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  1. Ymm, so we only get 6 nodes? No non-endless missions? No mirror defence nor Void Armageddon?
  2. D...did they removed Dante's beard?
  3. I will write this comment of both Reddit and Forums. Design wise it is really cool concept, really unique and I do think it could work in game really nicely. But I do think that this concept looks too non-Tenno. It's not the problem with the very unique looks which I actually think works pretty nicely, but with looking not like something from the game - it's too Deluxe-like looking and complitely lacks the very specific Tenno aesthetic visible in all existing Warframes. I fully understand that its hard to copy the art style of Keith Thompson, but this look kinda went too far away from the game - but overall core of this design can be adjusted to this, so it is not so big of a problem. I actually had hard time to understand how the kit was supposed to work and only understood after reading your description in the Forums. Because the gameplay of two entities is very specific, unique and core identity of this warframe. And it is complitely unclear and convoluted in how it is shown here (this is maybe why it seems there's more downvotes on this concept, plus I think there are like dozen of bots that downvote every post on reddit). It should be instantly stated in either passive or additional explanation of the kit before showcasing abilities. I do like how this warframe is supposed to be played, where you want to combine pretty wide kit with standard warframe and a supportive/utility drone-like character. Passive is kinda a problem as it allows for potential Afk abuse with staying as a Qichi and spamming 3rd skill to use Deno as a Wukong's Clone (and it is unlikely ever such an ability will ever be added on anybody else) - also I do not understand why Sentients are supposed to work with this warframe, because while I understand they supposed to not attack Qichi-Deno, but why do they immediately try to destroy Qichi when he's undocked? Yeah, lore is lore but there's no sentient-theme (for me at least) in either design or abilities. However I do think the combination of 1st, 2nd and 4th abilities really good core for this character.
  4. Here's my concept I posted some time ago: Echnetum, The Hacker Warframe with signature weapons And here are two concepts I found some longer time ago here: Shroud, The Puppeter Warframe Abaddon, The Demon Warframe
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