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Warframe Stories


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With a lot of encouragement from my friends Panzer_the_Tank and Jowain92, I have finally decided to open a thread dedicated to my Warframe stories. Some of them are more serious and some are just silly and for fun or a combination of both.


So to make it perfectly clear, the things I submit here are fiction. Made up storied based on my interpretation of the lore and characters (and like I said, some stories will be sillier than others). So if you want to whine and/or argue about how things are not the way you think they should be and things like that, then take a hike or I will kick you where it hurts. 




Rock bottom and back up again

No memories

The colours of vengeance

Edited by Lady_Viper
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Rock bottom and back up again



RATATATATATATATATA!! The gunfire grew louder and louder as more and more Grineers' swarmed the area. Bullets and rockets filled the air and to manoeuvre through all this became next to impossible. Then in the next second, it became impossible.


Mag felt the next bullet hit her armour with full impact. 'Damn my shields are down' She was just about to use shield polarize to boast them up again as she was hit by another wave of projectiles. The pain was imminent and as her vision blurred she found herself at the ground unable to move. It should be added that this wasn't the first time this happened. Far from actually. Mag had ended up this way on several missions now. As soon as she tried to get within an effective range with her STRUN Wraith, tried to use her abilities or just tried to cut them down with her blade, this happened. She felt squishy...useless. She didn't want the others to come save her all the time. Mag felt more like a burden to her clan than anything else.


Sadness filled her as she desperately tried to throw her hikou at the incoming Grineer to keep them away. "Guys" she tried to contact the others over their helmets come link. And she heard a voice.


"Mag! Where are you!" It was Ember, but the only thing Mag could respond with was a weak "Help"


Her vision blurred again as she saw what looked like a flaming inferno coming closer. Most of the Grineer fled or took cover, and those who didn't were being charged at by something big and red 'Rino'. Mag felt dizzy now and she could practically feel her life force drain from her, she couldn't even throw her hikou anymore. 'No, I don't want to die, not like this' Then she felt a warmth wash over her and her pain diminish. She looked up, vision getting clearer, and saw Ember standing over her, one arm out to heal her "Hang in there, you're safe now". Mags' sister at arms had came to her aid once more, and she couldn't help but feel guilt.


Ember then helped Mag up on her legs, but they were shaking and Mag felt sick. Over the radio they could hear the Lotus telling them that team alpha had finished their objective.


"About time" Ember growled "Come on guys! We're heading to extraction!" Ember then supported Mag as they moved on. Rino clearing the way and Excalibur picking off anyone who followed them.

Mag felt so guilty. They shouldn't have to save her &#! all the time. She felt so helpless, so...useless.




Volt yawned as he stretched his body, finally back at the clans' Dojo. The mission was a success. Rhinos' team caused one hell of an distraction and his team got what they came there for and with no casualties. Over all it was a job well done, and they deserved some rest.


"Damn, Mag doesn't look too well" Loki cut in breaking Volts' trail of thoughts. He was right though. Mag looked like she had hit rock bottom. Ember stood beside her trying to talk to her but Mag just shook her head and walked away, heavily dragging her feet after herself.


"How is she?" Loki asked Ember as she walked towards them.


"Not good I'm afraid. She...she had another near death experience...And her confidence is at an all time low" Ember was worried. Volt didn't blame her. They were all worried about Mag, but it was different for Ember. Mag and Ember were almost like twins, at least they acted like it. They always thought together, often while singing or laughing. Which for the record creeps him out at times. But now there were no singing nor laughing. Mag had always been their happy little psycho, but now...


"I don't know what to do" Ember continued "I just can't get through to her. I tried to tell her that she's not useless and that we never see her like that, but she won't listen"


"Wow, she must be really depressed if you can't get through to her" Volt said


Ember nodded, then gave a sigh "I'll keep an eye on her. I don't want her to do anything stupid"


"You sure that's necessary? It seems a bit extreme. Maybe she just needs to be left alone" Loki said, only managing to upset Ember instead of calming her.


"Damn it Loki I barely know her in this state and I rather be safe than sorry!" And with that she stomped off. Rhino and Excalibur looked at Loki, shook their heads and then followed Ember.


"I know she could have thrown a fireball at my face but I just what to help" Loki said to Volt to get some sort of support.


"Hmmm...maybe we can" Volt said deeply in thought.




Finally he came up with an idea "Loki, you still got that blueprint we found aboard that derelict ship?"


"Yeah, why-...Oooh, I see what you're up to"




Mag just wanted to be left alone. She knew Ember was just trying to help but it really just made it worse. It just made her feel even more useless when they felt they had to tell her that she's not. Almost as if she had a little voice in her head whispering to her 'They're lying. The only reason they keep telling you that you're not is because they feel obliged to. They know you're useless and you will always be useless'


Mag shook her head trying to clear her mind. She had gone to one of the gardens to do so. Her garden, Mags' happy place. She sat upon a rock out in the middle of the water. It was a water garden after all. She took some deep breaths while listening to the sound of pouring water, the sound of tiny waves and ripples brushing by the stonework all while watching the koi fishes swimming around the water lilies without a single care in the universe.


Mag almost found it funny how something which always used to calm her down and feel happy now only made her want to cry. And so she had to fight back the tears again.


"Mag, you there?" She snapped up her head and thought back another sob.


"Mag? Maaaaaagggg!" It sounds like Loki she thought but-


"Hey Mag we know you got your helmet on, we can hear you sobbing" And that sounded like Volt. But how were they able to contact her? She was certain she had shut off the com. With a sudden realization Mags' face grew dark 'Ember must have done something with my com-link'


"I'm not sobbing!"


"Whatever you say. Just get your &#! over to the research lab. Volt and I got something to show you"


"Loki I'm really not in the mood your you shenanigans" True, she really wasn't. Why wouldn't those two goofballs leave her alone? "leave me be"


"We can always have Rhino come dragging you here if that's what you want" Volt said in a teasing voice "It would certainly be more fun for us anyway"


Mag gave a sigh in defeat "You guys won't leave me alone until I've seen that something, won't you?"


"Nope!" Loki answered, sounding far too happy for Mags' liking. They were up to something.




Somehow, she's not sure how, but she actually did managed to drag herself over to engineering. It wasn't that far anyway. Just across the grand hall, where everyone else were, looking at her as she passed by. She would be lying if she said she weren't relieved when she arrived to the lab and could escape everyone's condescending looks. Well, maybe they weren't, but at that was what it felt like.


Mag had barely passed through the door when she was met by a stupidly grinning Loki and an equally stupidly grinning Volt. 'They're not wearing their helmets? Strange' When she finally managed to take her eyes away from their faces she noticed they were holding something. A weapon. The weapon in question was almost as long as she herself was tall. 'Is that...a sniper rifle?'


Mag was a bit confused at this point. This was the thing they wanted her to see? What they had dragged her all the way from her garden to inspect?


"You guys dragged me here just to show off your new toy?" The annoyance in Mags voice was hard to miss, and had they seen her face they would have seen a pair of growing blue eyes glaring daggers at them.


"It's not our new toy, it's your new toy" Loki answered her in a happy, almost teasing, voice.


"What?" She blinked a few times. She really didn't know what to say. Had she heard them correctly?


"Mag, look" Volt began. "Loki and I couldn't help to notice you haven't exactly been your usual psychotically happy self lately."


"So we built this to cheer you up. Now, instead of going head on at close range and getting a beating, you'll be able to stay back and still kill stuff" Loki must have felt Mag glaring daggers at him this time, for the very next second he hurried to ad "Not that we're doubting your skill or ability!"


"Mag" Volt said as he laid one arm around her shoulders " Sometimes you will have moments when you hit rock bottom. When you do that then the only way to go is back up again. Aaand sometimes to hurry up this process a little, you have to take a different approach to things"


"Believe me Mag, sniping is fun. The moment you see your first enemy loose his head in a cloud of red, you'll be hooked. And...it's a great way to steal peoples kills from right under their noses" Loki gave her a reassuring smile as he handed over the weapon to  her.


Mag stood silent as her mind processed this information. It made sense from a certain point of view, and she wanted to believe it , she really did. But it's not that easy. She felt skeptical to say the least. This was out of her comfort zone. Mag hadn't even held a sniper rifle until Loki handed it to her. She had to hand it to them though, it's a beautiful weapon.


"We haven't done any modifications on it yet" Volt continued, still holding his arm around her shoulders. "We know you like to do that sort of tinkering yourself"


At that moment Mag was glad she'd kept her helmet on. She felt very emotional all of a sudden , and it didn't take long before her shoulders began shaking as she lowered her head. Both Volt and Loki didn't seem to know what to do with this situation. They hadn't really counted on Mag crying when they gave her the weapon. In the end, it was Volt who broke the silence.

"Hey don't get all emotional on me now. You got stuff to kill!" And with that he gave her a friendly slap on the back.




"Ember! Look out!" Excalibur yelled as a Corpus crewman appeared behind her with his weapon ready.




Ember quickly turned around only to see a headless corpus hit the ground with a thud. Looking for the source of the mess she soon spotted Mag cheerfully waving to her from a far away balcony.


"She's getting better at it" Rhino noted as he shot another corpus in the face with his shotgun.


Excalibur continued fighting on his end all while hearing Mags' hysterical giggling and laughter over their team com as she continued to head-shot every corpus in her sight. The fact that she actually manage to aim strait during her psychotic outbursts was a miracle in itself. He also found it a bit disturbing.


"If the Corpus could hear what we're hearing they wouldn't pop up their heads any time soon" he said to Ember and Rhino.


"True" Rhino said "But then we wouldn't have anything to fight"


Another corpus crewman ended up with a hole through the head, and another psychotic laughter session began.


"We should tell Loki and Volt that they've created a monster" Excalibur said after a while as the stream of enemies started to deplete.


"Aww" Ember began, clearly overjoyed to have her friend back to normal (or as normal as she can be) "But Mag is the best kind of monster."

Edited by Lady_Viper
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I was inspired to write something myself; I hope you all like it :D



"Nice Job; Tenno!"



As he laid down the bodies of his fallen comrades; Rhino kept an unseen composure and continued his steadfast march towards the next room. His brother Frost was being dragged deeper into the Grineer facility and the mighty Rhino thrashed his way through the barrage of armor piercing bullets bullets to avail. A Grineer commander had successfully teleported him away from the door right into the barrel of a fully loaded Gorgon machine gun. His iron skin broke apart as each pellet began chiseling away at his armor.


Under all the clutter; Rhino could see a single bullet sink into the heart of Frost and the cool air he brought with him ceased under the gunfire. Rhino forced himself on his knees and imbued his fist with his pain and agony and performed the long forgotten radial blast. The room fell quiet. "I can finish this." He brushed off the last of his old skin and created another stalwart barrier of protection around himself. His shields climbed up and he slowly began to feel life returning to him. He proceeded to open the locked door himself, iron skin peeling away with every strike.


Now battered, he rejoins his brother; cold... lifeless. The Carrier sentinel Frost brought in with him floated from the dark part of the room and scanned Rhino. Taking a moment to process, the Carrier changed it's energy color to correspond with that of Rhino's and began to survey the room and collect salvage parts to continue strengthening the Warframe. "Kril is in the next room Tenno. You MUST win!" cried Lotus. Clad in iron skin, sister banshee's Paris, Loki's despair, and fallen Frost's Galatine. The Rhino charged into the next room with Kril mockingly stamping his feet with impatience. "Ten..no ... know that to die...at my feet will be...the only.. redeeming factor in you...r... mis..erable...life.."


Roar.....charge...fight. .fight. fight! Rhino rushed in head first into his opponent and exchanged blows. Each swing of Kril's mighty fragor shaked the blade of his Galatine. Roar. Charge. Swing damnit... swing! Rhino knew no fatigue and the Carrier worked hard to make sure his energy was always up. He stomped the ground but clever Kril leaped to safety. Rhino was always stubborn; his pride coated him and he proceeded to Kril with another headlong rush. Fragor and Galatine and stuck in a deadly power struggle with the Rhino being crushed under it's weight.


"Hurry Carrier; hurry! I need more energy for th-" He then the vacuum of the Carrier end with the insertion of a black arrow through it's torso. The arrow began blinking and ushered in a massive explosion; the Carrier was no more. Stunned, Rhino was then knocked to the ground by Kril as he saw a dark figure appear from the shadows.


"Stalker... yooOOUU!!! ARRRGGHHHH!"


He was pinned to the ground by Kril's mighty hammer. He weight was bearable, but the gaping dent in his chest cavity caused his vision to blur. "Your attack on Kril will cost you your life," mumbled the Stalker mockingly. As Kril began to laugh, Rhino spotted a fading energy orb behind the Stalker where the Carrier sentinel had blown up. With his strength fading, he threw Loki's despair at Kril's tubes causing Kril to go into a pained frenzy. Alarmed, the Stalker slash dashed his way towards a charging Rhino and was flung down from the weight and power of his opponent. It was just enough for an iron skin, and with that: hope. He pulled out his sister's paris and began shooting arrows just as she taught him how. Pinpoint accuracy accompanied with uncanny precision, the Rhino manages to puncture the Stalker's armor, leaving him to bleed out.


Kril regains his composure and bursts into flames screaming at the top of his lungs! The Rhino begins to throw all of his Despair at Kril's hammer as he continues his crazed advance. "You...will...not...LIVE!"

The Rhino let's out his mightest strike and successfully disarms Kril. Meanwhile, the dying Stalker relinquishes one last arrow from his bow into his large target. The iron skin shatters and fades away; along with the Stalker's life." In that brief window of vulnerability Kril grabs Rhino by the neck and proceeds to punch into his already damaged chest. The Galatine is dropped and the Rhino is wheezing on the floor.


Rhino gets back up and raises his fists at Kril, beckoning him over. It's definitely a scary thing to enrage a Rhino, but to voluntarily face one in hand-to-hand combat is just suicide. But Kril's ghastly face ignites and throws the first punch. Rhino ducks under it and counters with a grizzly uppercut into his opponents rib cage. The playing field has been leveled it seems. How many ribs did he break? 5? 6? One thing was sure to the Rhino; it won't stop there. Kril makes a fast swing into the Rhino's jaw, but there was a loss in power due his damaged ribs. "I can win!" Rhino roars with unmatched vigor and crushing his opponent's weakening body with each blow.


Kril stopped moving after 15 more minutes of Rhino's relentless assault. Noble stance; nothing could be more fitting for a Rhino rising back up from another near death experience. He picks up the paris, galatine, and despair he dropped and begins to make his long trip home.


A momento; to never forget the sacrifices made to end Kril's tyranny.


"Nice job Tenno."

"Nice job huh...?" mutters Rhino, limping towards the ship; passing the corpses of fallen Tenno and Grineer alike.


He hoists himself onto the ship and falls to rest in deep stasis...







"Hehehe; all in the name of profit..." - Alad V

Edited by Gridshaw
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  • 2 months later...

No memories


They had lost their memories, all of them, they all had. Who could have known that prolonged cryosleep could cause memory loss. They all wondered about their identity from before. What their names were, family, partners. All those memories, gone.


For Necros this was a real pain. He's in his midlife. He could have family somewhere for all he knew. A wife. Children old enough to fight in the war. Or were they killed in the previous war before they went to cryosleep? Had they been awakened and emerged into some other clan? Or had the Corpus managed to get them ether when they were still in their pods or managed to capture them while on a mission? The possibility involving Corpus bothered him the most.


He might have a family out there fighting or dying and he would never know if he'd met them. Never gotten a chance to talk to them. They had been testing people in the clan to detect any possible family connections. Of all tenno in their clan they had so far only managed to establish on such connection. A Nyx and an Excalibur who turned out to be siblings. Not surprising since they look a lot like each-other.


But looking at the gene-pool wouldn't tell them about possible partners they might have had unless they've found an common offspring. Did he have a wife out there somewhere? They say that memories are never completely lost and that your subconscious will recognise people you used to know. But how do you know if it's one of your loved ones?

It's been centuries since the tenno were put into stasis. And this old war and Collapse off which the Lotus speak means nothing to him. How can it? He have no memory of it. However, there's still this gnawing thoughts in the back of his head. Thoughts about family. He must have had one, but are they alive or dead? Had he met them? Had he walked past them when he'd met tenno from other clan's? Will he ever find them? Are they out there somewhere wondering the same thing?


For each new cryopod they manage to recover he hoped it would turn out to be a child of his. So far with no luck, but there's always hope, even though there's been so many disappointments.


"All looks good"


"uh?" Necros blinked as he was pulled from his thoughts and noticed he was face to face with one of their Trinities. 'Oh that's right, I'm at a health check' he just remembered.


"I said everything looks good, no sign of infestation due to that breach in your warframe. Your heart is well, brain scans looks normal and your prosthetics all work as they should" Trinity said while making some notes on a datapad.


Necros looked at his legs and then his left hand as he was sitting on the bench provided to him. They were all prosthetics. Not to mention his right eye which looked more like a metal ball with an built in laser-pointer stuck in a metalized socket. One young Mag had even called him "Mr creepy laser-eye" before she had noticed him standing right behind her and then gone silent right before escaping by rushing down the hallway. He lifted his only real hand to touch it, feeling around the edges where metal met flesh. There really wasn't much separating him from a Grineer now. Except that whole genetic decaying bit.


Necros gave a sigh. His body already was in this state when he was awakened. Whatever he did before it must have been really dangerous. Either that or he had been incredibly unlucky, or maybe lucky, depending on how you see things.


Trinity watched him for a while as he felt his prosthetic eye and then broke the silence between them "You know if that eye's bothering you so much I'm sure I can make you a new real looking one instead" She said as she reached out with her hand as if to touch it herself. But before she could, he grabbed her wrist to stop her.


"Don't" he said in a grumpy voice. It came out harsher than he intended and he received Trinitys' immediate response as she calmly as if nothing had happened said:


"There's no need for that tone, I'm only trying to be helpful"


Necros then looked up to take a good look at her. She was about his own age, standing tall and proud, giving a noble impression. She must have a lot of problems of her own and yet she always managed to keep up appearances with a calm and reassuring exterior. Which was a contradiction in itself since he has seen how ferocious she is in battle. Then again, she'd do anything to protect her fellow Tenno. Was she asking herself the same questions as he did?


He let go of her wrist and got up from the bench he'd been sitting at. He needed to go on a mission to get his mind off of things. Besides, the more enemies he killed the less the risk that other Tenno would die. Death would be swift to the ones seeking to destroy them, and ensure his peoples survival. It's time to get back to work.


"I won't take up any more of your time" He said to Trinity and walked towards the doors. As he was about to exit he could hear her say in a soft tone


"Be careful out there"

Edited by Lady_Viper
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With a lot of encouragement from my friends Panzer_the_Tank and Jowain92, I have finally decided to open a thread dedicated to my Warframe stories. Some of them are more serious and some are just silly and for fun or a combination of both.


So to make it perfectly clear, the things I submit here are fiction. Made up storied based on my interpretation of the lore and characters (and like I said, some stories will be sillier than others). So if you want to whine and/or argue about how things are not the way you think they should be and things like that, then take a hike or I will kick you where it hurts. 




Rock bottom and back up again

No memories

These are spectacular!  I like how you portray each Tenno as their own person.  In my mind, I find them all reserved and maybe a little bit colder than you portray them as, but since we son't really know, we just have to assume what we can.  


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These are spectacular!  I like how you portray each Tenno as their own person.  In my mind, I find them all reserved and maybe a little bit colder than you portray them as, but since we son't really know, we just have to assume what we can.  


Well thank you ^^ I think they are quite stoic and cold to the outside, that they have one behavior against others and another among themselves. But boy do I have a lot of new information to integrate since I wrote these. 

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Well thank you ^^ I think they are quite stoic and cold to the outside, that they have one behavior against others and another among themselves. But boy do I have a lot of new information to integrate since I wrote these. 

Well, good luck.  I think a little friendly competition is in order.  I bet you can't beat me on the "Hot" list over here in the fanworks! :P



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Well, good luck.  I think a little friendly competition is in order.  I bet you can't beat me on the "Hot" list over here in the fanworks! :P



Competition? *getting itchy fingers as the competitive little monster in me awakens* Oh no *slaps myself* It's a trap, don't walk into it.

 Never understood how that system works. And it seems that both of our topics are "hot"

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Competition? *getting itchy fingers as the competitive little monster in me awakens* Oh no *slaps myself* It's a trap, don't walk into it.

 Never understood how that system works. And it seems that both of our topics are "hot"

Sye. I think the closer it is to the top, the"hotter" it is, But idk. Great stories though.!
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The colours of vengeance 


It had all started as just rumours. Something someone had made up just to scare or explain the strange things that happened. But eventually they had to face facts, Tenno were being killed. That in itself wasn't strange, they all risked their lives every day and casualties were inevitable.


However, the strange thing about those deaths was that they didn't seem to be caused by either Corpus nor Grineer. Squads had reported strange flickering lights just before one on the team began receiving audio transmissions only that Tenno could hear. Then the killing started.


Stories about the stalker began spreading among the clans. He came out of nowhere, shrouded in shadows he harvested lives as though he was death incarnate, only to disappear into the shadows from which he came. Those were the stories.


Nyx had so far only seen him twice. Those times he had always came for someone else. But you never know. Tenno from their clan usually managed to stick together and fight him off. Alas, even though they had been luckier than other clans on that front they had not been without casualties. One of their Excalibur users had once been separated from the group. He had gone to chase after a Grineer who tried to escape.


The rest of them didn't think much about it, he had done that many times before and he had always called on them if he ran into trouble. That was when the lights flickered. They didn't mind it at first, so what if the lights flickered, they've been wrecking havoc on the place of course it would be acting up. Nyx remember thinking how weird it was that her entire HUD seemed to flicker with the lights. Then it happened again and that's when they got worried. This was soon followed by a frightened cry from Blade.


They ran as fast as they could, telling him to hold on, that they were on their way. The lights flickered again. By that time they could hear gunfire and Blade calling out to them to hurry. And all of a sudden it all went quiet. No gunfire and nothing on Blades comlink.


When they arrived at Blades' last known location and saw the bloody scene before them, Nyx had felt as if the world crumbled under her al while seeing a shadow disappearing from the corner of her eye. That heavy sickening feeling she had had in her gut when the lights flickered just intensified till the point when she wanted to throw up and cry.


Blade had been her brother's and hers training buddy ever since they first set foot in the Dojo. The laughter, the play fights, the slaps on the back, the discussions, the missions, all gone. His very presence eradicated. Why hadn't they reached him in time?


And then it was the rage burning within her. Every time Nyx thought about that memory she always got this mixed feeling between grief and rage. The fact that that Stalker used a warframe similar to that of an Excalibur didn't make things any better. But he will pay. Sooner or later, she and her brother would get him and they'd make him pay for all the lives he has ruined. What a wonderfully disturbing irony that they had painted their warframes in his colours just for that purpose.

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