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Did any of you notice that during the FPS drops you also got choppy audio?


It may not be as noticeable if you're playing on TV speakers, but on my headphones via the PS4 controller I noticed all sounds, gunfire, music, lotus, effects would have some kind of stutter/skipping while lagging.


The FPS lag also occurs depending on hosts too.  Some games are perfect, while others have FPS drops.  I haven't noticed any lag teleports, running-mans  (teammates/enemies running while standing in place, basically not moving anywhere), etc. at all in the PS4 version, whereas laggy hosts on PC often cause such issues.

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I have noticed this.  When I'm the host (I have top of the line network at home) It takes a LOT to get any chop but when I join a match and other people are the host it gets choppy much easier.  So I think it has a lot to do with network limitations of the host PS4.


That being said once this game is out of beta and they clean up the net code more I'm sure this problem will gradually become less prevalent until then. BETA! haha 


Remember be nice not everyone has cable and in some areas it's not even available. 

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I have noticed this.  When I'm the host (I have top of the line network at home) It takes a LOT to get any chop but when I join a match and other people are the host it gets choppy much easier.  So I think it has a lot to do with network limitations of the host PS4.


That being said once this game is out of beta and they clean up the net code more I'm sure this problem will gradually become less prevalent until then. BETA! haha 


Remember be nice not everyone has cable and in some areas it's not even available. 

As you realized ts the games crappy hosting system, they should be adding a new hosting system soon.

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There have been times where nothings around and the game runs really choppy.  Then again, those are the games where it takes 5 seconds for the enemies to start taking damage. 


The only other time FPS has really dropped was the mobile defense mission against infested.  That just became a lag fest, but then again, soooooooo many enemies were spamming those tiny corridors and trying to break the machine. 

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I have amazing speeds and anytime I host with 3+ players I get 30 frames, sometimes with snow and infested 15 or less fps.

It has something to do with drawing bandwidth from the host connection. Garbage. Needs dedicated servers or something.

I never have internet related issues while hosting groups in any game I have ever played. Why Warframe? Why?

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Dedicated servers are needed. I know it doesn't require PS+, I'd rather have dedicated servers even if this requires PS+ (which I subscribe to because I'm paranoid about using my 100+ hours saves for Japanese games on PS3 and Vita).

Something is wrong. Sometimes I can play survival for 30 minutes and all fine and smooth. And sometimes horrible drops happen. It doesn't seem to correspond with what's on screen at all though. Not really a console quality product. Then again, launch title curse.

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I don't think it's entirely host related. If you run a Void mission solo you're still going to be getting lots of chop before long, it seems to worsen the longer you're there completely unrelated to your own activity.


The easiest test is to start a Capture and hope you start in one of those safe locations enemies can't reach, like the upper room with two tubes that lead to the larger room, and just staying put, going away for 15 or 20 minutes and coming back. Often times the game is unplayably laggy at that point.


It gets worse when you actually participate, but I have no solid leads as to what causes it, I have an inkling though that it's the orokin drones. They tend to get stuck on a large number of places in the maps and in great quantities, then other enemies wander around near them since they aren't going for you and generate 40 odd shield boost beams and your framerate tanks.


Though, many other maps suffer from it as well. There are a number of corpus maps that start laggy and end laggy without any breathing room. Usually you know it's one of those maps if it starts and Lotus sounds like a stroke victim with laggy, drawn out and stuttery dialog that cuts off before she finishes her statements.


They claim to have fixed survival becoming laggy by doing something about the items that drop constantly, but I'm not sure that's the root of things, and personally I'm not a fan of my energy orbs and ammo despawning over time, it'd be nice if they could find a way to cull their impact but keep them available.


Hosting definitely has a huge impact but I find that it doesn't hurt too badly until you have a total of four players. Same for general multiplayer, three players runs about the same as two players and barely worse than solo, but once you bring in a forth player it goes all to hell. That may be network related but I have a 30/5mb line and my router tells me the game barely scratches that for network usage, so I'm not sure if it's caused by low bandwidth. I do know that you get significant network lag from people with lacking networks, the game running fine up until enemies start running in with enough frequency, then you see activity every 5-60 seconds for little blips.


Just kind of thinking out loud with all of this though, maybe it'll help the devs.


I'm willing to bet its mostly a problem of hardware optimization. They didn't have access to devkits or release hardware very long at all before launch. I've heard suggestions somewhere that they only had a devkit about 3 weeks before the system came out and that couldn't have helped. There was a pretty notable improvement when U11 hit, however, they countered it by tripling enemy density. If they can continue those kinds of jumps in performance for a few patches the game shouldn't be having any major performance issues by April or May.


I'd like to test performance compared to PC but my PC account hasn't really been played since the first month it came out. I tried giving it another go lastnight in hopes of reaching a point that I could give it a proper comparison and see if it has similar issues but with next to no equipment, and further, when I last played PC the Paris had only just become available, I'm not apt to be doing any void runs or even getting any void keys. Kinda hard to start over from where I am on PS4.


I think what we most need is more communication from the developers. It's okay to say that we'll never match PC performance, and it's okay to tell us it's going to take time to iron out the issues, just so long as they can tell us at some point we'll be seeing a solid framerate between 30 and 60 without horrible lag 10 minutes into a mission, I imagine the hardware can manage it, it's alright on most other PS4 games.


But we also have to contend with the apparent suggestion that Xbox One is getting the game after a three month PS4 exclusivity period, and that is apt to slow down progress on all platforms. I base this on a statement made that Warframe would be PS4 exclusive for three months and nothing else was mentioned. It's already on PC and I'm not expecting to see it on any older platform any time soon, referring to temporary console exclusivity suggests another console platform is expected.

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Honestly? I am sorry but I've completed Killzone Shadow Fall and I have seen how PS4 can perform. A game like Warframe must run at 60 at all times and have no loading times. Right now this is Bayonetta PS3 quality optimization.

See, unless they will up the visual fidelity of PC version later down the line I expect same or better performance on PS4. I mean, for the longest time they thought PS4 will have half the RAM it actually has and in general dev kits were raw as hell.. But still.


It will all come down to a simple fact: where the money is. Where players buy more stuff for $$$. I don't know how successful it on PS4, devs said they're pleased with it and I meet a lot of people with prime pack Misa sydanna (I use it myself, can't blame them), but that's all guesses and suggestions.

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It's a combination of things.

While it might not be the greatest Looking game ever, it does take quite a bit of CPU oomph to calculate what all those infested are doing and where the thousands of bullets people are spraying everywhere are likely to hit.

While the PS4 is powerful for a console, it's not powerful for a PC, hence things chug a bit.

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Having played solo quite a bit recently, I can add some to this topic.


I suffer from no frame rate drop, and very little texture quality unless I run hours on end (5+).


Then the slow frame rate seems to stay for good, whether I do missions or I sit at the menus.  Luckily, all that's needed is to just close and reopen the game and it runs like normal.

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I can attest to this and the fact it seems flat out common with Tower Capture, Mobile Defense and Survival. Four of us played various matches last night from normal missions, boss fight, tower and derelict. Everything did great to good except Tower Capture, Survival and Mobile Defense. Yea...we've done the T3 Defense and it is as we call i a "slo-mo Light Show". But with it about 90% of the match is fine. However with the other three types; it's start to finish usually getting worse to to the end. With capture you just make sure you have fast Frames, get the captures and head for the extraction before a freeze up or someone gets bumped. Survival by far is the worst.

Edited by (PS4)BuzzZaw82
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