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Ash Ability Changes


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1.Shuriken needs to be able to puncture multiple enemies in a row.
2.Teleport's power usage and range should be lowered and be made into a free targeting power making it more of a mobility power which suits ash's quick and swift style.
3.Bladestorm animation time needs to be reduced and number of targets increased.

These would changes would be great for ash, making him atleast a little more team oriented as well as retaining quite a bit of his lone wolf style. This would help drown some of the hate ash has been getting as well.
Please DE take these suggestions to consideration,thankyou.(If there are any suggestions please post them below but If you are here to whine or complain please leave.)


New thread at https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/131673-ash-ability-suggestions/

Edited by Luminide
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You know, slash dash is quite wide and it can be made even wider with range mods.

If shuriken had puncture it would have much smaller hitbox which probably would be unaffected by stretch.


True but it would also not require you to be anywhere near potential CC and immediate danger.

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1. No.

2. No.

3. No.


Here's why:


1. That would just turn it into a safer version of slashdash that trades overall aoe for spammability and range. Basically, Silraed said.

2. There is no need for this. And Ash's abilities revolve around his ninja/assassin theme. Nothing about that screams/indicates high mobility. Other than his higher than average sprint speed.

3. Really? Reduce the time per animation and increase it's target limit? So make it even more powerful than it already is? It already deals upwards of 2k damage per target. Its balancing factors are the animation time and its target limit. 


The only changes Ash needs to see are an aesthetic one (my opinion) and a tweak to his teleport's targeting mechanic. This tweak could also be applied to the other target-reliant abilities that suffer the invalid target issue.


That's it.

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1. No.

2. No.

3. No.


Here's why:


1. That would just turn it into a safer version of slashdash that trades overall aoe for spammability and range. Basically, Silraed said.

2. There is no need for this. And Ash's abilities revolve around his ninja/assassin theme. Nothing about that screams/indicates high mobility. Other than his higher than average sprint speed.

3. Really? Reduce the time per animation and increase it's target limit? So make it even more powerful than it already is? It already deals upwards of 2k damage per target. Its balancing factors are the animation time and its target limit. 


The only changes Ash needs to see are an aesthetic one (my opinion) and a tweak to his teleport's targeting mechanic. This tweak could also be applied to the other target-reliant abilities that suffer the invalid target issue.


That's it.


This for the most part. The short-range teleport sounds neat as a escape mechanisim but it should be a secondary utility. Teleport and bladestorm should have "lock-on" function (hold the key and aim at someone and release. Think flight combat games and how missles lock) but it should be exclusive to certain frame powers. Having to aim manually VS locking is a big advantage.


check my ash rework thread https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/105585-whats-the-deal-with-ash/

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I tried making the same kind of ash rework post a few days ago, now it must be in the third page I believe. I encouraged people to leave their suggestions to add them to the ones proposed by me, so it wasn't the kind of post in which someone says "I have the solution and it needs to be this way only".

I only had a few real suggestions (2 o 3) and everything else was the typical :NO: answer...

People doesn't care about ash (except for a few), as long as they can play rhino and nova, and redirect their hate towards volt.


I will post some suggestions on your new thread, hopefully it will get more attention than mine did, and will not be dead in 3 days T_T

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