picking a starter warframe, you get to pick a starter aura! This way, new players won't have to wait for an alert which they won't even be able to do most of the time until they get more planets unlocked. 

Players don't start the game in high level missions either.

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Corrosive projection is the best for nearly all situations. Exception is Energy Siphon is occasionally useful in niches.

Another exception is builds that only use armor ignoring damage.


And another is for people that shoot in the weak spots.

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I don't see why we can't just have Warframes start at 40 mod points and then have reactors add +20 mod points. People would still have incentive to buy the Reactors (Because they still want max potential), but at least players without Reactors won't feel like all they can put on is Redirection and their 4 abilities.

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After playing the game for 7 months, I have more golden potatoes than I do Warframes and the only frame I don't have is Mag Prime.  (I only got 1 or 2 potatoes with the last event, that was enough for the surplus.)


Considering that the original limit for frames was a hard 30, I'm cannot agree with this.  As soon as you have a maxed out Aura card of the same affinity for your frame, you have another 14 points to play with.  Play your frame with 2 maxed out abilities instead of 4 and you're nearly on par with things, depending on the default affinities of the frame.


Warframe is about patience, if you can wait for the item to show up as an alert, and bee line for it when it pops, you will have said items in time.  If you don't want to wait, then you pay.  Personally potatoes I would almost call fairly common since one type of potato is given away a month with the livestream.  If you want to know patience, try getting all the alternate helmets without platinum.  That season two banshee helmet is a rare thing for me, and I've missed it the past few times that thing has popped.


There is also forma, which is still random, but easier to acquire these days.

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early on you shouldnt be maxing mods till you know you can handle that many points. As for frames being weak i have to disagree most powers will easily wipe the floor with lv 60 enemies. basically  if you are dying a lot use redirection or vit mods, if your damage is low throw a focus or other ability increasing mod. most frames have 2 must equip abilities while the others are play style heavy.

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early on you shouldnt be maxing mods till you know you can handle that many points. As for frames being weak i have to disagree most powers will easily wipe the floor with lv 60 enemies. basically  if you are dying a lot use redirection or vit mods, if your damage is low throw a focus or other ability increasing mod. most frames have 2 must equip abilities while the others are play style heavy.


Focus? Focus doesn't drop that easily and low level enemies can be killed easily even without focus.


Back to the subject, new players don't need a free reactor or a free aura early in the game. With a free potato, they can upgrade their frames even when their frames are unranked now that DE changed the set up and they can't even max mods early on so no need for that. Be patience is all you need. This game is easy. Everything can be acquired for free. No need to make it easier.

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