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Archwing Overhaul Needs


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Archwing is one of the most underplayed game modes in Warframe, and needs an overhaul, and expiation in its scope. Here are my observations as a player that likes Archwing, and wants there to be more than a speed bump in the MR grind More Missions: If one is to look at all the Archwing nodes in the game, they will find that there are only nine Archwing only nodes. Even with some nodes having Archwing components they are not being counted due to the node in most cases never needing the Archwing to complete it.

  • More Nodes: Every planet needs to have about three to five Archwing only nodes on them. This will help with having to grind the same node over and over, and doing the same mission over and over again.

  • Variety of Missions: There also needs to be more variety in the missions that can be done in Archwing. With their only being seven mission types in Archwing, with only two being unique to Archwing, and one node out of the nine nodes being a continuous style mission. So with new nodes there would be a need for more missions to fill them anyway.

  • Steel Path Friends: With more nodes, and missions to steel path Archwing would need some love as well. Adding in some acolytes to them wouldn’t be a bad idea, as it would encourage players to do those missions more as well.

  • Drops are quite difficult to obtain: With the way Archwing works, it can be hard to tell where something dropped, and mark it for others. This leads to drops being easily missed by players, and this in turn leads to not wanting to do Archwing missions with other players for fear of missing out on a needed drop. The fix for this is simple, and was done in rail jack, with making all pickups shared across the board. So someone doesn’t miss out on a needed drop due to how large the maps are.

  • Very Few Mods: Unlike other game modes Archwing doesn’t have a lot of variety in its mods. Many of them are just copies of standard mods you see in the rest of the game. This means there is little to no diversity in mod loadouts for everything to do with Archwing.

  • Add Corrupted Mods: Adding in corrupted Archwing mods would allow for a greater diversity in mod loadouts and it would also make formaing Archwing things more needed, for other than fashion-framing.

  • Exilus Them: Adding exilus slots to arch-weapons, and maybe even Archwing. Would add in a lot more diversity in mod load outs as well, but also make some room for new mods on load outs. It will also make the exilus adapters more sought after.

  • Arcans: Adding arcans for arch-weapons would allow for players to customize their arch-weapons to better fit their play style more and more.

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2 hours ago, Razzeil13 said:
  • Arcans: Adding arcans for arch-weapons would allow for players to customize their arch-weapons to better fit their play style more and more.

Customization is for sidegrades.  Current weapon arcanes are straight up damage upgrades. Players want them for the large increase in damage.  Not for "customization".

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8 hours ago, Frendh said:

With what you are asking for easy Archwing missions will become ridiculously easy.

I never said that, and you are intentionally miss interpreting my comment. I want more archwing and more challenge with them, that's why i suggested having acolytes in the steal play variants of them. That is not a suggestion that screams I want easy missions.

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17 hours ago, Razzeil13 said:

I never said that, and you are intentionally miss interpreting my comment. I want more archwing and more challenge with them, that's why i suggested having acolytes in the steal play variants of them. That is not a suggestion that screams I want easy missions.

The acolyte is not a challenge to begin with. Add to that the fact that everything in Archwing has already been scaled down to make it easy. Then you are asking for 3 big buffs and no nerfs.

From my perspective my interpretation is quite accurate.

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21 minutes ago, Frendh said:

From my perspective my interpretation is quite accurate

Does not mean it is an accurate assessment, on what another person means or intends. To claim you know what I intend better then I do is a poor way to treat others. So I am going to state my goal with this post, and if you argue and say you know my goal with this post better then me then you are lost. I want there to be more verity in archwing, and more to gain out of it other then MR.

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On 2022-07-11 at 6:15 PM, Razzeil13 said:

I want there to be more verity in archwing, and more to gain out of it other then MR.

Then you need to add more things. Because there is zero balance so far. Now it is buff buff buff.

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Unlike just about everyone here, who has appeared just to rip you a new one, I also like archwing quite a bit. Steel Path has actually made me realize how much I like them as content diversity that isn't tied to any syndicate or world and I would like to see more.

Ok lemme take it point by point:

  1. More Missions: yes and no - idk if this is the right solution exactly. Maybe it is, but, I feel like the majority would disfavor it and it would remain as infrequently played as the current selection, IF the missions were the same old types. More content doesn't mean more engagement. Spicing it up would help this... which takes us to #2....
  2. Variety of Missions: yes. I still remember my first starchart clear. I kept expecting archwing to pop off, and it never did. I don't think it has ever quite lived up to its potential, and that's mostly the fault of mission parameters, I think. I'm not exactly sure what I was expecting, but archwing has only ever felt like utility and never like a dedicated, enduring sort of game-play. It would be interesting to make ONE archwing-exclusive relic mission, and see what the engagement is.
  3. SP & Acolytes: acolytes - no. My reasoning here is that archwing simply doesn't have the sophistication to deal with enemies of that caliber, not to mention how much special programming they'd require. Don't forget we don't really even have melee with archwing, and nothing that even comes close to a combo counter. Like I said, SP has re-ignited my love for SP overall thanks to Incursions which include them, but it's scaled down so heavily that it feels somewhat trivial at this point, where basic weapon knowledge and decent mods make it easy to play, but archwing lacks SO much depth compared to a full warframes that idk if mission/enemy difficulty can truly progress further until archwing itself progresses further.
  4. Drops: everything you said here I amen. The rare ones are RARE, marking them is HARD, and finding them and picking them up without Itzal is PAIN, especially if it happens 'behind' you.
  5. Limited Mods: Yes. Yes. They are crying out for a full suite of mods, just like necramechs. The mods we have are the absolute essentials and nothing much else. There's no diversity, no second-guessing, no variety. It makes the people whining about warframe mod variety look like silly nincompoops.
  6. Corrupted Mods: Great suggestions, this would help a lot. Also mods that have positives and negatives, and maybe even some set mods.
  7. Exilus: ok, I can see it, but I think we should focus on mod diversity first. Even warframe exilus kinda SUCKS for diversity at the moment. The potential is there (if only they'd make augment mods exilus! ugh) and on that note - maybe augments for archwings too!
  8. Arcanes: I can see it, I view it pretty much the same as exilus: nice addition, would add variety, but I'd place it in priority even below exilus/augments. I do support it, though, it would help.

Overall idk what i'm expecting out of archwing exactly, but I LIKE switching into it, and I wouldn't mind if got taken from utility to niche. It feels pretty abandoned/unrealized. I'd add that archmelee needs a lot of love too, it's serviceable, works in a pinch, but is not anywhere near the level it ought to be with scaling and customization and variety and usefulness. It's pretty much 99.9% archgun and in a rare moment of panic you hit the melee button and see what happens. That should change.

And if we wanted to really get crazy: arch-secondaries

All these arguments about mod diversity apply equally to necramechs and railjacks. They're all still just the absolute basics and nothing else. No mod quandaries - just fit the essentials, you're done. No competitive replacements, no alternate builds - one build, one set of mods, the end. We had a great idea - we carried it 1/100th as far as warframes. I'm not mad - it's a huge ask to make all of these robust and deep systems, especially when they're side modes, I'm just disappointed at the unfulfilled potential - they could be every bit as deep, they just need the love.

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I named my Railjack "Archwing Died For This" for a reason. DE has all but given up on Archwing after the bad reception it had following their release. If they did something like add more missions for it in the starchart, you can bet people will be in an uproar. More mission variety would be nice though.

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