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Unleash The Fury! We Want To Give The "berzerker" Frame A Proper Name


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she is far to weak in my opinion...

Scott you butchered her way to much....Shield Capacity ridiculously low, strength low, health should be 150 as well

her fourth power should have knockdown immunity, slow should be relentlessly fast, far to weak, yeah.....


buff her....as of right now she feels like a buthered mix of Rhino/Frost making her feel like a gutter trash.....so uh yeah.....

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Valkyr is the name of the Warframe line, that X amount of Orokin-era Tenno wore.


At least one of these Tenno was found by Alad V and experimented upon resulting in a "beserker" post-torture state to the Tenno and damage to the Warframe.


However the Warframe _line_ is simply close-combat focused with energy based buffs, debuffs and claws. I don't see any problem with that 'frame line being called Valkyr. Perhaps the Tenno originator of the 'Frame design traced their genetics back to Nordic stock? Much like the originator of the Vauban frame line probably traced their genetics to French stock.


Personally I like the idea of the 'Frame line being associated with the "chooser of the slain" mythos whereas the poor wretch we rescue is more like the "fallen angel" trope, makes the sense of loss and tragedy more tangible.


I don't think it makes sense to rename an entire Warframe line after a horrible incident with one pilot.


Of course this would all be more convincing if we could build the Valkyr _without_ the torture-damage and bondage-gear

Edited by SilentMobius
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Valkyr is the name of the Warframe line, that X amount of Orokin-era Tenno wore.


At least one of these Tenno was found by Alad V and experimented upon resulting in a "beserker" post-torture state to the Tenno and damage to the Warframe.


However the Warframe _line_ is simply close-combat focused with energy based buffs, debuffs and claws. I don't see any problem with that 'frame line being called Valkyr. Perhaps the Tenno originator of the 'Frame design traced their genetics back to Nordic stock? Much like the originator of the Vauban frame line probably traced their genetics to French stock.


Personally I like the idea of the 'Frame line being associated with the "chooser of the slain" mythos whereas the poor wretch we rescue is more like the "fallen angel" trope, makes the sense of loss and tragedy more tangible.


I don't think it makes sense to rename an entire Warframe line after a horrible incident with one pilot.


Of cource this would all be more convincing if we could build the Valkyr _without_ the torture-damage and bondage-gear


At this point Valkyr Prime would be the only saving grace (da dum tish) for the name.

If at a later point they add in an actually angelic looking Valkyr with perhaps Energy wrist-swords instead of claws, it would look a lot more fitting and make a lot more sense.


A Wonder Woman Lasso of Truth wouldn't hurt either.

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To points above: If the "whole line" theory made sense, we'd be getting ONE OF THOSE instead. Further, even if the outfit was angelic beforehand, the skills are all still fury-themed: claws, whips--the ult is even named "Hysteria", which is a greek term for female madness.


I'd also like to point out neurodes and neural sensors ended up getting their names swapped for sanity's sake.


I like to call it humor, not hyperbole. BUT HEY! Each to his own. If you were offended, I apologize. I mean it. 

Turns out she ended up being named Valkyr anyway. 



You sir, are taking this waaaayyy to seriously than it is. 

So you're just posting here to be a jerk. Good to know.

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To points above: If the "whole line" theory made sense, we'd be getting ONE OF THOSE instead.


It's not a theory, What we are getting is the Valkyr Warframe after experimentation and modification. The notion that the Warframe line would have it's name changed after this incident is silly.


I'd like to have access to the pre-torture 'Frame, because I don't like DE taking a _single_ Tenno and confusing the 'Frame and/or 'Frame line with the Tenno but that isn't going to happen (Just like a name change)


Now in-game I can believe something like: "we can't undo the subtle damage to the essence of the frame" (so I'm happy to keep the powers intact, re-doing power visuals is a lot of work) given that the only parts that we will be able to collect are from Alad V but I'd be much happier if we could get the frame without the bondage gear, after all no sane Tenno would re-build the 'Frame with all that junk still attached. But all of this is just a lack of time on DE's part, hopefully there will be a no-colar-skin-intact head available soon and the restraints will move to a free syandana. That shouldn't be much work


Either way, the fact is the name is for the Warframe "pre-torture" that is why it's not "bererker-themed"

Edited by SilentMobius
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It's not a theory, What we are getting is the Valkyr Warframe after experimentation and modification. The notion that the Warframe line would have it's name changed after this incident is silly.


I'd like to have access to the pre-torture 'Frame, because I don't like DE taking a _single_ Tenno and confusing the 'Frame and/or 'Frame line with the Tenno but that isn't going to happen (Just like a name change)


Now in-game I can believe something like: "we can't undo the subtle damage to the essence of the frame" (so I'm happy to keep the powers intact, re-doing power visuals is a lot of work) given that the only parts that we will be able to collect are from Alad V but I'd be much happier if we could get the frame without the bondage gear, after all no sane Tenno would re-build the 'Frame with all that junk still attached. But all of this is just a lack of time on DE's part, hopefully there will be a no-colar-skin-intact head available soon and the restraints will move to a free syandana. That shouldn't be much work


Either way, the fact is the name is for the Warframe "pre-torture" that is why it's not "bererker-themed"

Why would we call a massively altered frame "Valkyr" if there's a "pre-torture" version that's different? If we ever got that, wouldn't we call it that? And, according to what we see in the trailer, "Valkyr" isn't a "pre-torture warframe line" at all, it's what happens when you rip apart mags and excals for spare parts. It's the leftovers.


Also, where do you get this "single" bs from? It's not a "single" frame. It's always been a HUGE NUMBER of frames. It was a "cache" of warframes SO LARGE that general ruk conquered an ENTIRE PLANET over it. It was SO NUMEROUS that it was the zanuka PROJECT, a production LINE of war machines.


Of course, according to you, it shouldn't be called zanuka, since it was clearly a hyena post-processing, and as the whole hyena line existed before then, there's no reason we'd change the name of the after-torture hyena.


...and all of that being said, they still don't do a SINGLE thing that makes sense for a valkyr, or have a SINGLE feature that's even remotely valkyr-like, save the possible inference that both have vaginas. If ALL of that was magically "stripped away", you have something totally different.


Nobody calls a 2x4 a "tree". It IS a tree "post torture", but nobody calls it "tree", as it has NONE of the functions or features of a tree.


Nobody calls a hamburger "cow". It IS a cow, "post torture", but nobody calls it "cow", as it has NONE of the functions or features of a cow.


So, why call an erinys "Valkyr"? Even if it IS a Valkyr, "post torture", it has NONE of the functions or features of a valkyr.

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Why would we call a massively altered frame "Valkyr" if there's a "pre-torture" version that's different? If we ever got that, wouldn't we call it that? And, according to what we see in the trailer, "Valkyr" isn't a "pre-torture warframe line" at all, it's what happens when you rip apart mags and excals for spare parts. It's the leftovers.


Also, where do you get this "single" bs from? It's not a "single" frame. It's always been a HUGE NUMBER of frames. It was a "cache" of warframes SO LARGE that general ruk conquered an ENTIRE PLANET over it. It was SO NUMEROUS that it was the zanuka PROJECT, a production LINE of war machines.



*sigh* A single Tenno _escapee_ (per story). Mags, Excaliburs and others were broken down to make _Zanuka_, the quadraped, remember? The Tenno pilot of Valkyr was left alive _during_ the experimentation. and ultimately escaped. Valkyr wasn't _built_ by Alad V, it is just another Warframe that was being used as research before being used as raw materials, however thing one didn't stay put (Probably due to the 'Frame being able to channel the pilots rage in manners that other frames couldn't)



Nobody calls a 2x4 a "tree". It IS a tree "post torture", but nobody calls it "tree", as it has NONE of the functions or features of a tree.


Nobody calls a hamburger "cow". It IS a cow, "post torture", but nobody calls it "cow", as it has NONE of the functions or features of a cow.


So, why call an <some crap I made up> "Valkyr"? Even if it IS a Valkyr, "post torture", it has NONE of the functions or features of a valkyr.



It's a Warframe, the same Warframe the pilot went into cryosleep with. It is still functional, it was never reduced to "spare parts", it was not "built" by Alad V simply damaged. (Ours, on the other hand is a different matter, as I've said there is no reason for us to build a damaged frame)


A tree with some stripped bark and a few limbs missing is still a tree


A cow with skin peeled back and muscle showing is still a cow


The Warframe this Tenno was wearing can still channel energy in melee, it can still channel it's shields at the enemy (Like a "shield bash" yknow, like a futuristic "shield maiden" might) it can still "fly" across the battlefield hence it is still Valkyrie.

Edited by SilentMobius
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*sigh* A single Tenno _escapee_ (per story). Mags, Excaliburs and others were broken down to make _Zanuka_, the quadraped, remember? The Tenno pilot of Valkyr was left alive _during_ the experimentation. and ultimately escaped. Valkyr wasn't _built_ by Alad V, it is just another Warframe that was being used as research before being used as raw materials, however thing one didn't stay put (Probably due to the 'Frame being able to channel the pilots rage in manners that other frames couldn't)




It's a Warframe, the same Warframe the pilot went into cryosleep with. It is still functional, it was never reduced to "spare parts", it was not "built" by Alad V simply damaged. (Ours, on the other hand is a different matter, as I've said there is no reason for us to build a damaged frame)


A tree with some stripped bark and a few limbs missing is still a tree


A cow with skin peeled back and muscle showing is still a cow


The Warframe this Tenno was wearing can still channel energy in melee, it can still channel it's shields at the enemy (Like a "shield bash" yknow, like a futuristic "shield maiden" might) it can still "fly" across the battlefield hence it is still Valkyrie.


It has no spear, no wings, it can't protect anyone, it can't claim the dead. It's not a valkyr.


I don't know what "story" you're going by. This doesn't exist anywhere that I've seen.  Oh, and stop saying "didn't build", I never used the word "build", and any other implication you're using go against the exact in-game text of "Forged in the labs of the Zanuka Project".


And get over your "if they just give her a makeover, then she'll be a proper valkyr" thing. It's kind of disgusting.


If there's some original frame this is derived from that was called valkyr, we should get *that* frame, with *that* power set, and call *that* frame "Valkyr".


It makes no sense to call the whippy claw monster "valkyr", and FURTHER: If it's entirely possible there's a "Valkyr" frame that has skin, and being wrecked by experiments doesn't change the name of the frame, why is it NOT possible there's an "Erinys" frame that has skin, and being wrecked by experiments doesn't change the name of the frame? If it's just a question of "The original name could be ANYTHING, because, who knows what it used to look like?", why can't the name be something logical for the powers it has?


EDIT: I'd *also* like to point out that, when someone goes through a massively life-changing event, it's not unusual for them to pick a new name that suits them better. It's a HUGE theme in comics and videogames, and it happens constantly in real life, from celebrities and politicians down to regular people. In fact, the most common example is SO FREQUENT we actually have a term for the old name: the "Maiden Name".  So, if "Valkyr" was the frame's "maiden name", it seems like it should be changed to something more fitting her current status as a whippy, clawed rage monster.

Edited by Llyssa
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