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I think people who zorencopter don't deserve to be part of the human gene pool.

I almost agree with you.

Except I think people who MAIN the Dual Zoren JUST to Zorencopter (Read: without even liking the weapon itself), don't deserve it. >.>"

On Topic:

- Looks and fun-factor appeal to me much more than raw performance...

- ...Which leads to me hating almost all Endgame-Tier weapons. like the Acrid, Soma, Galatine, Brakk and so on...

- ...And maining instead the Braton, Dual Vasto (Used to be Dual Lato), and my beloved Bo.

- I often spend more than half an hour just dividing my arsenal into different setups, giving my Frames the best possible coloring, and giving them a special theme. (The God, the Ninja, the Soldier, etc...)

- I spent my Grandmaster plat poorly, and now own 0 Plat *Cries*

- I also lost all my thousands of Credits just transmuting (It's addicting), I'm almost reaching a thousand again. *cries again*

- I always wait for everyone to reach for the elevators, return with the elevator if someone pressed it before the whole party got there, revive everyone, regardless of how dumb or n00b they are, run back to ress fellow Tennos even if I don't think I'll reach them in time, try to restrain myself from going too far from the team, so I can quickly back them up if someone dies... etc...

- Even tho' I play with all my frames, I main Rhino proudly since I got him (Right after Excalibuddy), and don't regret it in the slightest.

- I want Rhino to be one of the last Primed frames. so the DEs can improve and practice with all of the others, and then make him the best Prime ever.

- I bought Modpacks *Wears cone of shame*

- I gave up on my account reset donating to a Clan I'm not even in anymore, and I regret it a lot *Dramatic "oh god why" cries here*

Edited by CenSilver
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-I own a Catalysed Mire and Bo, and they are my favourite things ever.


-I regularly try to kill things that have guns with melee because it's more satisfying that way.


-I use Contagion and Venom on my Saryn near-exclusively.


-I enjoy the animation cycle on the Lecta.


-I think that Rhino is a teensy bit overrated.

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-I was (and still am) a Grineer patriot; collected most the weapons, possibly used some of them as pleasure objects.


-I ragequitted Warframe way back when they nerfed Hek (the best gun in the game, at the time) as I was just working towards it through blood, sweat, and tears of endless grinding.


-I came back during the Grineer/Corpus War to fight for my people; I was also very enticed by the Berserker concept art.


-I now play Berserker(Valkyr) religiously, and go figure, she hates Corpus as much as I do.


-I still have neglected to make Hek.


-I sometimes cosplay Valkyr irl, and scream violently at people while stomping the ground, calling them Corpus Scum; they tend to look at me funny and often say "What's wrong with her?" before calling security.


-I sold Excalibur Prime after only getting him to rank 10. His best feature was the &#! definition on his suit. (I needed a new character slot badly)


-I once idolized Kela De Thaym before finding out how much of a narcissist she was.


-I one day hope for a weapon made entirely of Lotus quotes; they hurt me bad, so they'd easily destroy enemies.


-P.S.: It's okay Lotus, I love you, promise. <3

Edited by Neuria
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I catalyze most guns before it really makes a difference(say rank 0-rank 5), and put reactors in all warframes/sentinals.


I don't bother catalyzing melee weapons, and view melee as generally worthless for anything but movement/utility.


I have erased 3 weapons, in spite of having slots available for all weapons, just because I hated them so much: Sicarus, Burston, and Vulkar


I've got a lot of iron in my weapon locker. Currently at rank 12, the only other weapon I've ever erased is the mk-1 Braton when I was new and wasn't sure I would be spending cash for platinum.


I find Ash repulsive and boring to play, and think he's a magnet for morons. I also judge other people on sight for playing with him.


I will unrepentantly move towards the objective and kill everything in front of me. Things to the rear, and possibly the sides will be ignored. I won't have rush equipped. Anyone who accuses me of being a "rusher" or complains that I'm "rushing" I immediately write off as a failure of a human being who I don't care about.


If another player goes down, I will head towards them to revive them. If they are too far away for me to reach them in time, I never bother trying to revive them again. 

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1) i outrun everyone in a frost prime in most missions.


2) i give death threats to corpus as i run after them with a flux rifle


3) i got &!$$ed when salad V cut up excali; when i saw this i made a sound decision that even after i got all of valkyr back i was still going to violently violated his dog and him just to show how much i hate him.....just like my friend mojo does to the jackal


4) i help my friend mojo break the restraining order that the corpus got somehow on him from the many jackals he has violated them....we got one still alive in our lab.......it now knows how valkyr feels but she got freed by us....i aint seeing no corpus coming.


5) i felt guilty for leaving after seeing excali get cut up......*pours bottle of drink out* your funeral pyre will be dwarf'd by the burning bodies of the corpus and their robo-sexual partners.


6) i take a sick delight in blowing grineer up when they come thru the doors at gaia, earth


7) i got an ember and want an ember prime just to add to my collection.


8) if i had the ability in-game i would get the stalkers contact info and i would start stalking him; i would make it to where he couldn't sleep at night; he would be like tom Bradey on family.  

Edited by helix.hex
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1. I once bought both a helmet and a material from the marketplace, I still don't regret spending my platinum on them to this day, but I realize how I might be ridiculed for paying those insane market prices.

2. I actually like playing as my nova despite how much hatred she gets from other players.  I also don't have Wormhole equipped on her.

3. I was using the Mk-Braton up until I reached Earth, because I didn't have any clue what weapon I was "supposed" to get next.

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- I play Trinity on Apollodorus with pugs to help them level up.


- I drop wormholes in the direction we came from with random groups.


- I Spec Vauban for random group runs with everlasting tesla balls and then decorate team mates with them.


- I drop wormhole just behind closed doors that teleports them into random locations from where they came.


- I maxed out sweeper with six forma's and put it on my deathcube.


- I climb tree's in the void with volt and pretend I'm a WW1 sniper.


- I drop wormholes on team mates if they stand still for too long.


- DE Megan - Checked me out on the 26th, the same day a certain issue arose regarding a certain somebody in a certain clan who was selling clan invites for plat.

Edited by Blowfist
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- i played a complete black ash for 2 months or more, stalking lowlevel missions, starting with invis from the beginning  and running far ahead (max rush and marathon): breaking glass, activating lasers and elevators and stealing objectives, while leaving all enemies alive. If i stumbled across my teammates on the way back to extrac, i showed them my glorious weapons with some fast kills, and let them disoriented behind (it was the most fun time in my wf career^^) 


- but i always revived downed teammates, if i could reach them in time, of course in complete disguise, sometimes appearing for a matter of seconds, sometimes posing, like i was frozen, just to disappear again in a matter of seconds


- i bought a lot of potatoes, put them in crap weapons and sold the weapons to save the plat for more slots (the only ones i regret are the ones, who got released as dual versions afterwards -.-)


- sometimes i play nova with my most overpowered weapons on xini to troll the spawnkillers and other damage frames, so they dont get more then 100 kills until wave 20 or more


- if i am in a def mission with another guy, who uses galatine, i focus on killing his targets right before his charge ends


- i think, enraging at people, who dont use the right warframes or skills for a certain mission, is the right thing to do  (vaubans using teslaspam vs infested, frost globes on xini, ashes in defense, valkyr at all, etc) using voice chat for this, is even better


- ... i often do the same on purpose (using the wrong frames at least, just for the challenge)


- i failed the rank 11 test 4 times now (2 times cus of the damn despawning elevator) and i decided to not give a sh*t about it and stop doing ranktests, until it's good for something

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When i was a newbie i got a ton of catalysts and reactors from login and sold them because i thought they only give a lvl up for a weapon or frame


every time i see a rhino ingame or as avatar i see a noob

I love you too


Back on topic.  I get ultra freaking anxious when squad members that I don't know start coming up with strategies...  And I still don't know why.

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3. I was using the Mk-Braton up until I reached Earth, because I didn't have any clue what weapon I was "supposed" to get next.

I used Mk-Braton up until Jupiter. I just enjoyed using it far too much, only replacing it with a Strun after killing J3-Golem enough times to get the Volt.

Other confessions -

I think Saryn is tankier than the Rhino, even without Iron Skin. 1200 HP just doesn't die.

I play in solo mode because I get annoyed at other players telling me off for staying invisible 100% of the time as Loki. I also get to go at my own pace without worrying I've left everyone behind because I run with max Rush on EVERYTHING.

I used Aklato for most of pre-11, despite the lack of armour ignore - I've forma'd those bastards 5 times now. Lato is easily my favorite gun, right besides the Vasto.

I have spent Platinum on very unnecessary things, including Nanospores, Salvage, Circuits, Rubedo (post Phobos) and rushing an Orokin Derelict Assassination key.

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I enjoy playing as Nova because I think Null Stars look cool, she is also easily my favorite frame. 


I bought materials from the market when I was making Rhino 


I think every Scarf looks incredibly tacky and I laugh when I see people with them


The Twin Gremlins are my favorite guns in the game and them being better now is the only redeemable quality I find in Dam2.0


I think Dam2.0 is terrible because all it's done is made me have to constantly switch to weapons I hate using depending on the faction I'm fighting


I spent plat on a Grakata 


I always kill the absolute minimum amount of enemies in missions because I'm usually only doing them to get to the defense/survival missions on certain planets I haven't gone through yet, and I get annoyed when I see my teammates trying to kill every enemy in every room


I hate bows because they're damn near useless without a potato


I only do tower missions when one of my friends is there because of a combination of me not trusting random players and me not wanting to screw up and lose the mission for random players


90 hours in and I just got a sentinel 


I constantly make fun of DE with my friends because the good quality of this game is nothing short of a fluke, considering the other games they've made. (love you, DE <3)

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-Loki is my main frame and as such I tend to rush ahead and troll with Switch/Teleport.

-I accidentally Formad one of Loki's originl polarity slots, in my first ever formating try
-Soma is the only weapon i really use and i've put 3 Formas and 1 potato in it...
-I have Gorgon,Sobek,Paris Prime,Dera and Synapse that are still waiting to be leveled up because of Soma...
-I don't understand the damige in the game
-I like Rhino but don't spam Stomp
-I call Valkyr a kitty
-I have about 20 Formas left and another 15 I've used for weapons/frames/dojo
-I was barely able to level up to 30 Frost Prime,and I prefer to pretend it's not there
-I've only ever bought slots for weapons/frames
-I transmuted my Rage looking for a Split chamber?

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-A certain favorable trait that carried over from my ME3 MP days, it was to go through insurmountable odds, just to revive someone.

-As much as OP weapons entice me, I don't really put them on the board, until I have to.

-I have more female Warframes, than male Warframes.

-I really only play with PUGs, that's only my friend/clan list is empty.

-I have a large stack of Forma waiting to be built. I have only used one Forma myself.

-I didn't really play Warframe as much in CBT. The game had poor optimization to what it has now.

-I never really had too much of a liking to Loki.

-I liked the Grakata. Though I needed space, so I sold it unfortunately.

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In this thread we can confess about the things we do in warframe and are not ashamed of


(not obligated of course)



- I Rank up Rhino only for the Mastery XP


- I acutally like using Wrym as my main sentinel

i prefer carrier for vacuum much better for farming and ammo pickups :P

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