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A few issues I have been having with warframe as of late...


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Hi, So as of late I have been piling a handful of issues and complaints up and I am finally fed up enough that I am here writing this. 

So I am not sure if the first two issues fall under 'performance' but as they greatly affect the game from a mechanical standpoint I figure I will lump them in here.

First issue: Yareli.. Beyond the frame being utterly useless and her kit having 0 synergy and her being too squishy even with the damage reduction, My main issue is her second ability is way too buggy In mission, From glitching into walls, falling out of the world, getting stuck on the roof.. Which some of which can be understandable since K-Drive is not great.
MY BIG issue with it is sometimes you will randomly be unable to shoot your weapons or even melee (after hopping off the board too) The ONLY way to fix this is /unstuck, die, or finisher kill an enemy.. This bug also stops you from using abilities too. I can't seem to consistently replicate the issue either, one second I'm skating around shooting things with my Stubbas, next second I can't shoot at all and sometimes the gun model disappears from my hands.

Second issue: This one is BY FAR the most horrible thing for me in the game right now. Protea.. She is a WONDERFUL Frame, and I love her kit. Issue being with her roll... With other frames you can only roll at a certain speed, even if you spam the shift key. with protea you are able to animation cancel if you spam shift and your rolls will have next to no momentum and you lose a LOT of speed by spamming, forcing me to bullet jump everywhere, which isn't practical for short distances.. I would like to see someone fix this issue with her roll animation as it literally makes her unplayable for me, and quite a few other people I know as well.


Third issue, My game literally freezes when i click on my own profile, or equip a new frame, or click on my own fashion linked in chat, This does NOT happen when looking at other peoples profiles or fashions, its exclusively my own. How does that even work??? Please... Do something.. I've had a lot of people report the same issues with the game just locking up constantly and full on freezing or crashing when this happens. Updated drivers and windows and game, No reason this should happen.

Note: this issue also sometimes occurs when opening a mod menu, again.. Exclusively my own. Not other people's 


Fourth issue, Sometimes if you are in the arsenal doing fashion or modding and you close your game too quickly, every config you modified will be completely wiped clean to default after starting the game back up... Which again wouldn't be a big issue, I assume this is something to do with save states and syncing with the server, so yeah.. just wait a few seconds.. or as I always do now.. i interact with navigation to force my game to sync with the server before i log out so it doesn't happen. But combined with the last issue ^ this can even happen with a random crash that results from switching your fashion or mod config or frame, which is just unavoidable. It is so bad I have to keep photo copies of all my builds in a folder in my desktop because I don't trust the game to wipe my stuff.. Thankfully I'm not affected by the crashes like some of my friends are. but we have all experienced this issue. it is bad. very bad. 


Fifth issue. Elite Sanctuary Onslaught. This entire mission is a complete failure of coding. It needs to be fixed from the ground up. Lets start from getting into the mission in the first place at times can be a nightmare, constantly timing out and losing connection to host. and having host migration spam.. some issues are unavoidable i get it, but the matchmaking is so patchy for SO and ESO.. no other mission in the game... it flakes out really really badly.. It needs to be looked at. Moving beyond this point we have a severe issue in the form of sometimes you can load back into an ESO you just extracted from, but in the previous zone. so now your stuck there and have to abandon or wait 2 minutes for them to be done because your on a dead map with no enemies... In addition we have falling out of the map bugs constantly... the portals not spawning for 45s even though the timer is 0... the portal i n the first lobby area literally just not having the particle effect for the portal and just having that smooth blue wall behind it, with no usable portal function so your forced to abandon and reset and brave the brutality of the matchmaking yet again. This mission has many many more issues too.. Please, fix this mission from the ground up. its a problem.


Sixth issue, more minor.. But loading times are significantly longer even when loading into a mission or a dojo when your orbiter is drifters camp. And I have a high end PC.. there's no reason for that. 


Thank you for reading, I know its a lot and I complained a lot. But I wouldn't write this if I didn't care. I have so many other bugs I could complain about, But this is the biggest of them.. I can even tolerate most of this, but the mechanical issue with Protea's roll and the wiping your mods if the game closes too quick are both severely damaging my enjoyment of this game and threatens to make me burn out.. Please guys, fix it? 
I love all you guys at DE, thanks for making such a great game, and keep up the good work. I really appreciate you, even if this post doesn't make it sound like that. I wouldn't have spent as much money as I do on this game if I hated it. Warframe for years now has been my home and will be for many years to come I hope. I just hope to see some of these issues resolved if not all of them.

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