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New melee Syam/Edun - base damage mods/Void Strike don't affect the heavy attack


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So I've been testing the new melee nikana Syam, while trying to figure out how to improve it's most appealing gimmick: it's heavy attack.

From what I've tested so far, oddly, mods that increase the base damage such as: Sacrificial Pressure/Pressure Point/Primed Pressure Point/Spoiled Strike don't increase the damage on the heavy attack in any possible way. So, my 2nd guess would be adding the mod called Killing Blow, that adds 120% melee damage for heavy attacks, but it doesn't work either.

In fact, if you put all these three types of mods(Pressure Point+Killing Blow+Spoiled Strike), the damage that you get from the wave is absolutely the same as if you weren't using any mods whatsoever, even though it's supposed to be ~4.5 times higher. As a test subject I was using a "Brood Mother" lvl 140, I left the simulacrum a few times in order to see if it's bugged due to simulacrum, but it's not.

So the only "physical" mod that affects the heavy attack wave is condition overload. On top of that, Void Strike ability from Madurai focus school didn't change the damage in any way, Phoenix Talons passive from the same Madurai focus school doesn't seem to affect the damage too.

Video 1 - Primed Pressure Point/Killing Blow/Spoiled strike not working on the wave from the heavy attack
Video 2 - Void Strike not working on the wave from the heavy attack
I hope this isn't intended otherwise it's pretty disappointing, at least it seems to be a bug.

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2 hours ago, Bostbuster said:


i did a full elemental build and it works better on heavy attacks, as a full heavy attack build. i agree, this is a bug.


Thanks for confirming this, in my case 90% heat along with 60% heat 60% status chance is doing a great job, you might test it if you want.

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On 5/6/2023 at 2:06 AM, [DE]Momaw said:

Sorry about that, missed the Syam. Fix coming soon to a hotfix near you

With the latest hotifx that just came out, it works now, except for the Phoenix Talons madurai passive, I assume this part shouldn't work because the innate damage on the heavy attack is heat?

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