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The Repetitive Minigame Hacking


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Hello great programmers of DE :)


Today as I stepped away from playing for a while I started to question myself about what the *beep* happened when you failed hacking a terminal. It's been a while since I've done so and I honestly can't remember.

This made me think about the minigame itself, and while it's fun, it does need some love.


Once, long ago I got some Tantrix-puzzles from someone as a birthday gift and this made me think about how they use multiple lines in their puzzles to "up the level".

I'm guessing that perhaps your not allowed to straight out copy it, even though I hardly think they were the first to come up with the idea.


What I worked a bit on was this:


The idea is just a concept and this would NOT WORK in the state it is in, but more on that later.

The Idea is to make a second type of puzzle-minigame, this one will probably be harder, or it will absolutly have the capacity for it.


How it works:

You might have figured it out allready, but basicly it's a matching game. Spin all the circles so that each circle in a nearby square has a matching color (and shape, think of the colorblind).

The same way as the game allready in warframe, these squares can come in various numbers and forms, they just need to connect. This would seperate it somewhat from just being lines.


Also, I imagine stealthplay comming into the game at some point. These puzzles, being harder, could work well together with that.


Imagine that to hack some pannel to create a diversion, or disable the alert system for a short time - you stepped into a special computer-booth.

This could be something like a phonebooth (the spinning doors in the void/OD). Inside you wouldn't have to worry about enemies, if undetected. BUT! If you fail the hack you'll be sent to a prison cell, the game mode now changes to search and rescue(multiplayer) (on time) or break out and get the hell out of there  (single player) (on time).


You CAN blast through the prison door, but it will be spongy as 2xBEEEEEEP! (and level dependant) so doing so might take alot of ammo.

The timer will start the moment you spawn in the cell, not when you brake out. If you fail to break out and is still sitting in your cell you will fail when the time runs out. Possibly losing 1 revive.




ps: the colors in the circles won't match in the picture, but spinning them while in game should...also some sexier graphics would be sweet hehe.


plz comment.

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I have to agree with Ailith and Leonvision. From just looking at it, let alone from the description, this would result in the same mechanics as the current hacking system just with a different look. Personally, I don't have much of a problem with the current hacking minigame. It does get a little repetitive, but it's easy and can be completed fast enough that it only breaks the flow for a few seconds and offers just enough incentive to make sure enemies don't get to that control panel.

Edited by Haldos
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what makes your puzzle less repetitive than the current one? if it's tedious repetition we're trying to solve here, i dont see we getting it from this. also, i bet you didnt think about the color blind.

It specificly says "shapes", i DID THINK of the colorblind.

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This is simillar because of recognition, it is however harder due to multiple connection points. It's different as in it could be on Grinner maps while the other on corpus. It's different because there are consequences.

But i agree, it is the same "type" of minigame. My inspiration was those circles on doors you sometimes see in Grineer galleon when entering.

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You can alter your version far better that piques the Interests and distinctive tastes of the Tenno. They want everything be easily disposed, Unique yet Easy as hell. We are lazy &#! mercenaries and space assassins. We feast with Greedy Milk and smoke Golem Fart. 


Something much like of the AC4 Black Flag Hacking Puzzles. For reference, click the link below


Our current hacking system are defiantly repetitive adhering that all of our missions suffers similarity. This needs a change.

You have a potential to do so. Surprise us with your ideas. 

Edited by yeomanry
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It specificly says "shapes", i DID THINK of the colorblind.


alright with the colorblind issue, despite you didnt show it in picture.


but answer me this, how does this help with the tedious repetition, the problem you intend on solving with this? when you even said yourself it's basically the same as the current puzzle, except with colors and shapes instead of connecting lines.

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I tried to come up with somrthing, but in My eagerness i overestimated its value. The initial idea was more of a Grineer version of the system. And while not solving the issue it would offer some variation. I take note that it is perhaps too simillar, and that the community expects and hopes for more. The initial feeling i had was also leaning more towards the easy difficulity of the minigame. And a comparisson with the tantrix toy. I'll try thinking more outside the box, while also focusing On simplicity.

Edit: i also had an idea of possible stealthplay, and a consequence if failing

Edited by Lactamid
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