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Update 10.8.0


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Yes. Helmets should never have had stats. They should all be statless like the new ones.

No. I rather liked the idea that the helmets changed the frames.  It felt like customization.


A toggle to turn the stat changes on and off would have fixed this problem for everyone.

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No stats on helms is good, i think it should be a personal choice based on cosmetics. Now you can go back and remove stats from all other helms so they are in line with new ones.


Or better yet add a darn appearance slot, wear whichever helm you want for stats, and check mark the one you want visible.

Edited by Ozrik
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No stats on helms is good, i think it should be a personal choice based on cosmetics. Now you can go back and remove stats from all other helms so they are in line with new ones.


Or better yet add a darn appearance slot, wear whichever helm you want for stats, and check mark the one you want visible.

I bought a helmet because of the stats, and you reshaeshb it for me, not too selfish? You have given helmets without stats, and that's wear, and do not touch mine, if we are talking about selfishness.

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Update 10.8.0




Nekros Shroud and Nova Quantum helmets are here, and they are statless!

Coltek Sentinel Accessory Bundle!



Conclave Power change: Banshee’s Sonic Boom stunlock’s opponents. A cooldown of 5 seconds has been added to Sonic Boom in Conclaves.



Fixed Mission session slot permanently being eaten by client who fails to properly connect or is rejected by host.

Fixed players not being given temporary invulnerability after using a revive, also prevent them from being knocked down while invulnerable.

Fixed continued issues with fog in Orokin Derelicts. Edit: *Some issues still remain*

Fixed mod card sorting so that like-named cards are grouped properly (Sentinel Redirection separate from Warframe Redirection).

Fixed dead/spectating players being able to revive in Conclave pause menu.

Fixed Credit Alert mission rewards giving double the advertised amount; changed Credit Alerts to give better rewards based on difficulty of the Planet that the Alert appears on.

Fixed flickering glass in Orokin Void circular connector.

Fixed Foundry not showing number of built keys you already have for a recipe.

Fixed pressure plates in the Orokin Void colour puzzle not showing correct colour for clients.

Fixed numerous issues with Coolant Leak; it no longer prevents other precepts from working and should now work properly for clients.

Fixed Clan Tech Research issue where player could be invited to a friend's Dojo, do research in their Dojo, and it goes towards the invitees own clan, even if their clan doesn't have the research rooms built!


Why is it that for the past few updates, DE has been constantly changing the camera view. Its not even stated in your update log.

The sentinel messes up the view when its too close. again.

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