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Kahl Drifter Camp Captura Scene Glitch


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So I encountered this goofing around in Captura as Kahl for some fun wallpapers. I was changing from the Plains of Eidolon scene to move over to Drifter Camp scene to explore to come up with more wallpapers when I encountered this. As I loaded into the scene, instead of Kahl it was my Nidus that loaded in, but he was decked out in Kahl's gear. It was funny but hadn't seen anyone else stumble upon this bug so figured I'd report it. To add onto the bizarre bug, when you go to customize Kahl in the menu as if you were customizing your frame within Captura, Kahl wouldn't be visible in the customization section & when I exit the customization menu, Kahl spawned in armorless where he would be chilling in the camp. Very weird visual bug and slightly disappointed I can't take any pictures as my Kahl in the Drifter Camp.

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