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What Awaits Pc Users When Crossplay Is Up


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So I have a friend I introduce to warframe (enough thou he is o the ps4) and basic what he told me, PC players and PC players merging to the PS4 are going to be like a gift from god.

Why do I say this is because what alot of PS4 players are doing are:

1] PS4 players don't revive others and/or either waste all of or don't know how to revive; I'm thinking that PS4 players think that players can buy revives or they can stack up the 4 revives we get everyday. My friend had to kill Jackel alone cause his team die, took him a long while cause he is low rank in the game.


2] Defense Mission: All of them take is as Survival but camping in a spot without realizing that the squad is to protect the cyro pod or the orokin gen.

3] Mobile defense or missions with a payload: My friend is focused to grab the payload cause the others in his squad will run off to the target console but forget the payload.

4] Loki Users trolling:  Now We all know that Loki's Switch Teleport can be useful if theres team speak, but looks like PS4 players that use them will use the power without warning and spam the heck out of it just to save their skin but getting their team killed; For example if they are trap in a huge mob, they'll SwitchTeleport on a team and then run away letting them die. I never seen a PC user that  uses Loki do that, if they S.T., they only do it on enemies or if they tell a teammate through team speak.

5] Hacking a lockdown: they will trap team mates in a room full of enemies and will not unlock the doors to save them, the only time they will do it is if they hit a door that is blocking the way to extraction. 

Personal, I'm looking forward to the crossplay but if like 95% of PS4 that aren't former PC player are going to do things like that, then I say all PC user need to make as many friends on the PC  before merging

Edited by CrowRide
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The poor PS4 players just need guidance since the early game is incredibly unfriendly and the game comes with no real instructions (unless you count the tutorial's "press shoot button to shoot" as instuctions).


Our new Tenno friends need help, and we're the only ones up to the job.

Edited by HomeyCDawg
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The poor PS4 players just need guidance since the early game is incredibly unfriendly and the game comes with no real instructions (unless you count the tutorial's "press shoot button to shoot" as instuctions).


Our new Tenno friends need help, and we're the only ones up to the job.


My friends on PS4 been begging me to find out the crossplay date cause they want to play with someone that knows what they're doing. I still don't know if crosspaly will be either on the PS4 launch for the other places in the world or in the next month.

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Now you're all just being unfair. :v


Give 'em a chance


What actually awaits us is a whole bunch of new blood eager to play the game. And it is our job as the elder Tenno to teach them the way.


Complaining about that stuff just makes you look like an a**

I'm not complaining, I'm just saying what my friends have encountered on the PS4 and what alot of the PS4 players been doing. I know they need time to know the game, but I feel like it will take them a long long long while mainly cause they try to play the game like Call of Duty

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For the same reasons that sometimes I just want to play with friends, I want to be able to opt-in for PC only.

For me, I feel better having 2 friends with me in a match with one random, that way things will be done with no or lil fault. but in warframe's case. i had want  friends or  players from the pc or were pc players with a PS4 random. The thing is, the randoms my friends are in a group with, they don't talk to ask questions which is a shame cause theres no stupid questions in a game.

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