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Plains of Eidolon Namer Bounties


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The Plains of Eidolon Namer Bounties sometimes are bugging causing me to fail, about 1 in 3 missions bug.  I am playing these missions on Solo mode, it doesn't matter if I start in Cetus or directly from the plains in one of the huts, also it doesn't matter if its the 1st time thru the bounty or on a repeat bounty without having left the plains.

1st the Supply Drop portion will bug out by either not providing a 3rd beacon carrier to appear or the 3rd supply crate never drops causing the whole mission to fail.  

2nd the Control the Camp mission I just hate because it will fail while I run around that GIANT circle looking for enemies, not finding a single one and yet the % counter is dropping rapidly. I run the mission with Ivara enemy detection passive, Enemy Radar, and Animal Instinct and that still isn't enough to see all the enemies that are firing upon me when the mission isn't bugging out.

Extra Note and not really a bug but bad design is the bonus for the Assassination portion.  15 enemies rarely appear in the 1st minute instead the final 1 or 2 appear at 1:03 to 1:05 mark which is 3 to 5 secs too late.  Please change this.

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