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I love Furax

Strun is my top weapon

I hate Supra and I think that is one of the wosrt guns in the game

I hate Volt and Vauban

I love Latron/Latron Prime, but it sucks on high levels

I neved built Acrid

I have 11 unclaimed weapons in my foundry and I am too lazy to level them up

I have more than 100 Neurodes and never ran out of them

Edited by 3XT3RM1NATUS
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-When I'm Nova or Ember, I rarely ever use the number 4 ability, unless I'm about to revive someone or if I panic, or 20+ minutes in survival.


-I have yet to put a potato in my acrid.


-I still have frames I haven't potatoed, eventhough I have the potatoes for them


-I haven't forma any weapons or frames, and I hope to never will, but really tempted to do it with the Twin Gremlins and the aura slot on Necros.


-I bought a piece of forma instead of doing void to get it once to build a dojo weapon.

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I hate Supra and I think that is one of the wosrt guns in the game


there's a good reason for that, it sucks, it was hit with a nerf bad a while ago for no good reason other than scott hates it and has been useless ever since

Scott's logic:

Supra is a master level 7 weapon, but people like it, better nerf it to the ground

Soma is a level 3 mastery weapon and near OP, will move it to mastery 7 but not nerf it: hey its a mastery 7 weapon and its supposed to be good!

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-I apparently spend a massive amount of time in chat, because Steam says I have over 1000 hours logged on Warframe, and yet I only have 350 gameplay hours. 


-I ran Vor multiple times a day for more than 2 months in order to get the Seer.  I only ever wanted it for mastery rank, and I still don't have it. 


-During the latest double material weekend, I spent 40 minutes calculating how many Orokin Cells I would need in order to craft every remaining Prime weapon and frame (the answer is 62).  I then proceeded to get all 62 within one day by farming Ruk.  I regret nothing! 


-I have not played a single Void mission after the drop tables were encrypted.  I have no plans to change that. 

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-I always try to troll my teammates, be it putting Snow Globes on wierd places, putting Waypoints and yelling "Rare 5 core!", Switch Teleport downed allies, etc.


-I actually liked Skana and even gave it a potato.


-I still use Contagion when I play with Saryn.


-I've only maxed one rank 10 mod, yet I have enough cores to max all 4 (Serration, Hornet, Redirection and Vitality)


-I prefer Scindo over Galatine.

Edited by juel2910
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I just can't believe this thread is still going.


- I've written down the names of all those who think of the spiteful people in this thread so that I can irritate them more when the time comes. :3


No doubt, I've made notes - time to troll the trolls and out-elite the elitists in here.  Busting up your hypocrisy will bring me much satisfaction.

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Once, I was playing as Loki and at the end of the mission ,by the pods, we were waiting on 2 stragglers. The one with me was a Vauban who thought funny to drop Bounce balls on the floor and walls to push me away from the evacuation zone.


So I waited at the doorway until 2 seconds were left and switch-teleported him out of the zone so he'd lose his credit bonus. Don't think  your bouncy-balls are funny; they're just annoying at evac.




All my currently owned weapons and frames have catalysts or reactors in it. I should mention that I'm rather completionist in this game and currently own all frames except Mag Prime and my weapon list goes a few pages long...




I play the game for fun and getting things done with my crafting.




We remade our entire Dojo layout from a near complete state to a fully completed on, both to accomodate the new tileset designs and make the layout much more sensible and easier to go about (central elevators instead of elevators at each end of the map, large 6 door halls for crafting instead of cross corridors). Took forever, had to shell out a few extra ressources since we went up a clan tier but completely worth it.




I pick my weapons depending on the mission type and enemy type. Then sometimes for the sheer feel of it. Say what you want, a rapid-fire modded Braton sounds so very nice and powerful and works nicely when going on lower level runs.

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