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Warframe Concept: Echnetum, Hacker/Recon Warframe and his signature Cephalon themed weapons


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Hi, I was supposed to make this concept like 6 weeks ago, but sadly life happened plus I wanted to have more time with Hacker warframe. I also saw that there are already multiple Hacker themed concepts out there, thus I wanted to make him more unique.


Echnetum (from technetium, the artificially produced element) is a Hacker, high-tech oriented support that offers unique bonuses in hacking for whole team, increase damage of teammates, scouts the area for enemies and valuables, sabotage enemy abilities and hides from sight. For the most part I think that this is something that would be easy to expect from Hacker-like frame.

Before I will mention the signature weapons I have decided on for Echnetum: Virtuo - the Cephalon-like transforming Rapier and Nuwar - Secondary Autoburst energy crossbow that 'infects enemies with malware'. Those two will be mentioned at the end and I hope that you will like both because I wanted to make both of them unique. I have decided on Rapier because it is pretty good finisher weapon and Echnetum is capable of opening enemies to them - also I wanted melee weapon that is underrepressented in game (was thinking on Sparring and Nikana too) and give it some build-in magnetic damage (as there are no melee with it build-in into normal attacks outside of two glaives in Slam attacks and Kogake in wall attack for some strange reason). Nuwar (name is a well known malware) is in similar place - there are only few crossbows in game and the only secondary are Ballisticas, crossbows are pretty silent weapons (working with stealth).


Health: 75 (225 at lvl 30)
Armor: 100 (300 at lvl 30)
Shields: 75 (225 at lvl 30)
Energy: 175 (262.5 at lvl 30) - 100 at spawn
Sprint Speed: 1.2



Passive - Echnetum and his teammates gain additional 8 seconds of Hacking time and while hacking they are clocked from enemy vision. Whenever Echnetum or his teammates succesfully hack, all allies in affinity range heal to full health (affects shields), gain 20% movement speed for 30 seconds and 100 energy over 30 seconds.


1st Ability - Magnetizing Split (25 energy) - Helminth Ability

Hold: Echnetum immediately deals magnetic damage to target (with forced magn proc), after 0,75 sec. struck enemy explodes (8m radius) dealing magnetic damage (forced magnetic and impact proc), opening hit enemies to finishers and recharging 20 shields for Echnetum and his allies in affinity range for every enemy struck (both from hit and explosion). Can't give overshields.

Click: Echnetum cloaks himself from enemy vision for 4 seconds and leaves Magnetic bubble under himself that explodes after 0,75 sec (works like hold explosion, does shield heal). When this Stealth exist it can be extended by 1 sec. for every enemy hit by magnetic explosions and by 2,5 sec. for every enemy killed by finisher.

When used as Helminth ability, only Hold cast exists.


2nd Ability - Cephalonic Shardlings (50 energy)

Echnetum launches Cephalonic Shardling - small shards of long lost Cephalons that forms hard-light drones. Shardlings fly near Echnetum and his allies in Affinity (2 for Echnetum and 1 for allied players, scales with Power Strength), they live for up to 15 seconds. Shardling attack enemies struck by their assigned player after 0,5 sec of dealing damage to them, dealing 30% of damage dealt as additional 4 hitscan hits (Impact/Puncture/Magnetic 30/40/30%, can't crit, 30% status chance). Additionally, Shardling regenerate 4 shield per sec for their Player, when player loose their shields, shardling will sarcifice itself after 0,5 sec. fully recharging shields.


3rd Ability - The Reconnaisance (75 energy)

Echnetum casts Recon Wave (that function similarly to Nova's Molecular Prime) that expands for 5 seconds (at base up to 100m). Wave cause stagger on enemies but don't allert them, increase damage done to them by 20%, highlight enemies and all deposits/containers through walls (containers with rare items/resources are highlighted in yellow, standard containers in white and enemies in red (alerted) or orange (unalerted), open Lockers and show drops on ground (grey ammo, other like containers). Recon's highlight lasts 15 seconds and applies for all enemies/drops etc. that will appear in the area (even when they were not hit by initial Wave).


4th Ability - EMP (100 energy)

Echnetum overcharges himself and releases after a moment big electromagnetic pulse that deals high Magnetic and Electricity damage with forced procs in 15m radius. Enemies struck by this abilities have their defences lowered by 50% (overguard is destroyed) and their abilities overtaken by Echnetum causing them to function as allied abilities (Nullifiers bubbles block enemy damage, Eximus's abilities affect enemies instead of players, Shield Ospreys heal players etc.). Enemies hit by this ability have an additional 15% chance to drop energy orb on death.
If The Reconnesaince is active, Echnetum can teleport himself to targeted visible through this ability or standard vision enemy.
If Cephalonic Shardlings is active, Echnetum can teleport himself to an ally with active Shardling.
Teleport does not have range, can be done globally.


Signature weapons:

Virtuo - Cephalon Rapier
Total damage: 160 (15% impact/35% puncture/20% slash/30% magnetic)
Range: 2,5m
Attack Speed: 1,17x
Crit Modif: 2,6x
Crit Chance: 12%
Status Chance: 32%
Unique effect: Heavy attack give Cyber Overcharge for 10 times Combo value seconds (up to 120 sec, need at least 2x combo). This buff causes +200% Slash, -40% Impact and Puncture, +20% of base Crit Chance, -20% additive Status chance and +1,5m range.

Stats with buff:
Total damage: 192 (7,5% impact/17,5% puncture/50% slash/25% magnetic)
Range: 4m
Attack Speed: 1,17x
Crit Modif: 2,6x
Crit Chance: 32%
Status Chance: 12% (but base value is still 32% which is affected by mods)

Signature Effect: Cyber Overcharge gives +50% heavy attack efficiency.


Nuwar - Energy Crossbow Secondary
Trigger: Autoburst
Fire rate: 5
Burst count: 3
Noice: Silent
Magazine size: 24
Reload time: 1,5 sec.
Damage: 60 (10% Impact/20% Punct/35% Slash & Magnetic)
Crit chance: 14%
Crit modif: 2x
Status chance: 25%
Unique effect: Enemies hit by Nuwar bolts are Malwared for 6 seconds. Malwared enemies take 10% of damage in form of True damage for every unique Status Effect active on them and deal 25% of this damage to nearby enemies in 6m radius.

Signature Effect: First bolt in burst forces additional slash proc (50% chance).


I hope you like this Warframe and his weapons, please tell what do you think and how to make this concept better!

Edit: Added Signature effects and Helminth.

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