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The Stalker Is Getting Out Of Hand


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I can understand your pain, you've got too accustomed to the fact that Warframe is a no-skill game.




Wow I totally disagree with you there WoW is a no-skill game but warframe? Warframe actually does require skill for players to get anywhere.


As stated in other stalker post and in other topics the stalker needs a AI overhaul and a reduction in health/armour - He should be more of a ninja able to counter your moves deflect shots as he blocks, not simply be immune to everything, If done right the Stalker should be able to be hit by abilities of warframes but it should require some good timing.

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Not that I haven't actually killed U11 Stalker... but it took ganking him from behind with a Brakk while he was gunning for someone else. ;)


I think he'd be more interesting if he played up the creepy-assassin-from-the-shadows side of things, and less of the brutal-combat-monster-avec-hax thing. :)

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I remember beating him the first time. I was using loki and boar. It was intense back then, since one second of visibility mean death. Right now though, I do not see the possibility of new player beating him as of U11. He has too much HP! He's supposed to have only damage. Not ridiculous bullet sponge like this. What's the point when you have to carry toptier gear everywhere you go, just to be prepared when he come? 

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He's meant to be some revenge-loving guy who is always so angry over getting a boss k

illed by the player.And he's meant to be lethal,and a powerful.Although I agree that the Stalker is over-buffed,I can say that it is a start for players to realise that they aren't the best the system.This makes the Stalker more spooky and threatening while telling you Tennos to become stronger.

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This makes the Stalker more spooky and threatening while telling you Tennos to become stronger.


that would be fine if getting 'stonger' made any difference. it currently doesn't. 4 player super geared squad has the same chances as a solo new player fresh out of mercury which is: zero.


as some have said before - instead of giving him ridiculous cheat moves, give him a loadout based on his target and improve his A.I. would be fine if he could dispel his target's moves, but why the whole party? he's not there for anyone but that frame so why does he just annihilate everyone? there are clear ways to have frame moves work on him without stunlocking or one shotting him. instead, he just seems to be a way to troll players into buying platinum revives since after you're done boss farming, you're pretty much guaranteed to be wasting them the first non-boss stage you do after (and sometimes multiple stages in a row whether you fought a boss or not).

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The current stalker is the first challenge I've had in this game and I enjoy how difficult he is. Here is a tip for you guys, use Rage+Quick Thinking. 

So my best bet to beating the stalker is to use a combination of mods that you know are gonna get nerfed due to balance reasons and also are mods I currently do not have? That's @(*()$ brilliant man! I never would have thought of that!


Oh wait, that's right, it's because I've got an acceptable level of intelligence.

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So my best bet to beating the stalker is to use a combination of mods that you know are gonna get nerfed due to balance reasons and also are mods I currently do not have? That's @(*()$ brilliant man! I never would have thought of that!


Oh wait, that's right, it's because I've got an acceptable level of intelligence.

I have no need for such cheap tactics, however I assume people will. 

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Yesterday we run into him, and while we didn't killed him, it wasn't that freaking scary. The lights started to flicker, but the actual attack came later, so I had the time to position myself and start to shoot him when arrived. The guy slashdashed a teammate, but wasn't killed him, and immediately kneeled and went away. We resurrected the downed, and gone. That's what the fuzz is about? Really? :) Maybe you guys neither should not watch Alien 2, for keeping you health and good sleep :)

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The current stalker is the first challenge I've had in this game and I enjoy how difficult he is. Here is a tip for you guys, use Rage+Quick Thinking. 


Not everyone has that combo or has it maxed out - personally I have 500+ hours played yet I have not seen a Quick Thinking mod drop, now I could trade for it I guess, thanks to the new trade system but one should not need a "God Mode" loop hole like that combo just to be able to fight him.


 The first and biggest reason why stalker was so easy before is his entry he is sitting down in a cloud of smoke that allowed the player(s) to use abilities and nuke him as soon as he moved making his entry more abrupt would of fixed that, if he talked to you the lights flickers and he bursts out of a ceiling panel or heck even through some glass firing his weapons at you that would make it harder to stand around a sitting duck and nuke. Improving his AI should be the main focus instead of increasing health/armour & damage and increasing immunities.


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I fought against the Stalker 3 times here in U11. 2 in The hunt for Alad V (i died in both) and 1 when i solo'd Terminus to try out the Rage+Quick Thinking combo. Lets just say, the third time, it was a lengthy fight among 2 immortal Tenno. A Volt and an unidentified warframe. In the end the Volt won. By using a really unfair build that should DEFINETLY be nerfed.


EDIT: Ever since i figured out that i could destroy the slayer of tenno with Rage+Quick Thinking, i stopped using them both on the same frame. Trust me. I think its an ''I Win'' mod combo on any other mission, BUT Rescue, Survival and Defense.

Edited by Skorpior
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Saw stalker again yesterday.  He doesn't announce who he is after anymore.  Lights flicker, whoosh, "your tenno powers ......", that's all the communication you get.  There is no more suspense.  It's boring.  I didn't see any enemies attack him either.  Not sure he's after anyone in particular.  Maybe he's the heart and soul of Warframe.  Maybe he's The Farmer, farming Tenno.  The Stalker is The Farmer.

Edited by ThePresident777
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Saw stalker again yesterday.  He doesn't announce who he is after anymore.  Lights flicker, whoosh, "your tenno powers ......", that's all the communication you get.  There is no more suspense.  It's boring.  I didn't see any enemies attack him either.  Not sure he's after anyone in particular.  Maybe he's the heart and soul of Warframe.  Maybe he's The Farmer, farming Tenno.  The Stalker is The Farmer.


Lolled to last words.


And everybody still *@##$ing about Stalker. I mean come on now he is a challenge. You all are frustrated only about mad skills of his.

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I don't mind the stalker being an immense offensive threat, but I really think his health should scale to the number of people in your party. A single player shouldn't be unloading multiple clips of their strongest weapon only for him at half health when he one shots them.


It should feel like a duel with a powerful Tenno, not the grim reaper himself coming for your revives.

Edited by lZerul
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Seeing as how I've only killed the stalker 3 times since the U11 Mega Steroids he's been given I can't kill him without using my Frost prime since his Dispel can't remove all your snowglobes at once. Like most people have said during this thread It's not that he's Overpowered he's Unfair.


I strongly feel like he's doing too much damage for anyones sake. Sure give him the ability to make this a traditional Gun and knife fight I like that idea just for christ sake make him not appear bend you over and have his way with you.


It's like an unarmed Adult being put up to fight with a Velociraptor. Sure you might scratch the thing maybe gouge it's eye out but in the end you're chow and finding yourself with a revive, you wallet and your dignity missing.

Edited by ThatShadyGuy
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The current Stalker really is threatening and scary... due to how overpowered he is.

C'mon, almost all the people here who say that he aint a big challenge are either using:
- Brakk
- Frost
- Rage + Quick Thinking (though I heard that it has been nerfed)

Safe to say, people use either broken weapons or an VERY particular skill (Frost globe) to kill him. Now he is near impossible without those. Possible yes, but mostly out of reach.

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