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Warframe Quiz App is coming, Tenno!


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We are happy to show you the alpha footage of our Warframe related game currently in development.

Check out the video below and feel free to visit our Facebook page for more info!



Some of you might remember our first programming project: we wanted to make a Warframe card game, sharing some initial artworks, but we later decided to try something different and, to be honest, (supposedly) easier, but little did we know that even a seemingly basic quiz game can get so tricky to program! 

We've spent over 7 months developing this game so far, and it could have been done ten times over by now, but we decided to make it more fun and sustainable, adding some features like energy, cards/collectibles, daily tasks, experiences, MR system and more to give you, the avid Warframe players, a reason to come back to it – either for the reward of playing a game made with love for all the Tenno, or to simply stay in contact with the system even though you can't play the game itself at the moment.

What you can see in this video is an alpha footage. The basic logic works fully now. We are planning on integrating the Energy system next.

As you can see, there will be collectibles – nothing complex really, just cards with Warframes (and factions later) you can acquire over time by completing quizzes, daily and weekly jobs and by logging in every day. These cards have not only collectible value, but also give you certain bonuses when equipped.

There is only one category of questions currently completed, because, believe it or not, it takes time to make up good questions (and make them fun) and there's only two of us right now *wink*. Our estimation is to continuously add up to several thousands of questions in regular updates over time. All of this, of course, depends on your reactions. The more people are interested in this, the more time we can dedicate to the Quiz's development. We have big plans, and we would love to welcome other Tenno in our project in the future if the overal interest is big enough. 

We are planning on adding many more features until the beta release, and we will share some dev sneak peaks on our Facebook page, so go check that out as to not miss anything.

And finally, a disclaimer: this is a fan project. Most of the graphics is an original work, but we are no artists, so we had to use some official artworks (for the cards, rating, credits etc.) at least until we onboard someone who would be interested in taking part in this. All external sources are given due credit in the Credits section of the menu. We make no money by this and we informed the DE about our project, receiving their approval.

We are excited to share more with you as we continue our development.

Thanks for reading and warching, Tenno!

P.S.: We'd be happy to hear your thoughts and suggestions.

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