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(probably) Steflos Bug


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Hey, since the game crashed everytime I was able to send the bug-report via the Console itself I guess but I still wanted to mention the issue in the forums.

I don't know exactly what the cause of this bug is but seemingly it only happens when I use the Steflos.

just now, it was the third time that I was thrown out of the game via a crash just because I spammed the Steflos shot (and this also happens if I don't have any firerate buff whatsoever).

and the uncomfortable thing also is, that this apparently happens randomly. the times in which I got kicked out because of this happening was while I played survival 10-20 minutes. this makes it somewhat hard to level up the weapon at all because  (some of you might be familiar with this) all experience gets negated when you get kicked out of the game. you might get only 'rare ressources' like steel essence and rotation rewards via mail afterwards but if you leveled you weapon from 0 to 30 during the round, guess what, your weapon now is lvl 0 again and essentially the last 15-20 minutes you spent leveling the weapon up dissappeared now.

there are a lot of bugs like this that makes you lose all progress, I just wish that (to counter issues like this) the whole system that takes care of rewards would get a rework, like creating some form of 'checkpoints' that save your reward progress or something like this which would ALSO contain gained experience. the same 'loosing all of your progress' stuff also happens in some weird niche host-migration shenanigans after all (and to be fair, when this happened with host migration, I commonly also do not get any rewards afterwards whatsoever per mail, sometimes its literally just as if the whole session never happened).

oh and edit: it just happened again. I was doing the same (this time I even switched onto solo) - I did the same thing, meso survival void fissure. I took Citrine, Steflos, Nukor and Corufell (but I essentially only used Steflos because I am trying to level up the weapon) and I got, again, kicked out shortly after 10 minutes. it was even shortly before I decided to extract out of 'safety' to save my progress. because of this bug, I literally at this point wasted around an hour leveling up the weapon.


I hope I posted this in the right forum section! enjoy your weekend tennos

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